Overheated on the Ocean ( Rafe Cameron x Reader )

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I had woken up at my usual time, eaten breakfast, brushed my teeth, and gone through the rest of my morning routine. I was sitting on my window seat waiting for my Boyfriend Rafe to text and let me know what the plan was for today, he had hinted at something last night but had said he first had to get permission from his father. I had an inkling of what it might be and if it was what I thought it was then I was excited. Sure enough his text came through and confirmed my suspicions:

R: Morning Gorgeous, guess what? my dad said yes, you, me, Topper, Y/Bff/N, and Kelce are taking my druthers out for the day just us! So get your cute self ready I'll be docking for you at 10.

I glanced at the time in the upper corner of the screen it was currently 8:45 giving me a little over an hour to get ready.

Y: Yay so excited, It's been a while since we had a boat day! Any requests on which bathing suit I wear?

He replied nearly instantly:

R: I can't wait either, and as for your swimwear, you'll be gorgeous in whatever you decide. (Though I'm partial to the Navy one just sayin)

I rolled my eyes and chuckled to myself knowing he was going to say the navy one.

Y: Aye Aye mon capitan! See you soon, love ya baby.

R: Love you more!

I set my phone to the side and headed into the bathroom to get ready. I changed into the Navy swimsuit like he suggested and threw on jean shorts and a band tank, then threw my hair up into a messy yet cute bun, and decided to forgo makeup because it would just come off from sweating and swimming, instead opting to absolutely slather myself in Mineral based reef safe sunscreen before putting it in my bag. Along with the sunscreen I tossed in, my weatherproof speaker, my phone, sunglasses, the book I was currently reading, a towel, some snacks and my hydro flask full of ice and water. Once I placed the water and snacks I glanced at the kitchen clock to see it was 9:52, so I slid on my sunnies and made my way across my backyard and down my dock to wait, by the time I had reached the end of the dock I could see the druthers coming in for it's approach, surprisingly being driven by Topper. Rafe was standing at the side next to where I'd step on, smiling at me waiting to help me on. I stepped up to the boat but not onto it just yet, "Permission to come aboard captain?" I asked jokingly. "Permission granted sweet girl, welcome aboard." Rafe snickered back helping me on, then pulling me into a hug followed up with a kiss. "Well that was a nice welcome, any particular location in mind or are we just floating with the tide today?" I asked looking over my sunglasses waving to Topper and Kelce then taking a seat next to y/bff/n. "For now just floatin where the tide takes us, though we might end up at a sandbar island if we feel like it." Kelce answered. "Sounds perfect, did everybody apply sunscreen?" I ask having it been drilled into my head by my mom who's a dermatologist. A series  of yes's, of course's, and other affirmations were spoken from the group. "Excellent then, a beautiful day, with my amazing friends, and absolutely fantastic boyfriend, let's do this!" I laughed laying out with y/bff/n to sun tan a bit. After soaking up some sun for roughly 15 minutes with my bff Rafe said it was time for some tubing. Quickly jumping up I made my way to the back of the boat. I absolutely loved tubing. We all took turns, trying to one up each other, or make the group laugh, being silly or doing tricks. Fully soaked to the bone and needing a break I strode over to my bag grabbing my water and taking a sip, and after what happens later I should have drank more water than I did. What none of us realized was that, that particular day ended up actually being the hottest day of the summer that year and there was even a heat advisory that had been issued but none of us had gotten it, seeing as we had no service out on the boat. After my little water break, Topper suggested a cannon ball/ jump competition off the side of the boat. y/bff/n offered to be the judge as she didn't feel like jumping off the boat over and over again. So we made up categories, craziest jump, longest jump, farthest jump, cleanest jump, funniest jump, who could act out a better jumping into water movie scene. I lost track somewhere after the tenth or was it twelfth jump. "I need a breather." I panted plopping down next to y/bff/n. The boys looked at each other and then nodded in agreement plopping down around us, Rafe next to me. "Having fun babe?" Rafe ask earnestly trying to make sure I was having a good time. "I'm having a wonderful time, I am living my best life. Thank you baby." I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Are you having fun, after all this was your idea?" I asked. "Oh don't worry about me I'm loving today so far." Rafe smiled and nodded. "OoH this is my song!" Topper jumped up and started dancing as a new song came over the speakers. I threw my head back and laughed then jumped up to join him, followed by our friends. We danced to a few songs, before I felt a wave of dizziness and odd tingles running up and down my body, I saw bluish stars and my head started to spin, I felt weirdly clammy, and covered in a cold sweat. "Hey- I don't feel to go-" Everything went black.

Rafe POV: Today so far was so much fun, I'm so glad Ward let me take out the druthers, and I'm so glad my girl is having fun, every time I've looked over at her today she's been nothing but smiles and laughter, which makes me happy and makes my heart swell that I played a part in her happiness, and that's all I ever want is for her to be happy, because I love her and she makes me happy. So far today we'd done tanning, tubing, a cannon ball competition, and now we were currently dancing to a playlist someone had put on. I glanced at y/n and noticed her face getting pretty red, but didn't want to come across as overprotective or overbearing and point it out, I'm sure if something was wrong she'd let us know. One of my favorite songs came on and I got closer to spin her around when she stopped dancing, and was swaying on her feet slightly. I could feel my brow furrow in confusion as she placed her hand on my shoulder a look of something's not right settling over her features, "Hey- I don't feel to go-" She started to say but then suddenly collapsed in my arms. "SHIT! Y/N Baby?!" I panicked. "Quick Rafe bring her in the cabin, in the AC." Y/n's friend instructed pointing at the druther's cabin. I rapidly made my way inside careful not to bump her on anything setting her down on the couch and placing her head on my lap. "Kelce get her a water and y/bff/n please bring a bowl of cold water and a washcloth." Topper instructed our friends as he walked over to the small kitchen and grabbed an ice pack and a hand towel. I trusted that Topper knew somewhat what he was doing after all his mom is a doctor, he'd know the most out of any of us. "Do you think she'll be okay?" I asked as the items requested were brought over to us. "Definitely dude, she more than likely is just over heated and dehydrated, now let's slide this ice pack under her head and against the back of her neck, and drape the cool cloth over her forehead. the water is for her to drink when she comes too, which should be any minute now.

Your pov: "any minute now." I caught the end of someone saying as the blackness dissipated and my surroundings came back into focus. I felt something cold on my neck and head. "Wha- what happened?' I muttered groggily trying to sit up but quickly being stopped by my boyfriend. "Easy babe, you're alright." He soothed. "You overheated but you should be just fine, here drink some water." Topper explained then held out a water bottle towards me. Rafe took it from him opening it then held it up to my lips for me. "Sips not gulps." y/bff/n reminded me. "That was intense, glad you're alright though." Kelce smiled at me. "me too, me three, me four." Rafe, y/bff/n and topper agree. "I think we should call it day and head in, Top, Kelce can one of you drive please." Rafe asked. Your bff just nodded in agreement. "Sorry for scaring everyone." I apologized to the group, A series of no's and protests were spoken. "No, you don't have to apologize girl, it's not like you planned on this. It's not anybody's fault." Y/bff/n comforted me. So Kelce drove us back to Rafe's where Rafe insisted on carrying me in and taking care of me. We all hung out just chilling inside watching movies for the rest of the day with a pizza dinner, then Topper drove, Kelce and y/bff/n home, I was content staying the night with Rafe, which he didn't mind at all, he'd actually been planning on insisting on it had i not brought it up, he just wanted to hold me and keep an eye on me a little bit longer. "Sorry I scared everyone today, I should've drank more water." I mumbled into Rafe's chest where I was currently laying after finishing my night routine and I was now tired, as was Rafe. "No hey, no, it's alright, it's not your fault, it's not anybody's fault, don't beat yourself up baby, was it terrifying? very, was I silently having an internal panic attack when you collapsed into me, yes, but you're okay now, I'm okay, everybody's okay. You're still here, and we're still together, we're cuddling and you're spending the night, which is making me unbelievably happy so it's all good baby." Rafe comforted holding me tight and running his hands up and down my back. "Well aside from that fiasco, I had an amazing day today, so thank you for that baby."I thanked him and gave him a kiss. "I had fun too, we should definitely do it again aside from the whole fainting thing and with more water." Rafe chuckled. "Totally." I agreed. "Good night handsome, I love you." I bid rafe goodnight. "Goodnight my sweet beautiful girl, I love you too, sleep well." He kissed my forehead. "I always sleep the best in your arms." I whispered. "And I sleep the best when you're here with me too sweetheart." Rafe whispered back, then we both drifted off to sleep.

Rafe Cameron x Reader 
Rafe Cameron Imagines
Rafe Cameron Imagine
Rafe Cameron x Reader you get hurt
Rafe Cameron x Reader you get sick
Rafe Cameron x Reader fluff
Rafe Cameron x Reader he's worried about you
Rafe Cameron x Reader He takes care of you
Rafe Cameron x Reader Comfort
Rafe Cameron fluff
Rafe Cameron x Reader
Rafe Cameron x Pogue Reader
Rafe Cameron x Reader you faint
Rafe Cameron x Reader you pass out
Rafe Cameron x Reader overheated
Rafe Cameron x Reader dehydrated

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