A much needed surprise ( Rafe Cameron x Reader )

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2 months... a whole eight weeks, an entire 56 days, have passed since I've last seen my boyfriend in person. Rafe's only 2 months into a family summer vacation that his father dragged them on, the plan being the entire Cameron clan was to be spending all but the last week of summer in the Caribbean. The first half was actually a business trip for Rafe and his father, but now after having had to spend an entire 2 months and straight with no one but his family or business clients, Rafe has been understandably on edge. I miss him so much it hurts, I'm sure he misses me just as much. Thanking my lucky stars that Sarah has so graciously been keeping subtle tabs on him for me, she's now given me some of the greatest news ever, now that they've had family and bonding time, neither of their parents would care if I showed up and joined them for the last few weeks. "In fact it would probably be a much needed reprieve for everyone." Sarah giggles at me over the phone. "I'm sure but I'm going to have a little fun with this, don't tell Rafe I'm coming, let's surprise him!" I gushed mentally awing at the idea. "OMG that would be so cute, yes let's!" Sarah squealed in agreement. So after an hour of planning with her, a few phone calls to set my flight plan and get clearance and all the necessary paperwork and such I decided I'd surprise Sarah as well. I'm going to bring John B. with me for her. After driving to the hanger at the private airport making sure my two person plane, Maverick, that my dad gifted me when I turned sixteen and completed my student pilot license and program, was fueled and had no noticeable problems. I drove to the Chateau to see if John B. actually wanted to come. I parked in his driveway and knocked on the door. After a few moments the door swung open and John B greeted me with a wide smile. "Y/n! what's up! Come in, come in!" Jb ushered after giving me a hug. "Hey John B. I've got an idea I'd like to run by you." I say with a mischievous smirk. "What are you up to now?" JB playfully teased offering me some water which I happily took. "So something you may not know about me is as of 7 and half months ago when I turned sixteen, I am a licensed student pilot, able to fly solo, and was gifted my own 2 person plane." I paused for dramatic effect. "As you're well aware we have a mutual problem both our significant others have been whisked away to a tropical island for pretty much the whole summer." I raised an eyebrow at him. "Sadly, but I don't see what you're getting at?" He asked confused. "How do you feel about the Caribbean... St. Lucia specifically?" I smiled widely at him as his confused expression grew into one of excitement. "When do we leave??" He asked. "Can you be ready to go tomorrow? Sarah and I are planning to surprise Rafe, but I'm planning a double surprise and bringing you with me, as a thank you for Sarah for her helping me keep up with Rafe and also letting me know when it would be cool to come." I explained and asked. "YES! I can definitely be ready to go tomorrow, thank you, thank you thank you!" He laughed engulfing me in a hug. "Not a problem Routledge, anything for my favorite love birds." I tease. "Ha-Ha so what time are we departing Captain?" He asked. "I was thinking 7 am, it's about a 3 and half hour flight, so we'd have pretty much the whole day after we get there, that work?" I ask. "I'll make it work." John B. nodded. "Perfect that's settled, oh also I'll pick you up from here and drive us both to the hangar, so you don't have to worry about the Twinkie." I informed him. "Cool." He said finger gunning. "Well I've got to go pack, you've got some packing to do now as well, so I'll see you bright and early in the morning, and remember, don't tell Sarah it's a Surprise." I remind with a chuckle. "Got it, early, don't tell Sarah." He taps the side of his head. "Night." I part with getting back into my car and waving to him as he waved to me from his porch. "Goodnight, thanks again." He hollers. *TIME SKIP BROUGHT TO YOU BY JOHN B AND I'S FRANTIC PACKING... IT'S NOW MORNING* I lean on my car's horn, yelling out "JOHN B TIME TO GO!!" I watch as he flings a completely stuffed to the brim duffle onto the porch pulling the front door shut and locking it behind him. He smiled brightly and waved jogging off the porch and over to my car opening my trunk and tossing his duffle in then planting himself in the passenger seat. "Ready freddy?" I asked. "AM I ever, let's hit the road jack!" He laughed back pointing a thumb over his shoulder. "Buckle up, St. Lucia here we come!" I laughed finger gunning at him. We sang along to the radio as I made my way to the private air strip and my family's hangar. "So first we put my car in the garage that's connected to the hangar then we run through the preflight check list and away we go!" I explained excitedly. Jb just finger gunned at me while nodding. I put in the code for the garage and pulled in turning off my car. "So we just grab our bags and my second baby's right through that door, also there's a bathroom, I'll be going before we go, I suggest you do the same as it's a direct flight and there's no bathroom." I informed. "Roger that." He chuckled. We got out and I opened the trunk, he grabbed my bag and his, before I could grab my own. "Allow me, it's the least I can do." He explained. "Cool." I gave him a thumbs up leading him into the hangar and flipping the lights on revealing my Red and Blue plane. "There she is, Maverick, John B., John B. this is Maverick, she'll be getting us to our destination today, Sarah's meeting us at the tarmac to pick us up, only as of right now she thinks it's just me... I can't wait to see her face." I chuckle and clap my hands excitedly. "I can't wait to see her either... So Maverick, as in Top Gun?" John B Laughed. "Yes from Top Gun, it's an amazing movie." I quip grabbing the clipboard with the preflight checklist and tossing the keys to JB. "Open the door, secure our bags in the cargo net behind the seats please." I instruct. "Ma'am yes Ma'am." JB jokingly salutes doing as I said. Once I finally finished the checklist and everything was in tip top shape, John B and I both used the facilities I shut off the hangars lights and opened the bay door, and we both climbed into the plane. I showed JB how to buckle his seat belt and placed one of the two headsets on his head flicking it on, explaining over the mic how because the plane is loud and doesn't have the same acoustics as a passenger jet, we have to communicate via the headsets. "I can trust you right? You are a good pilot?" He asked slightly nervous. "Completely, I've been flying with my Dad since I was 6, I'm probably actually more experienced than most commercial pilots dude." I assured him giving him a pat on the back. "Awesome, Sarah Baby, here we come." JB Cheered as I started the engines and began taxiing towards the runway while communicating with Air Traffic Control getting cleared for take off. "HERE WE GO!" I cheered and floored it down the runway and taking off into the sky. Laughing at JB as I could hear him laughing, cheering, and whooping in shock and awe. "THIS IS UNBELIEVABLE! Y/N/N, THIS IS AMAZING LOOK AT HOW SMALL EVERYTHING IS, LOOK HOW COOL!" John B gushed excitedly pressed against the window eyes wide in awe. "Hey JB have you ever flown?" I asked. "No actually this is my first time." He replied still gawking at everything below us. "Well thank you for choosing air y/n for your first flight, it's a balmy 95 degrees today, clear skies, and a 3 hour and 45 minute direct flight ahead of us so, sit back, relax and enjoy the ride." I announced joking talking like a pilot for an airline. "Ha, no really y/n thank you this is, this is amazing." He thanked me. "Happy to do it John B." I smiled back. *TIME SKIP BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE SHEER WILL OF WANTING TO BE WITH THE ONE YOU LOVE* I glance over at John B. to see he's asleep against the window and radio in with the St Lucia air traffic control to get cleared for landing before switching back to comms between JB and I "GOOOOOD MORNING SLEEPING BEAUTY!! Please rise and shine for landing, please return all seat backs and tray tables to their upright positions, and secure all loose items, we're beginning our decent into St. Lucia, it's now a balmy 98 degrees, with still sunny skies, thank you all for flying air y/n and we hope you enjoyed your flight and have a wonderful vacation." I announce as he startled awake. "HA- ha very funny, but yea we're here, we're finally here." He cheered clapping a hand on my shoulder. "Almost Jb almost in....3... 2... 1... touchdown! We made it folks, Welcome to St. Lucia John B." I smiled as I taxied Mav into the awaiting Hangar I rented for the duration of our trip. Once I turned off the engine and told Jb it was safe to exit we both climbed out of my plane, JB once again grabbing both of our bags after we both stretched. "Sarah should be over by the main gate, ready?" I asked as we made our way over to her. We could see her leaning against a rental car wearing shades, which she lowered as we got closer and she realized I brought her boyfriend. She began running to him as he dropped our bags in favor of catching her scooping her up and spinning around. "Hey Sar, this skallywag hitched a ride at the airport hope that's alright." I grinned. "Are you kidding, BEST SURPRISE EVER!!! THANK YOU!! You are the best friend a girl could have!" She hugged me tight before tucking herself back into John B's Side. I grabbed Jb and I's bags slinging them into the trunk letting JB sit passenger next to his girl. "So Y/n Rose and Dad know you're coming they were over the moon, but I didn't tell Rafe or Wheezie, so how do you want to do this?" Sarah asked driving us away from the airport and towards her family's rented beach house. "Well is there anything Rafe promised to do with you that he's absolutely dreading or absolutely impossible things you guys might have joked about doing?" I inquired. "Ooh we did joke about underwater cave exploring, he hates that." She informed me. "Oh perfect drag him to the beach, make him think you're dragging him to underwater cave exploring, like I'm sure we can find a dock for a charter for it, make it seem legit, then I'll come out from behind the shop and be like just kidding you're meeting me, not going underwater cave exploring!" I laughed, as Sarah agreed and said she knew just the place, it was a little family owned business that the Cameron's had utilized to go on a fishing charter the joke came from Sarah pointing out they offered underwater cave exploring and Rafe immediately shooting her down. It was perfect. I was so excited I could barley wait. Sarah dropped off John B and I at the shop, so Rafe wouldn't know JB was here yet either and get suspicious. "So the house we're renting is three blocks from here, I'll be walking back with Rafe Just wait here. Hopefully this'll get him out of the funk he's been in and he'll be more pleasant to be around." Sarah chuckled. "Okay let's do this!" I said doing the best friend handshake Sarah and I always did before she scurried back into the car driving off to the house to drop off the car and return with my boyfriend in tow. "I miss her again already." JB jokingly pouted. "Oh shush you she'll be right back." I playfully smacked his chest. JB and I took in the view around us as he let out a low whistle, "So this is paradise?" He asked jokingly. "What a view am I right?" I asked gesturing to the beautiful beach, and blue water. I wiggled my toes in the sand having taken off my shoes and put them in my duffle in Sarah's rental. John B. and I sat down in the sand continuing to soak in the view. "Sarah.... No.... what are we doing here, I said I wasn't doing it and that's that." I could hear Rafe getting suspicious towards Sarah. "C'mon please, it sounds so fun, at least let the guide explain it first." Sarah was quick with an excuse. My heart fluttering as their footsteps neared. I stayed to the side of the small shop where I knew they couldn't see me. "Okay where's the guide?" Rafe's voice sounded now just around the corner from me. "I could've sworn he was here a minute ago? Sarah pretended to ponder. "Well he's not here now so there's no reason for us to be here let's go back." Rafe huffed. I took that as my opportunity, emerging from beside the shop Rafe's back to me and slightly down the dock as he had started to walk away. "Oh really... you're absolutely sure there's nothing here for you Baby?" I called. I watched as he froze, spun around on his heel and once he saw it was in fact me, his eyes widened and his jaw dropped. I started towards him but was quickly stopped by him barreling into me wrapping me into a bone crushing embrace and peppering my face with kisses. "Y/n, Baby, you're here, you're actually here, Wait, how are you here?" He asked suddenly confused pulling back slightly to look at me but still keeping me in his arms. "Your girl here is a pilot, she has her own plane too, she flew us here." John B said revealing himself now too gluing himself back to Sarah's side. "Whoa, nice." Rafe smiled. "God I missed you so much." I sighed flinging my arms around his neck and burying my face in his chest. " I missed you so much more." He sighed back tightening his hold on me a bit and burying his face on the top of my head. "Good Surprise?" I asked my voice slightly muffled in his chest. "Best surprise ever." He chuckled my head bouncing from the vibrations through his chest. "Welp I'm staying till the end of your vacation, so what now?" I asked looking up at him. "I don't care as long as I can keep holding you, we've got some catching up to do." Rafe cooed. I awed kissing his cheek. "Hey does that mean you can fly us home?, Jb can ride back with Sarah, Wheezie and my parents." Rafe asked excited. "Hmm I don't know Jb made a pretty good co pilot..." I teased. "Why you little." Rafe scoffed playfully tickling me. "OkAY Okay hahah stop yes, that was the plan all along babe." I wriggled trying to get away from him. He stopped tickling me and gently yanked me back into him. "And just where do you think you're going missy, I said we had catching up to do. I'm not letting you out of my arms for a while." He pressed a kiss to my lips. "Okay, can we go get lunch though Please, I'm famished?" I asked. "We can't have that now can we, Sarah, JB you guys in?" Rafe invited. "Yes I'm starving, Sarah Babe, you good with that? Or we can go do something ourselves what-"Sarah Cut John B off with a kiss. "Sounds good babe, there's plenty of time to catch up by ourselves later." She assured him patting his shoulder. So that's how we spent the rest of the day after we ate. Cuddled up together around the fire pit, laughing ,happy to be back with the ones we loved, eventually falling asleep tangled together and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Rafe Cameron x Reader 
Rafe Cameron Imagines
Rafe Cameron Imagine
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Rafe Cameron x Reader you get sick
Rafe Cameron x Reader fluff
Rafe Cameron x Reader he's worried about you
Rafe Cameron x Reader He takes care of you
Rafe Cameron x Reader Comfort
Rafe Cameron fluff
Rafe Cameron x Reader
Rafe Cameron x Pogue Reader
Rafe Cameron x reader you're upset
Rafe Cameron x Reader you cry
Rafe Cameron x reader you're overwhelmed
Rafe Cameron x Reader you miss him
Rafe Cameron x reader he misses you
Rafe Cameron x Reader you surprise him

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