Long awaited reunion ( Elijah Mikaelson x Reader )

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Eight Months... I let out a defeated sigh adding today's tally, to the marks I've been making to keep track of how long I've been held and tortured. I carefully place the tile back into place concealing the count. I hung my head in my hands. How long am I going to be imprisoned, I wondered to myself. "Food." The gruff voice of either my captor, or one of my captor's henchmen. I stood up stepping over the tray and quickly trying to get information. "Can you at least tell me why I'm being held hostage?!" I questioned though I had a pretty good idea why. "Or how much longer?" I slam my hand against the locked door. All I get in response is retreating footsteps. I step away from the door turning to look out the tiny, dirty, barred window I was oh so generously allowed. I pressed my forehead against the glass. "I'm going to make it back to you Eli, I promise." I whispered. Forgoing the food I curled up on the cot and decided to sleep. *DREAMLAND*:

"yyy/nnn.....Y/n/s....c'mon..." my head is darting around as I search for the voice calling out to me ducking and dodging trees as I rush through the forest I find myself in. "Y/n/n... can... you... hear... me..." The voice calls again sounding a bit louder. "Y/n it's... Kol... your best.... friend.... if... you can.... let... me in... your dream..give...a sign...please." It was Kol! he sounded so dejected. I sped up, I needed to find him! "Y/nnns...." I shoved my way through some overgrowth and tumbled into a small field. My eyes fell upon Kol at the other end of the field. "KOL!" I called out to him my voice full of emotion. I ran towards him, as he turned around running towards me. I slammed into a forcefield or barrier or something. Kol stopped right at it knowing it was there. "Kol.. wha.. what's this?" I ask placing my hand up against the invisible barrier. "I'm astral projecting, well sort of, the best way to describe it is astral dream projecting... Freya didn't even think it would work." Kol sniffed placing his hand opposite mine. "So do you know where you are? or who's holding you prisoner?" Kol asks. "No, no idea, all I know is the view I can see from this tiny dingy barred window, the torture they keep inflicting on me for seemingly no reason and the voice of the guy who drops off food." I sighed dejectedly. "Let me in, y/n/s let me in and let me see your memories, see if I recognize anything." Kol explained. "What do I do?" I asked frantically. "Give me permission, like you did so I could enter your home." He explained sitting down and motioning for me to do the same. I watched as he placed both his hands flat against the barrier. "Put yours up." He instructed softly. I did as told. "Kol Mikaelson, I give you permission to poke around in my head." I said aloud. Kol let out melancholic chuckle. "That works.". "I'm going to save you y/n, I promise." He whispered before things went fuzzy, then gray, then finally blackness. *THE NEXT MORNING*  I woke up feeling something dried on my upper lip. Upon investigation it's dried blood from my nose, apparently my nose bled in my sleep. The memory of seeing Kol in my dream flashes through my mind. "Kol...." I whispered feeling my eyes getting misty. I could only hope it was real and that it worked. After another day of nothing but one word notifications, seemingly pointless torture and food slid under the door, trying yet failing to coax information from whoever was behind the door. I cautiously added another tally, then went to bed hoping I'd hear from Kol again. *BACK IN DREAMLAND*  This time somehow I force myself back into the forest myself. I run the same path I did the night before retracing my footsteps. Crashing through the bushes again and tumbling out into the field. I stand and quickly  brush myself off out of habit while looking around. Apparently I got here before Kol did. If he's even going to show again. I pace back and forth just in front of the invisible barrier until I see him appear in the middle of his side. "Kol." I sighed in relief. "Y/n." Kol replied. "So... anything?" I asked anxious and trying not to get my hopes up. "Hopefully, there was a tiny blue shack just in the distance outside the window... if it's the shack I think it is, I should be able to find you." Kol explained. "Well let's hope it it is." I nodded. "I'm going to come alone, the only other person who knows about this is Freya, we've both agreed not to tell Elijah yet, just in case, we didn't want to get his hopes up." Kol admitted. "Okay, that makes sense... How long will it take you to find the shack?" I inquired. "3 days, four at the most." He assured. "Okay." I took a deep and steadying breath. "This will all be over soon." Kol promised. "I-I want to come home Kol, I miss you, and Elijah, Freya, Bekah, and Klaus. Please Kol...Please." I sniffled. "It's all going to be okay, just hold on a bit longer. Just a few more days." Kol soothed. "W-Will you still be able to talk to me in my dreams?" I asked not wanting to lose this small comfort. "I wish I could, but I can't while I'm traveling, but I've shown Freya how to." Kol revealed stepping aside and there stood Freya. "Frey!" I wept. "Hi y/n, I'll keep visiting you while you sleep, until Kol finds you I promise." Freya assured. "O-okay." I gulped. *THE NEXT MORNING* I was awoken by being drug out of bed and shoved down a hallway. I was forced into the chair and strapped to it. I hung my head resigning myself to another day of pain. However, for whatever reason, whoever was holding me decided to kick things up a notch. Inflicting pure agony, burning me, bruising me, cutting me, yanking my limbs, smacking me around. By the time they threw me back into my cell, I was barely conscious and every square inch of my body hurt. As much as I wanted to I couldn't even cry, I just slumped to the floor passing out. Waking up the next morning I realized I didn't see Freya, I didn't even dream it was just darkness. I jerked my head up upon hearing the door to my prison squealing open. Without a word I'm yanked to my feet and dragged out the door. "Please... just, why?" I tried to beg, my voice hoarse. I get no response, just thrust into the chair and strapped to it yet again. The torturer brutishly approached, impaling something that had been concealed in his hand into the side of my ribs. A white-hot immense pain like I'd never felt before suffused through my veins, settling deep with in my bones. All I could do was writhe, trying to recoil from my own body. I was trembling, sweating from head to toe, when suddenly my body lurched forward of its own volition, as a searing viscous black secretion was forcibly ejected from my body with a choked cough. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!!" I panicked more mind numbing pain and vile blackness expectorated. "Tell us what you know." Came a hedonistic rasp. "what?" I could hardly comprehend. "TELL US WHAT YOU KNOW!" The rasp became a roar. "About WHAT!" I wailed, shuttering and gagging. "You know." It answered. "I DOn't I don't I swear I don't" I sobbed. The immense pain, throbbed and seemed to find its way to every last cell through out my body. "Please! please! I don't know! I don't know! I can- ma- make it s-stop." I whimpered. My body heaved and shuttered as more putrid deluge was dredged from where I did not know, my stomach? my lungs? All I knew is it was something I wouldn't even wish on my worst enemy, and I'd rather them kill me now, then take it any longer. I couldn't even formulate words, incoherent babble, stuttering sobs, and burning groans spilling over my lips involuntarily. My chest heaving up and down hyperventilating. The lecherous virulent, monster who was shouting the same question over and over at me, leered at me with a bone-chilling glare, then suddenly as my body retched yet another round of the disgusting exudation the door burst off its hinges revealing none other than Kol. Upon laying eyes on my current state of excruciation, his features could only be described as aghast, horrified, alarmed, concerned. Like he's being affronted with something he's never seen before, which seeing that expression on someone who's lived for a 1000 years is not something you want to see. But just as quickly he schooled his expression, it morphing into one of formidable, lethal, abject rage. In the blink of an eye he charged through the room, decimating those who kidnapped and tortured me. Not leaving a single one. I blearily watched as my body seized in pain as he finished the carnage, his shoulders rising and falling spasmodically as he breathed heavily reeling himself back in before rushing over to me. "Y/n, oh Y/n what did they do to you?" He queried. "I- I do-on't k-k-now." I forcibly uttered as my body continued to struggle and thresh fighting against whatever was happening. "T-they gouged s-something I-i-into my r-ribs." I moan. "I-it's on t-the table ov-over there." I stuttered out. With a guttural groan and an apprehensive wince, I wrenched to the side my body ousting more of the unknown sluice. "Let it out, I've got ya." Kol comforted running his hand comfortingly up and down my back. "Please, make it stop, make it stop, just stop." I pleaded sobbing defeatedly on his shoulder. "I will, I will here, drink." Kol assuaged tearing into his wrist and holding it to my lips. I drank a few mouthfuls before tiring out. We waited nothing happened, I was still in pain, still convulsing and writhing. "W-Why isn't working??!!" I began to panic. "Easy, Easy, breathe, just breathe. Let me call Freya." Kol tried to soothe. I tried to listen in to the conversation, my ability to concentrate waning, leaving me with bits and pieces. "-her veins.... almost all black... immense.... vile black gunk... my blood..." Upon hearing the bit about my veins I weakly raise my arm to be in my field of vision, realizing all my veins were in fact visible and nearly completely black. "What the fuck." I mumbled dazed and hazy. My body still jerking and twitching muscles involuntarily clenching and spasming. Pain coming in waves now, burning through my veins like fire. I cry out, Kol suddenly in front of me and off the phone. "What's wrong?" Kol worries. "Pain, it burns, it hurts." I whine. "Okay, Okay. Freya said my blood will heal you it'll just take a bit longer than usual." Kol explained frantically. "I'm going to carry you, okay." Kol warns trying his hardest to be gentle. He places me in a vehicle I don't recognize and gets in driving us away from this hellish place. "I'm going to find us a place to stay for the night, and once you've finally healed, I'll take you home." Kol informed.  "H-Home... Lijah..." I sighed wistfully meekly reaching for his hand, wanting some form of comfort. "Yes darling, home, he'll be so relieved." Kol nodded taking my hand in one of his and giving a slight reassuring squeeze while driving with the other. I inevitably lose the battle with consciousness, drifting in and out. Vaguely aware of Kol transferring me from the car to a hotel room. Floating in a feverish, foggy haze.

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