I'm not sick- Alex Karev x Reader

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Alex Karev x Reader  Alex Karev Imagines
Alex Karev Imagine

I stretched and reached up to put an end to my alarm clock's blaring which was telling me it was time to get up. I could feel that my nose was blocked, throat was sore, but sore in the way one knows is just from drainage, sinuses puffy and sore, head hot and slightly aching, and sore body aches here and there throughout my body. Two thoughts rushed through my mind, 1. I hate being sick and 2. I am so Thankful I decided not to stay over at my boyfriend Alex's last night. I walked to my medicine cabinet and retrieved the thermometer and proceeded to take my temperature, 100.6. Okay I could work with this- Just take a fever reducer before I head out to work and maintain a low profile, and hopefully be assigned to scut duty. Once I had eaten, showered, brushed my teeth and dressed for the day I gulped down two fever reducers and headed to Sloan-Grey Memorial Hospital where I, my boyfriend and friends all worked, fingers crossed that I wasn't on his rotation today. Upon arriving to the interns lounge and hanging up my coat in my locker I was greeted by my best friend Jo. "You look like trash- and that's coming from someone who used to live like that." She jokingly greeted me. "Ah are you always this pleasant in the mornings Jo?" I teased back. She and I both chuckled for a moment before she spoke up, "No but seriously you alright?" she asked for real this time. "Just a cold, I took what I needed to and I'm going to push through, thankfully I'm not on Alex's rotation, I'm on Dr. Hunt's with another intern which means hopefully I'll be put on scut and paperwork duty." I said knowing that was the more than likely outcome knowing Owen like I did he was practically my big brother and so I wasn't too worried. "However please don't mention my sickness to Alex, seeing as you're on his rotation today please? I'll owe you one?" I begged. "I promise I won't." Jo promised patting my shoulder. "Thanks. Now let's get to it." I smiled as we went our separate ways me to the ER and her to the peds floor. I rounded the corner and approached Owen. "Good Morning Dr. Hunt, looks like you, me and Edwards today." I greeted. "Morning Dr. Y/L/N you alright? you don't look or sound so good." Owen said eyeing me with a smidge of suspicion. "Just a cold, I took fever reducers before I left for work today and everything else I needed to." I replied. "Mmm-Hmm let's take your temperature." Owen said grabbing a temple thermometer from a nurse. I held still as he swiped it over my forehead and down my temple. "Ok 99.8 so, I'll put you on Scut and Paperwork duty if you promise me you'll let me give you a banana bag and tell me if you start getting worse. Does Dr. Karev know?" Owen issued his ultimatum. "So yes to the banana bag and telling you if I get worse, and no Dr. Karev doesn't know and I'd like to keep it that way until at least the end of the day please?" I begged. "figures because you wouldn't be here if he did, anyways suit yourself I've got no obligation to tell him yet, so come on let's get the iv started." Owen agreed walking me over to the intake desk and sitting me down so I could start paperwork while I finished the IV. Once he placed the IV and started my fluids he went off to do his other duties but not without telling me he was going to check up on me on and off today. After about an hour of filling out charts my IV was done so I removed it myself and decided to run some scut delivering specimens and results to and from the ER and Pathology, as well as helping where and when I could and avoiding Alex if he happened to be in either of those places. I was handing over blood for testing and grabbing some results that were ready for another patient when I heard a familiar voice and hands on my waist. "You must be busy I haven't been able to talk to you until now." My boyfriend said in a slightly hushed voice into my ear. I gulped and quickly glanced around for a not too obvious out. Luckily for me the lab tech handed me the results I was to take back. "Uh yep real busy and continue to be so good talk but I've got to go deliver these probably won't even have time for a sit down lunch." I rushed off hoping he didn't notice anything or feel my fever through my lab coat. I delivered the results to where they needed to go and sat back down at my side of the intake desk to continue with paperwork which was always piling up. Suddenly a hospital cafeteria to-go container of chicken noodle soup was slid into my view. "It's not the best soup in the world but you need to keep your strength up, plus Alex mentioned you said you were skipping lunch which I figured you would to avoid Alex." Jo smirked at me. "Thanks girl." I said. "Also if Alex does find out you're sick I don't want him to punish me for not telling him so I know nothing and I didn't speak to you this morning FYI, 'oh she's sick, poor girl I hadn't the faintest clue.'" she overdramtically pretended Alex was asking, cracking us both up. "Anyways don't over do it or anything love you bye." Jo finished. "Love you too and I get the message. And thanks again for the soup." I replied with a wave. I drank my soup and went about doing more scut runs when it was about 1:45 when I felt a wave of fatigue and felt warmer. I sat down at the desk took some breaths and started trying to do more paperwork. Like he had a friggin' sixth sense or something Owen came over to check on me. "You holding up okay?" He asked with his brow raised. "Good as Gold, just working on paperwork." I replied trying not to show that I had in fact started to feel a little worse. "Mmm hmm." He replied skeptically walking away with a chart but not before turning back around narrowing his eyes and doing the 'I've got my eyes on you' motion. To which I rolled my eyes, and shook my head getting back to charting. After another hour or so the charts were swimming in front of my eyes, I was shaking, body aching and on the verge of falling asleep. My eyes kept closing of their own accord and my head kept dipping as I continued struggling to focus on my work. But because of how caught up I was in trying to push through, I didn't notice Owen noticing that I kept nodding off and shaking, and pulling aside a nurse and whispering something to her. What Owen had instructed the nurse to do was to page Karev for a 'consult' on a 'child', when really that child was me because apparently I was acting childish by not admitting I was sick. My head sluggishly snapped up when I heard Alex's voice. "What's up Dr. Hunt you need a consult?" Alex asked Hunt. "Uh yeah the patient is a 26 year old female resident, stubborn, with a bad head cold, I gave her a banana bag this morning, but it's affect has since worn off, she's sitting at the intake desk close to passing out while attempting to do paperwork. I recommend sending her home, fluids and lots of rest." Owen said in a semi-joking manner pointing to me as I sheepishly tried to hide behind a stack of charts. "Oh really let me check her over and I'll get back to you, thanks for the page. " came Alex's reply. I listened with my head down as his steps approached me. "Y/n babe, why didn't you tell me you were sick?" Alex asked gently placing a kiss on top of my head and rubbing my back. "Because I'm not." I said stubbornly my voice going full nasal. "Your voice and shaking body says otherwise, and if this thermometer in my pocket says you have a fever my official recommendation will be exactly what Dr.Hunt recommended but also cuddles from your loving and caring boyfriend." He said pulling out his thermometer and swiping it over my forehead and down my temple. "101.2 you've got a fever, sweet girl so doctors orders I'm going to go upstairs and tell Arizona I'm taking you home and telling my intern to report to her, you're going to tell hunt he's right and that you're leaving and also taking tomorrow off then, we'll change clothes and head home." Alex explained. "But I'm-" he cut me off, "No, ifs, ands or buts doctor's orders missy." He said. "Fine." I relented knowing he was right. As he hurried off to tell Arizona I made my way over to Owen. "My boyfriend is taking me home and is going to make me rest for the rest of today and tomorrow." I said. Owen smiled and placed a hand on my shoulder," Excellent rest up and get plenty of fluids." I nodded "Aye- aye captain." I joked. Owen chuckled and rolled his eyes giving me a light shove towards the locker room. I walked in, opened my locker got my scrub top off but got dizzy and had to sit down before I could even try to take off my pants. I bent over placing my head between my knees and taking a few deep breaths. I felt a warm hand on my back and Alex's concerned voice floated to my ears, "You alright?" He asked gently. "I just got dizzy." I said tiredly and hoarsely. "Here let me help you." Alex said stepping in front of me to tug my pants off. He grabbed my regular shirt out of my locker and held it up slightly, "Arms up please." He commanded gently pulling on my shirt once I did. "Ok now to get your sweats on I'm going to need you to hang on to my shoulders and I'll help you stand okay." He asked looking at me sweetly. I just nodded now too tired to speak. He gently pulled up my pants and then turned and grabbed my purse and coat before shutting and locking my locker. "Here's your coat and we're good to go." Alex said softly sliding my coat on me. "Thanks." I whispered lowly trying to grab my purse off him. "Uh no, I've got it." He said playfully scoffing then wrapping his arm around me leading me out the door to his car. "You can get your car when you come back to work alright?" Alex asked after getting in his side of the car. "Sure." I agreed. He backed out of the parking spot and pulled out of the lot, after about two blocks he asks me "Your place or mine?" After he doesn't get a response he quickly glances at me to see I've completely fallen asleep. "Mine it is then, sleeping beauty." He chuckled quietly to himself. Once he pulled into the driveway and parked his car, he got out and came around my side. Opening my door he reached in and unbuckled me picking me up bridal style, using his hip to shut the door behind him. After successfully unlocking the front door and getting me inside I stir a bit. "Mmm? Alex?" I sleepily whisper. "Yeah it's just me babe, you fell asleep in the car, so I brought you here to my place and I was just going to put you in bed." He explains. "Hmm okay you're the doctor." I responded somewhat feverishly delirious. "You're adorable." He says placing me down on the bed and pulling up the covers. He goes to walk away so he can shed his clothes and get in on his side, when my feverish brain thinks he's just leaving me, I grab his wrist, " No don't leave me, please stay?" I whine. "Of course I'm gonna stay I'm just changing, gonna take a real quick shower and then I'm getting in on my side babe." He reassures me smoothing some of my sweaty hair off my forehead. "Ok don't take too long." I said letting go of his wrist. He hurries to discard of his clothes haphazardly on the floor, but not in the walk way so neither of us trip over them and takes an almost inhumanly fast shower before returning and climbing into his side of the bed. I curl up to his side as he kisses my forehead and wraps me in his arms. "Thanks for taking care of me." I say softly. "Of course you and me remember? I take care of you when you need me and you take care of me when I need you, always." he replies. "I love you." I whisper beginning to drift off. "I love you too, now get some rest I'll be here when you wake up." He says kissing my forehead again and lightly rubbing my arm and closing his eyes to get some rest himself.

Alex Karev x Reader fluff
Alex Karev x Reader you're sick
Alex Karev x Reader he takes care of you
Alex Karev x Reader he's worried about you
Alex Karev x Reader comfort
Alex Karev Fluff

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