Ch6: Continued Recovery

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The next few days go by in a blur. We receive various visits from the Ministry of Magic but they all seem rather content with simply leaving us in the care of Dumbledore. Even more, it turns out that Madam Pomfrey isn't all that bad. She's surprisingly caring and has taken great care to care for our every need though she does make it quite clear she won't spoil us as the minute we regain enough of our strength to move around on our own, she all but ushers us out of the room claiming that we need to go out and explore.

Me: But-

Pomfrey: Go on. Just remember to return in the evening and don't do anything rash!

Valentina: Thank you, madam. 

Valentina offers her a slight curtsy which seemingly delights her plenty but it doesn't prevent her from shooing us away. Laughing, we leave her behind, hand in hand as we make our way down the corridor. 

Me: So where would you like to go?

Valentina: I was about to ask you the same thing.

Our laughter fills the otherwise empty hallways as we continue walking around, searching for anything to interest us but it isn't long before we come across a rather unique sight. there before us, a grand opening lies with stairways moving about seemingly at random. There are also paintings on the walls, each moving about as if telling their own unique story. However, when we step out into the light, all their eyes turn to face us.

Valentina: What are you looking at?

Me: Shhh. Let them be.

She scowls at the pictures, some of whom hurriedly run away, but earns nothing but a look of mild curiosity from the rest. Ignoring them, I stand near the edge of the landing in an attempt to see which stairway leads where but after a few seconds frustration takes over.

Grabbing Valentina's hand, I jump from the landing, gradually slowing our fall down with the aid of magic until we gently touch down on the ground far below. Our landing startles a few students who all jump upon seeing us fall from above but we both ignore them as we make our way towards the now visible front door.

????: Who are they?

????: Are they new here?

????: Haven't you heard? They're supposedly the daughters of one of the school's founders.

????: I thought only the white-haired one was his child.

????: Wait, where did you hear this?

????: What do you mean? It's all anyone can talk about.

????: Shhh! They might hear us.

At that, Valentina giggles, barely stifling it with the back of her hand before flashing it off as nothing more than a dazzling display of beauty. When some of the nearby males' mouths hang wide open in response, it only earns even more laughter but despite it all, we don't stop until we're outside.

Me: Ahhh! I've missed this.

Valentina flinches as the sunlight hits her but when I glance her way, she sheepishly tries to hide her face. When I take a step towards her, she attempts to further the distance between us but before she can I grab ahold of her hand.

Me: What's wrong?

She doesn't immediately respond but before long I figure it out for myself from the continued paling of her skin. As I thought, it wasn't the sun that affected her. given her unique circumstances, it'd never cause her any harm which made the entire thing nothing but a mere coincidence and yet...

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