Right here with you ( JJ Maybank x Reader )

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I tossed and I turned and I tossed and I turned, but I just couldn't fall asleep. Whether it was the endless torrent of thoughts whirling around in my mind, the sweaty stickiness of the humid summer night, or something else I hadn't thought of. Either way I relented to the fact that it seemed that unlike my sweet, caring, and loving boyfriend peacefully fast asleep beside me I wasn't going to be getting any tonight. I rolled over and grabbed my phone off the nightstand and kept my body turned to block the light so it doesn't wake JJ. Noting the time being 2 am I quietly slipped out of bed and crept into the kitchen of the chateau grabbing a glass and filling it with water, then bringing it to my lips for a sip. I took heed of the sound of snores from behind John B's closed door, and the sight of Pope sprawled on the pull out. I silently sipped on my water with no intentions of doing anything else when a low whimper pierced the silence. I perked up listening to see if it came again and it did. I followed the sounds of distress back to JJ and I's shared room, coming from my blond lover. His face was contorted in fear, his body writhng back and forth tangling in the sheets and blanket, his mind still asleep, trapped in the throws of a nightmare, cries and whimpers still falling from his lips getting louder and more frantic. I crawled up onto the bed and gathered him into my arms, gently soothing him, quietly coaxing him to wake lest he wake the rest of the house. "JJ, Hey Sweet boy, wake up, come back to me... you're okay sweetheart, you're here with me, c'mon wake up, let me see those beautiful eyes.... please JJ." I whispered sweet nothings, my heart breaking for the boy in my arms. Finally with a few more loving words he shot awake a shout escaping his throat. "Y/n?! Y/N?! Y/N?!?!?!" he called panting heavily, hyperventilating, head swiveling to find me, eyes wide, arms flailing in shock. It wasn't until I gently grabbed his chin leading his eyes to mine, soothingly cupping his cheek, did his panic relent. With a relived gasp he threw his arms around me pulling me to his chest, holding me as tight as humanly possible, as if he was afraid I'd disappear if he let go. My arms came up and wrapped around him in reassurance. "M' here my sweet boy, m' right here with you." I cajoled rubbing my hands up and down his back. With my head pressed to his chest I placed a few kisses to it and I could hear his rapidly pounding heart. After a moment or so in this position I made to adjust to pull him to my chest so I could comfort him more, but he quickly tightened his arms around me afraid I was leaving. "Don't go, No, Stay, Please." He quickly but quietly begged voice hoarse and barely above a whisper. "I wasn't going anywhere love, I was just going to pull you to my chest, so I was holding you sweet boy." I informed and assured as he cautiously let go, and let me readjust. I pulled him over me completely resting his head on my chest in the crook of my neck, I placed kiss after reassuring kiss to the top of his head finally just resting my lips upon his forehead, one hand running soothingly up and down his back, the other comfortingly petting his hair. My heart broke more when he hugged me tight, as small sniffles and sobs sounded from him, I could feel him shaking, feel the tears wetting my neck. "Oh my JJ my sweet sweet boy... I love you, you know that?... I love you so much, and I'm here, I'm right here with you and m' not going anywhere... JJ my love, my sweet, kind, brave, caring, smart, clever, strong, beautiful lover, you are loved... you are important...you are wanted... you are cherished... you are amazing... you are wonderful... You are needed... by our friends, and most importantly by me, my JJ, My heart, I love you... I love you... I love you...."I trailed off, placing kisses between each phrase. Figuring the sort of thoughts running through his head right now. I continued my words and actions, not stopping even when his sobs died down to sniffles. "I-I- I lo-o-ve yo-ou to-o, b-b-ba-by." He hiccuped. "Thank you sweet boy." I hummed. As he lay there his shaking subsiding and his racing heart slowly returning to normal. I softly asked "Do you want to talk about it love?" I left it up to him, I wasn't going to poke and prod if he didn't want me to. His embrace on me tightened momentarily as he took in a deep breath then let it out in a shaky exhale. "N-not really, just wanna' lay here like this, you holdin' me an me holdin' you." He softly responded. "Okay if that's what you want then that's what we'll do." I kissed his head again. "S-Sorry I woke you." He whispered. "You did no such thing I was already awake... couldn't sleep. s'nothin for you to be sorry for either way though, you can always wake me up when you need or want me." I soothed. "Thank you... for everything... I love you." He replied. "I love you too, so so much sweet boy." I assured. We sat in silence for a beat, nothing but the sounds of our breathing punctuating the air, when a song popped into my head, Monsters by Katie Sky. I took a breath and gently began to sing; "I see your monsters I see your pain, Tell me your problems I'll chase them away, I'll be your lighthouse I'll make it okay, When I see your monsters, I'll stand there so brave, And chase them all away...In the dark we we We stand apart we we, Never see that the things that we need are staring right at us, You just want to hide hide hide, Hide never show your smile smile, stand alone when you need someone it's the hardest thing of all, all That you see are the bad bad Bad memories take your time and you'll find me..." I paused to take a bit of a breather and to gauge his reaction. I had felt him stiffen a touch at first unsure and surprised, then he relaxed, I could feel his breathing begining to even out. I let out an airy adoring chuckle through my nose then continued all the while still rubbing up and down his back and running my other hand through his hair;" I see your monsters, I see your pain, Tell me your problems, I'll chase them away, I'll be your lighthouse I'll make it okay, When I see your monsters I'll stand there so brave, And chase them all away...I could see the sky sky sky, beautiful tonight night night, When you breathe why can't you see the clouds are in your head, I would stay there there there, There's no need to fear fear fear, And when you need to talk it out with someone you can trust, What you see are the bad bad bad, memories take your time and you'll find me..." I was flummoxed momentarily by the squeak of a floor board half way through the second verse. I glanced to the doorway to find concerned brown orbs looking back at me, glancing from JJ to me, Concern etched on John B's face. Wordlessly he ever so slightly raised his eyebrow and tilted his head toward JJ silently asking if he was okay as not to interupt the song. Without missing a beat and still singing I gave the faintest nod, enough that he could see it but not enough that it would disturb JJ. John B then glanced at the floor then back at me in a silent ask if he could sit on the floor and hear the rest of the song. Another faint nod, My eyes followed John B's movements as he soundlessly lowered himself to the floor resting his chin in his hand. I just kept on singing;"I see your monsters I see your pain, Tell me your problems I'll chase them away, I'll be your lighthouse I'll make it okay, When I see your monsters I'll stand there so brave, And chase them all away...I'll chase them all away... You've got the chance to see the light, even in the darkest night... And I'll be here like you were for me... so just let me in..." I glanced over at Jb again as he was bobbing his head along to the cadence. I gave him a small smile and entered into the final chorus;" Cause I see your monsters, I see your pain, Tell me your problems I'll chase them away, I'll be your lighthouse I'll make it okay, When I see your monsters I'll stand there so brave... And chase them all away...I see your monsters, I see your pain, Tell me your problems I'll chase them away, I'll be your lighthouse I'll make it okay, When I see your monsters I'll stand there so brave... And chase them all away, I'll chase them all away..." I finished softly hearing small snores emanating from the boy on my chest. "I promise sweet boy I'll always be right here with you, and I'll always chase all your monsters away, just like you are and you do for me. I love you." I whispered soft and sweet to the boy who has my whole heart though I know he's back in dreamland and probably didn't even hear the words. John B stepped forward and gently and carefully pulled the blanket back up and over us. "You're so good for him, - to him, he's lucky to have you... he needs you." John B admitted quietly looking down at us. Tears welled in my eyes as I thought over what he said. "No John B. I'm lucky to have him, really and truly... I need him, He's- he's it for me ya know... I just... I love him, I love him so much, a-an it h-hurts, to - to see him like this, b-b-ut I'll a-always be right here for him, j-just like he is for me... he h-he deserves so much, an- an he defintely d-d-doesn't deserve a-all that h-he goes t-through." I sniffled taking a breath to pull myself together so I don't dissolve into a full on crying mess. "It helps to know he's got you, that's for sure." John B nodded, his eyes slightly misty too. "It helps to know he's got all of us... and I want you to know he's lucky to have you too JB." I nodded in agreement placing a kiss upon the sleeping boy's head. "Well I just wanted to make sure he was okay, and I can see he's more than okay now and in great hands, so I'll leave you to get some sleep too, nice song by the way... night." He whispered slowly retreating from the room. "Night JB, thanks for checking on him, glad to know he's got people in his corner." I gave a soft half smile. He gave a half smile back and a slight wave, pulling the door behind him so it was practically shut but not actually. I suddenly finally felt tiredness wash over me. 'Hmm maybe that's why I couldn't sleep perhaps I could sense JJ needed me.' I thought to myself. "G'night lover, sleep well, I'm right here with you... and I'm not going anywhere." I promised him giving him one last kiss upon his head, my eyes finally fluttering shut, as my mind and body drifted off to sleep still holding the one I love.
JJ Maybank x Reader 
JJ Maybank Imagines
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JJ Maybank x Reader fluff
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JJ Maybank x Reader He takes care of you
JJ Maybank x Reader Comfort
JJ Maybank fluff
JJ Maybank x Reader
JJ Maybank x Pogue Reader
JJ Maybank x reader you're upset
JJ Maybank x Reader you cry
JJ Maybank x reader you're overwhelmed
JJ Maybank x reader you take care of him
JJ Maybank x reader he has a nightmare
JJ Maybank x reader you comfort him

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