Ch29: Ambushed

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It's night again, by the time we reach land. From my knowledge of the area, it shouldn't have taken us this long to cross over into Europe. It hasn't helped that since that kiss, Erin and I have fallen into an uneasy silence.

Me: Hey, where do you want to go?

Erin: I-I'm not sure.

Me: We could go to one of the major cities such as Paris or Berlin. It'd be a lot harder for them to attack us without drawing the attention of everyone. Alternately, we could stick to the countryside which should make it harder to track us but would give them the perfect grounds to stage a massive assault.

She remains silent so after some minutes, I begin tilting the broom downwards. 

Erin: I think we should try to contact the others.

Me: That'd be like lighting a beacon. 

Erin: What if I delivered it as an owl?

Me: I-

My mouth slams shut as I realise what she's saying.

Me: I would never do that to you.

Erin: I know. That's why I'm offering. Your mother seems nice and she was willing to accept me. I know she's worried sick not knowing if you're okay or not. At least-

Me: Mother is overdramatic. She knows I'm perfectly capable of protecting myself. Furthermore, Valentina is likely with her by now and she'd know if something happened to me.

Erin: I'm starting to see why that one-eyed man is stressed out every time he has to protect you.

We land some distance away from a nearby village. Erin gets off first, quickly taking to the skies with the excuse that she'll scout ahead. I watch her until she vanishes out of sight.

Me: I suppose I'll just walk towards the village all by myself then!

I shout after her, doubting whether she'll hear me but feeling pleased with myself nevertheless. While she isn't the one to respond, a voice cries out almost immediately in response.

????: By yourself? Let me-Girl! How did you get all the way out here? Don't you know it's dangerous?

I watch as the strange, dark-skinned, woman stands up from her work and begins walking towards me. I raise my hands instinctively. 

????: Hey now, I come in peace doll. Let me get a good look at you. Mhmm. If them boys had found you first they'd have eaten you right up!

Me: Wha-

????: MAISY! 

????: WHAT!



Me: Uhm, excuse me.

????: Yes, dear?

Me: Would you mind telling me where it is we've landed?

????: Landed? Are you saying you fell from the sky? Did you hit your head or something child?

Me: Are we in Europe?

????: Europe? HAHAHAHAHA! Now I know you're really messing with me.

Me: I'm being serious. We need to get to Europe-

????: Child, Europe is on the other side of the map. Can you swim?

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