Ch30: Tunnel Vision

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There's a thud as our bodies smack into what feels like concrete. I'm sure the protective charms I placed around us protected us from significant injury but the hit still hurts like hell. What's more, as the flare finally dies down, I find that we're in a location I find that we're back in the spot I met Erin. 

The other owls around us seem just as clueless as to why we're back here but when I turn to ask Erin about it, I find her unconscious. 

Me: Erin!

I rush over to her, shaking her vigorously but to no avail. She's completely unresponsive but after a few checks, I confirm she's still living and decide to let her rest for now.

Refocusing on the owls, I decide it couldn't hurt to try and converse with them. If successful, they'd prove quite useful in keeping us safe without me needing to tire myself out with the constant use of surveillance magic.

Me: Can I ask you guys for a favor?

They don't respond, as is to be expected. 

Me: Keep an eye on the forest and warn me if anyone or anything comes looking for us or is approaching our direction, okay?

They all take flight and I'm not sure whether they understood a word I said or are merely bored of watching me attempt to commune with them. Sighing, I decide to get some rest while I can. If nothing else, us being here should afford me that much.




????: I missed you too.

Wha-who's that?

????: Yes, she's been treating me well.

That voice, I know it.

????: She's not like the other witches.

Me: Erin?

Erin: You're finally awake!

Even as my eyes slowly adjust, I faintly make out her form as she wraps me in an embrace.

Me: You make it sound as though I was the one that got knocked unconscious.

Erin: Haha...well, you have been asleep for a little over a day so I as starting to get worried.

Me: I slept that long?

She nods in agreement before going off on how she almost flew out of the forest and straight to Hogwarts to inform them of my location and seek their help. Under the circumstances, I suppose I can't blame her. We are nearby after all and what's more, she's not completely aware of my circumstances. Still, it was foolish of me to act as though my centuries of rest would compensate for any neglect I showed such in this period. 

My body must have been really exhausted to have slept that soundly even under these circumstances. I have a feeling that if I'd been found while asleep, even my impending death wouldn't have awakened me. 

Me: I'm sorry.

Erin: Huh? What for?

Me: For causing you to worry due to my own negligence.

Erin: Huh? It's not a crime to sleep, you know?

Me: It is when you're on the run from those seeking to take your life.

Erin: I-

Me: I will be more careful in the future.

Erin: I said it's fine! Besides, I enjoyed looking after you for once.

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