Ch12: What It Means To Be A Slytherin

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It has only been a single night since I made my choice to be placed in Slytherin. Valentina, to the surprise of no one, chose to join me as well ending the debate over which house we'd enter. If I'd known just how much they'd blow things out of proportion, however, I might have chosen differently. We're sitting in the common room of Slytherin when a few students walk up to us. 

If I wasn't already aware that they meant no harm I'd have likely killed them in self-defence based on how evil they look. I mean, who in their right mind chose this sickening green as the colour of the lights down here? Then there is the marble stone which all but blasts the light back in your face...Ugh.

????: It is an honour to make your acquaintance, Heir of Slytherin. My family and I pledge our sup-

Valentina: They aren't talking to us, are they?

Me: Now, now, Valentina. We should at least hear what they have to say.

She folds her arms but doesn't respond so after some initial hesitation, the students resume their "oath" of fealty to me and my supposed cause. It is odd to hear them refer to me as anything other than who I am but it seems they've already made up their mind that I'm the true Dark Lord or something of that sort. Not that I have any particular interests in such but I won't say no to more subordinates.

????: If you desire-

????: Move aside! My lady...

This boy kneels before me and reaches for my hand. His own barely covers half the distance between us before it is rebuffed by a fuming Valentina. Still, he doesn't focus on her and despite the obvious meaning behind her actions, he continues pressing onward.

????: Kaleb Malfoy, at your service.

Malfoy? I've heard that name before. I believe the minister mentioned the name during the small bit of information I was able to get out of her about my family's last known descendant. 

Valentina: Aren't you a bit young-

Kaleb: Trust that my age doesn't hinder my abilities. I'm well-versed in all matters and my family is quite wealthy. With our backing-

Me: Sorry but we don't need your money.

Standing and enhancing my voice so that everyone else within the Common Room and by extension the Dormitory itself can hear me, I give my response.

Me: As much as your support is valued, I'll be choosing my own subordinates. I neither want nor have use for your lacklustre bank accounts. Neither is your family's political standing of any importance to me so forget it. The only person pledged to be mine and mine alone is Emilia Snyde so for the rest of you, buzz off!

Valentina: and if you continue being annoying little fleas then we'll have no choice but to permanently delete you from existence.

An awkward silence follows during which I question the move I'd just made and the follow-up presented by Valentina. Not sure how else to proceed, I begin making my way towards the girl's dormitory. The crowd parts to let us both through and when we finally make it into the dorm, we find the place empty save for one individual. 

Me: Emilia Snyde.

Emilia: Mistress...

She curtsies and as she does, I use the opportunity to look over her apparel. Her uniform isn't bad but it is clearly washed out meaning it's likely a hand-me-down. It's strange since her sister has perfectly new clothing. 

Me: Strip!

Emilia: What?

Me: Valentina, see that we're not disturbed.

Emilia: But-

Me: Strip!

She lowers her head and begins slowly removing bit by bit. First to go is her robe and as it falls to the ground, pooling around her feet, I notice that the clothing she's wearing under it is in a similar state of disrepair. 

Me: Keep stripping.

Emilia: I-

Raising an eyebrow seems to do the trick as she quickly takes off the next layer without much fuss. Now in her underwear, however, it becomes pretty clear that she's not being treated well. Cuts and bruises paint her body from collarbone to ankle. She's fidgeting around, clearly uncomfortable but I can't tell whether it's because of the cuts or because she's standing before me half naked.

Me: What happened?

Emilia: Please, it's not-

Me: If you just answer me directly this will be a lot easier, for both of us. 

Emilia: I...I cut mys-

Me: Don't lie to me. 

She falls to the ground in tears and for a split second, I am tempted to knock some sense into her but ultimately decide against it in favour of a much gentler approach.

Me: Was it your family?

Her body tenses at that but rather than storm off in anger or shout at her, I kneel down on the ground beside her before pulling her into an embrace. She sobs against my shoulder for some time during which I catch fragments of what she's saying and piece them together thus finding out that her family dislikes her and wants her gone. Only Merula, the girl I was ready to torture then kill, ever stood up for her and it was ultimately her speaking to their parents that prevented them from outright disowning or even killing Emilia. 

Me: I see. So that's why you were willing to give me anything to save her.

Emilia: Please don't tell her I told-

Me: Don't worry, I won't fuss over it. Now come.

She looks at me, puzzled, but when I stand she wastes no time in taking the hand I offer. Once she does and is back on her feet, I have her slip back into her school robes but leave the others behind.

Me: Val, we're ready to head out.

Emilia: Where are we going?

Me: Oh, just someplace.

Emilia: Please, don't go to my parents-

Me: I have no intention to get involved with your prior life so don't worry. However, given you are now my property I can't have you going around in this trash.

Emilia: Hey-

Me: Besides, I think you'll like where we're going.

Emilia: Wha-

Me: Take me to Gringotts!

Merula Snyde's POV:

Curse that girl! Who is she to turn down our families, my family's support? Then she has the audacity to claim my sister for herself as though she'd ever be worthy of my sister!


I'm going to give her a piece of my mind.

Me: You! Where did she go?

????: You mean Slytherin?

Ugh. Don't remind me. It's sickening enough that that hag is the daughter of the man who started this house. I don't need to be constantly reminded. Call her Sarea like every other sane-minded person you moron!

Me: Yes!

????: Uhhh. She went up to the girl's dorm-

Me: Emilia!

Rushing up to the dorms, I burst in just in time to see them blink out of existence and for a moment all I can do is stare, utterly dumbfounded. Did I just see correctly? Was it apparition magic that they used just now? That shouldn't be possible! We are in Hogwarts! You cannot! You simply cannot!

Me: Why...

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