The Right Time ( John B Routledge x Reader )

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I've known John B since we were 2 and my parents moved us to a house across the street from him. We'd spent all our free time together and countless summers. We're sixteen now, we finally started dating when we were fifteen. But three years ago when Jb and I were 13, two years before Big John's disappearance I had come over and knocked on his door to hang with JB though they'd both told me countless times I could just come right in, I was raised to mind my manners so I always knocked. "Hello Cricket, Bird's in the hammock in the backyard, but before you two go running off doing whatever it is you two get up to... can I talk to you for a moment?" Big John answered the door calling me by the nickname he bestowed upon me, you see I was relatively quiet compared to JB and I's other friends and so that's why my nickname was cricket. "Sure, Did I do something? Did JB?" I asked curious. "Nah y'all didn't do nothing, you see cricket, you're important to JB, he would do anything for you, would you do anything for him?" Big John asked. "Absolutely." I nodded. "Good that's good, Uh seeing as he doesn't have anybody but us, If- and I know this is a lot to ask of a 13 year old but, If something were to happen to me you'd help him, try to keep him out of trouble?" he asked you see Big John could tell as only parents can that JB and I would end up together. I nodded again. "Then I want you to hang on to this." Big John handed me an envelope. "What is it?" I ask curious. "Nothing too special... uh a safety net so to speak, I'm sure you'll know what to do, if it's needed... it'll, it'll help give some answers if you ever need any from me and I'm not here to give you guys any. Make sense?" he asked. "I guess." I shrugged. "You'll understand one day." He chuckled lightly. "Oh so it's one of those grown up things, that you only understand once you're older?" I asked. "Uh.. sort of, now run back to your house and put that somewhere safe, where only you know where it is, your parents won't care. Oh and don't mention this to JB okay?" Big John instructed. "Okay... then I can hang out with John B?" I asked. "Then you can hang out with bird." he nodded. "Be right back." I turned and ran back across the street, through the house and up the stairs to my room. I paused in the middle of my bedroom trying to figure out a good place for it, I finally decided upon my sock drawer, I buried it under all my socks, knowing that I had so many pairs it would always be covered up. Then ran back across the street to my best friend. Flash forward back to present time Big John disappeared, we had found the compass, started the search, had to give the compass over to the police, leaving us with no clue what to do next. Kie and I sat next to each other on the couch on the front porch, leaving JJ, Pope and JB with the chairs, which JB abandoned his in favor of pacing back and forth while we spit balled ideas. "What about the other compass.. Big John had 2 of them." I piped up. "Yeah but that one was lost years ago." Jb shrugged. "Plus judging by the fact we were chased by square groupers and Peterkin knew about it that was the one they were after." Pope pointed out. "Facts." JJ agreed. "He has a point." Kie said too. John B groaned and roughly pulled at his hair. "We're missing something... something, I just don't know what." I stood up and walked three steps over to him closing the gap between us and engulfed him in my arms. "Don't fret we've got this, we'll figure it out, we're the Pogues, we always figure shit out." I comforted running my hand up and down his back soothingly. He hugged me back in an even tighter embrace. "Yeah, you're right. I just wish he was here even just to give us some answers." JB sighed plopping down where I was sitting then pulling me down on top of him. His words rang through my mind something wedging loose but not free quite yet. "Wait say that again?" I ask my brows furrowing. "What that you're right?" JB asked, the others snorting. "No no that last part." I urged. "That I wish he could give us some answers?" John B repeated. The memory was finally unlocked I flashed back to the day Big John gave me that envelope when I was 13. "It'll give some answ- THAT'S IT, JOHN B THAT'S IT!" I leapt up. "What? what is?" Pope asked. "Don't keep us in suspense" JJ piped up. "I'm lost." JB said putting a hand on my shoulder. "Hang on you guys wait right here, I have to grab something from my room be right back." I kissed Jb's cheek and leapt off the porch and sprinting down the driveway, tripping on the gravel but jumping right back up. "I'M GOOD." I yelled over my shoulder. "JESUS BE CAREFUL!" Jb yelled. I ran through my house, up the stairs and ripped open my sock drawer, throwing handfuls of socks over my shoulder. "c'mon I know you're in here... where are you... AH HA!" I yelled victorious grabbing the envelope and sprinting back to the awaiting group. "I FOUND IT!" I yelled laughing clamoring back onto the porch of the chateau. "Found what? the marbles you clearly lost?" JJ joked. "No-- you dunderhead, John B, three years ago when I was 13 one day when I came over that summer to hang, Big John stopped me, asked to talk to me, gave me this envelope and said it would provide some answers if we ever needed them and he wasn't here to give them to us. Said I would know when the time was right, if we ever needed it... I guess now's the right time." I huffed still slightly out of breath and holding it out to him. JB reached for it then paused, "No he gave it to you, you open it." he rushed. "He's your dad and he said it was for both of us, you open it." I shook it towards him. "No I-" Jb was cut off by JJ, "I swear to god if one of you doesn't open it in the next 15 seconds I'll do it myself." I rolled my eyes. Jb finally took the envelope and pulled me to stand next to him. Finally and carefully he opened it and slid the contents into his open hand. A key and a folded up piece of paper fell out. He wrapped the key in his fist as  we unfolded the paper reveling a hand drawn map. "Ooh a map." Kie said. "What do you think it goes too?" Pope inquired. "Probably whatever the key opens." I said. JB nodded. "Well then why are we all still standing here... let's follow the map!" JJ yelled excitedly running to the Twinkie. I look at John B as he stares back at me, him silently asking. "I'm in if you're in." I smiled. "Let's do this." A smile spread across Jb's lips as he pressed a kiss to mine then yelling, "Y/N GETS SHOTGUN!" I laughed and shook my head. The other two boys groaned but climbed in the back. JB handed me the map then got in the driver's side. "Okay so it looks like... it is it's a map of the woods behind the Redfield lighthouse." I concluded. "To the lighthouse!" Kie cheered. We quickly drove to the lighthouse parking and trying to make our way to the woods behind it as inconspicuously as possible, but I doubted we were as inconspicuous as we'd hoped because JJ was carrying a shovel but what can you do. We followed the map checking off the 'landmarks' as we went, a banana shaped rock, a muck pit, walked over a drain gulch balancing across a fallen tree, over some more rocks and finally up a hill, to an oak tree that was one oak tree but looked like two stuck together. "Here, it should be here." JB surmised pointing to the base of the tree. "JJ you brought the shovel.. you're up." I said making a digging motion. "C'mon I carried it all the way here." He groaned. "Fine you big baby, I'll start Pope you take over when I get tired." Kie instructed tying her hair up and grabbing the shovel from JJ. But as it turned out Big John buried whatever it was pretty deep, Kie digging a forth, then Pope, then JB, then finally as I was taking my turn I was just approaching my forth when the shovel hit something with a thunk. "Uh guys I got something!" I hollered using my hands to brush away the remaining dirt. "Little help please!" I reached my hand up. "I gotcha babe." JB said helping me out of the hole as I clung to a mediumish sized box. "You good y/n?" Kie checked in with me helping me brush off some of the dirt. "Yep, Jb got the key?" I asked holding the box with the front facing him. "Yep." He took a breath sliding the key out of his pocket and into the lock. We all waited with baited breath as John B reached inside. He pulled out the other compass we'd mentioned earlier and a state of North Carolina map. "all that for another map and compass?" JJ asked. Pope smacked him upside the head. I turned to him and snapped the box shut, "Just for that and because you didn't help dig you can fill in the hole JJ." I smirked. Kie, John B and Pope nodding in agreement. "Fine." he rolled his eyes but got to it. "So what's special about this compass JB?" I asked as he was examining it. "Well the only thing that I can think of is this one has a compartment in the back where soldiers used to hide secrets." He said prying it open. "There's something carved in it." Pope pointed out. "Redfield, it says Redfield." Kie read. "Does that mean anything to you JB?" I asked yawning as it was nearing nightfall and we'd been going at this all day. "I'll have to think." He answered an eyebrow raising at my yawn. "Hole's filled, I'm starved can we go get food?" JJ asked. "Yeah I'm hungry too." Pope agreed nodding. "Me three!" Kie laughed. "Me fourth, I'm also exhausted, yep hungry and exhausted, I would like food and cuddles." I proclaimed. "And me makes five, let's go eat and think." JB agreed. We all made our way back to the Twinkie, JB wrapping an arm over my shoulders. "I also want to cuddle, more specifically I want to cuddle with you baby... I also want to say thank you." JB whispered so only I could hear him. "Thank me for what?" I asked genuinely confused. "For not giving up, for being here for me, for being my girl, for being you." He replied kissing the side of my head. "Aww JB you don't have to thank me for that, I'll always be here for you, cheering you on, and I'll always be your girl or at least for as long as you'll have me." I said sheepishly. "Mmm forever, I'll have your forever." JB smiled and we kissed. "I love you John B." I said. "I love you too y/n." Jb replied. We finally made it back to the Twinkie and we all piled in Pope riding shot gun this time. "The wreck?" Jb asked the group but looked at me through the rearview. "Kie?" I asked turning my head towards her. "Yeah ok." She laughed. " To the wreck!" JJ proclaimed. We ate a dinner of leftovers and I had enough for two entrees to split with everyone. Then we all went back to the Chateau, Pope and JJ on the pull out, Kie in the spare bedroom, and JB and I in his room, where we cuddle up whispering sweet nothings to each other and drifting off into dreamland, planning to continue the hunt tomorrow.
John B Routledge x Reader
John B Routledge Imagines
John B Routledge Imagine
John B Routledge x Reader you get hurt
John B Routledge x Reader you get sick
John B Routledge x Reader fluff
John B Routledge x Reader he's worried about you
John B Routledge x Reader He takes care of you
John B Routledge x Reader Comfort
John B Routledge fluff
John B Routledge x Reader
John B Routledge x Pogue Reader
John B Routledge x reader you're upset
John B Routledge x Reader you cry
John B Routledge x reader you're overwhelmed
John B Routledge x Bad day
John B Routledge x reader you have a bad day
John B Routledge x reader you have a nightmare

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