Overbooked and Overwhelmed ( Stefan Salvatore x Reader)

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"Shit..." I gasped realizing as I flew into my room to change into my grill uniform and happened to look over at my window sill my two plants for my half of Tyler and I's Science project were dead. My heart rate quickened again as I glanced at my watch and saw I had ten minutes to get to my shift. "Guess I'll worry about those later." I growled to myself bounding down the stairs, out the door and all but throwing myself into my car. I threw it into overdrive and thanked my lucky stars I didn't get pulled over and I made it to my shift on the dot. "Whew made it." I panted throwing my belongings in my locker. "Ay don't forget we've got inventory duty tonight, Tasmanian Devil." Matt chuckled reaching over and smoothing down a patch of my hair for me and joking about how I rushed in here. "Urgggh... I did forget." I banged my head against my locker feeling stupid. "I can cover for if you've got a problem.." Matt offered. "No! No! I'll just text Jeremy and tell him I'll be later than usual for his tutoring, then text Tyler I'll be even later for working on our project tonight, I can handle it." I assured brushing him off. "Ok just know my offer still stands if you change your mind, don't want you to overwork yourself." Matt gave me a friendly side hug then we got to work. Matt and I didn't end up getting finished with the inventory until 7:30, so I grabbed my jacket running out the door and yelling "See ya around Matt." Over my shoulder. I wasted no time in getting to Jeremy's rushing up the front steps and letting myself in. Upon entry I found Jeremy at his kitchen table. "What's up Jer, So what's today's subject?" I breathed plopping down beside him and pulling out my books. "Math." He groaned throwing his head back. "Hey don't worry you've got this." I lightly chuckled and comfortingly patted his back. After 2 and half hours we finally came to an understanding. As I was packing up my stuff, my stomach growled. "Want something to eat?" Jeremy chuckled one hand assuringly on my shoulder the other pointing with his thumb over his shoulder at his fridge. "Thanks but no time gotta get to Tyler's, Keep up the good work though, you're doing great!" I encouraged giving him a half hug then running back out the door at the same speed I had come in. Driving quickly but carefully I glanced at the time once I had made it to Tyler's 11pm. I slung my backpack onto my shoulder, picked up my box of art supplies I brought and trudged up the steps and knocked on his front door. "You ready for this?" Tyler asked as he open the door and ushered me in. "Uh about that..." I trailed as he led me through his house and to the den where we would work. "Don't tell me you broke the plants or something?" Tyler joked. "Close I... forgot to water them, they're dead." I admitted. "Oh no biggie, we just needed one last round of photos anyways, just photoshop the last two photos into the color they looked like they were turning, and throw em away and if teach asks why we only brought my two say yours caught a weird fungus or something so you threw them away to be safe, it's not like it's actual important ground breaking science nobody'll know anyways, except us." Tyler surmised with a chuckle and a wave of his hand. "Cool, then Let's finish this thing, got the trifold board?" I asked. "You know it!" Tyler winked grabbing it out of the nearby closet and bringing it over. So caught up in typing, printing, cutting, gluing, and other finishing touches we didn't end up finishing until around 2:30 in the morning. "Looks great! Hi five partner." Tyler smiled and we high fived. "Agreed. That's one thing off my plate, still like seven things left." I yawned gathering up my belongings. "Whoa it's 2:30 Am, I didn't realize how late it was, good thing it's Friday night and we don't have school tomorrow,You just wanna crash here for the rest of the night?" Tyler asked eyeing me concerned. "Nah, thanks though, I'll be fine. I've still got Saltzman's History paper to do so I can help Caroline setup for the sports banquet in the morning , then we've got the school carwash in the afternoon, and I promised Elena I'd help out with the school carnival in the evening." I listed off the final item punctuated by my stomach growling yet again. "Damn girl, that's a full plate. Want a bite to eat at least before you run home?" Tyler laughed. "Thanks, but no thanks, Gotta get that paper done, I'll eat something at home while I type though, don't worry." I smiled, and gave Tyler a hug. Then he walked me out and stood on his porch as I climbed into my car. "Try and get at least some sleep though!" He playfully reprimanded. "Night Tyler." I waved as I back out of the driveway. Once home I made my way upstairs and into my room. Placing my backpack down by my desk I turned to grab cozy clothes out of my dresser to change into, noticing my Boyfriend Stefan asleep in my bed. "Awe." I cooed quietly to myself plugging in my laptop, grabbing my notes and sliding in next to him then opening my laptop on my lap. After a few minutes Stefan turned over and subconsciously cuddled into my side. I softly chuckled to myself placing a soft kiss to his head and allowing him to get comfy then wrapping my arm around him and continuing to work. Hours flew by and before I knew it, it was 8:30 AM and I was just putting the finishing touches on my paper. Stefan began to wake. "Mmmm Mornin'" He breathed stretching, cracking one eye open, and smiling over at me. "Morning Handsome." I replied still focused on my paper. "You get any sleep last night sweetheart?" He asked. "Course I did, I just woke up a little bit ago to finish this." I fibbed a little white lie just so he wouldn't worry. "Good. Breakfast?" He offered standing up, pulling on a shirt, then stooping over and kissing me. I opened my mouth to speak but my stomach growled answering for me. "Welp that's a yes if I've ever heard one." Stefan laughed as I joined him. "I'll help, seeing as I just finished my paper." I chuckled saving the paper then shutting my computer. So Stefan and I went downstairs and into my kitchen where, we cooked, ate, cleaned up, then I went back upstairs and got ready. As I walked back down the stairs, I let out a yawn and rubbed my eye, then my vision went fuzzy and my head spun the distraction causing me to miss a step and lose my balance. I clenched my eyes shut and braced myself, but instead of hitting the floor, I was caught by a pair of familiar arms. "Thank god for your vamp speed." I chuckled. "Are you okay?" He asked concerned. "Never better, Thanks Babe." I smiled and pecked him on the cheek. "Be careful today, you know I don't like it when you get hurt." Stefan pouted albeit cutely. "I will love, you're welcome to hang out here today if you want, or whatever." I reminded bending down and putting on my shoes. "Why thank you m'lady." Stefan chuckled bending down and tying my shoes. "Why thank you kind sir." I joked back. "See you later, I love you." He smiled kissing me. "Love you too, handsome." I smiled back giving him a kiss. He leaned on the railing of my porch watching over me as I drove off. Arriving at the banquet hall I found Caroline and we got to work. I don't know what it was about today, but I seemed to be overly clumsy. I pinched my fingers between the doorframe and the table as I rolled it in, tripped walking around one of the tables to adjust the table cloth, dropped and broke one of the vases, luckily we had extra, then I walked over to the doorway to see if they needed any help wheeling in the chairs, when one of guys pushing one of the carts loaded with chairs accidentally ran over my foot. "AH AH ah that hurt okay ahhaha." I winced hopping out of the way. "Sorry." The guy called over his shoulder. "I'm okay." I called. "Jeeze girl, I should just wrap you in bubble wrap at this point." Caroline playfully joking bringing over an ace bandage and an ice pack, helping me wrap my foot. "Tell me about it." I joked back rolling my eyes and wiping a pain induced tear from my cheek. "You should stay off it for the rest of the day though." Caroline advised. "Wish I could, but I promised Bonnie I'd help with the car wash this afternoon, then I promised Elena I'd help out at the school carnival tonight, but in between the car wash and the carnival, I've gotta swing by my dad's shop and see if he has a piece for Damon's car that he asked me to look for." I sighed. "Wow you've spread yourself thinner than a pancake girl." Care let out a low whistle. "Eh I'm more of a crepe girl anyways." I dismissed with a wave. "Well gotta go, the cars won't wash themselves. "Thanks for all your help! And don't forget to take care of yourself too girlie." She thanked and reminded me as we exchanged a hug. "I'll try! See ya at the carnival!" I waved as I limped to my car. The car wash went pretty well, the only small hiccup being that I got weirdly dizzy again then when I went to go find a place to sit down I slipped on some soap suds, landing hard onto my bottom after smacking it on a table on my way down. "Owww." I whined as a sharp pain emanated and I pouted rubbing my lower back, as Bonnie brought me ice. "Here ya go." She smiled. "Thanks Bonnie." I thanked her. "You doing okay?" She asked concerned. "Hanging in there, I'll be fine." I assured. "Okay, well let me know if you need anything, and thanks for your help today." Bonnie thanked with a hug. "Happy to help!" I smiled. "Now if you'll excuse me I've gotta buzz over to my dad's repair shop and see if he's got a part Damon needs for his Camaro, then it's off to the carnival with me." I giggled. "You should really take it easy though." Bonnie warned. "I will once I'm done with the Carnival." I promised. I got to my dad's repair shop and walked in saying hi to both him and Joey his business partner. "Hi Dad, Hi Joey!" I smiled. "Hi Sweetie, what brings you here today?" My dad replied pressing a kiss to the top of my head. "Damon asked me if I could see if you had a gauge kit for his Camaro." I explained. "Ya know, I just might, you're welcome to go look, you know where everything is." He permitted. "Thanks Dad." I gave him a hug then made my way into the stock room. "Alright let's see...." I muttered to myself scanning the shelves, finally on the top shelf I saw one, with senders and an oil line too. "Now I just gotta get it down.." I thought to myself looking around for a step ladder, when I couldn't find one, I decided it wouldn't hurt to just step up on the bottom shelf. My fingertips could just barely brush the box. "Almost..." I reached forward and up a bit more to slide it forward, when as it began to tip down, the shelf I was standing on broke sending me crashing to the floor, the box hitting me on the head. "Owwwagh, really?" I groaned to myself. "Everything okay in there?" My dad called out. "Yep just fine, I just knocked a box off the shelf." I replied. I stood up, shaking my head to clear it and wobbling a bit as I got dizzy again, but it cleared, So I put the shelf back, picked up what fell off it, then grabbed the box with the parts for Damon. "Found it thanks Dad." I informed him as I passed by on my way out. "You're welcome." He smiled and waved. Finally I made it to the school carnival and got my task from Elena, looks like I was running the ring toss booth. I placed Damon's car part safely under the table and kept an eye out for him. With my fingers aching, my knee thrumming, foot throbbing, and head pounding I plastered on a smile and mustered up as much enthusiasm as I could. After a few hours I could feel the exhaustion creeping up on me, my energy waining. "Here's your prize, enjoy." I groaned out for what seemed like the thousandth time. "That was so lackluster, the most unenthused enjoy I've ever heard, where's your pep cheerleader, left it at the pep rally?" I jumped in surprise whirling around at the familiar sarcasm. "Hello to you to Damon, How was your day today? Mine was great thanks for asking." I matched his sarcasm jokily as always. "Hello little brother's girlfriend, so did your dad have the part?" He chuckled playing along. "Better he had a genuine, Chevy gauge kit WITH senders and an oil line too, you're welcome." I informed. "Amazing, Thank you, Thank you." Damon gasped playfully grabbing both my hands. I pulled them back playfully swatting him on the shoulder, before bending down to retrieve the box. As I stood back up and went to hand Damon the box, my vision turned to fuzziness, and the dizziness returned with a vengeance. "H-her-e ya g-" I was cut off as everything went black.

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