Migraine Misery ( Rafe Cameron x Reader )

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As soon as the ear splitting shriek of my alarm reverberated through my room, before I even opened my eyes I could feel a very beginnings of a migraine. Just the weird slight pressure, my body's equilibrium ever so slightly off, the subtle inkling that something's just a tad off. I slung back the sheets, thanked god my parents were gone on a three week business trip, let out a string of curse words and made my way to my medicine cabinet and downed two extra strength ibuprofen, before continuing my morning routine getting ready for my shift at the country club. Because while my family is in fact considered kooks, and we are comfortably well off, we aren't insanely rich, and my parents want me to work to learn integrity, and because it'll look good on my college applications that I didn't spend my summer's lazing around, in my mother's words. I could only hope for four things today, 1: That this headache doesn't actually turn into a migraine, 2. That my boyfriend Rafe doesn't come to the club today, 3:That one of my best friends JJ isn't working today, and four well if JJ is working today I hope he doesn't see through me like he usually does. Now I know what you're thinking it's just one day, why not take it off and rest your parents aren't home they won't know. Trust me they will, they have their sources and spies. I tied my hair back and decided to walk to work today. I made it to the club, walked in locked my stuff in my locker, and checked the day's schedule/assignments, I breathed a slight sigh of relief when I noted JJ was in fact off today so I had a better chance of hiding my pain and just working through it. I picked up my order pad and pen and started making my rounds. I spent the better parts of the next 2 and a half hours of my 7 hour shift, deep breathing and subtly icing the back of my neck just at the hairline in between waiting for orders. I thankfully got minimally snooty customers today. I noticed out of the corner of my eye JJ and John B. come in, I managed to casually blend in so they didn't see me and managed to hear JJ say something about picking up a missed check to John B. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and continued working. I grabbed two orders from the line carrying them out to the customers before speed walking over to the bar to grab the two drinks they'd ordered refills of. I internally groaned when I saw that JJ and John B had taken seats at the bar and were having themselves a drink. I tightly gripped the counter when a wave of dizziness washed over me the pounding pain in my head increasing, after the bartender told me to wait a moment and that he still had to finish one of the drinks. It was then John B. and JJ had noticed me. "Y/n/n! what's up, how's it going today?" JJ asked with a smirk, while John B. just waved and smiled. I could only offer a meek half salute. JJ and JB took in my pale clammy skin, and non enthusiastic hello their brows crinkling in concern, John B spoke up "Hey y/n you okay? you don't look to grea-" he was cut off before he could finish asking the question, the bartender sliding the other drink down the bar towards me. Right as I began to reach for it to catch it my vision went fuzzy and doubled, I went to swipe what I thought was the real drink only to wiff and accidentally smack the glass off the bar, it clattering to the ground and shattering causing me to involuntarily wince and clasp my hands over my ears. "Whoa whoa, let's avoid the glass." JJ said hopping off his stool and gently guiding me away from the bar his hands on my upper arms. He said nothing simply letting his eyes search my face for a moment before speaking up very softly. "You've got a migraine don't you?" He asked. I lamely nodded and sighed in defeat resting my forehead against his shoulder. "And you were trying to just ignore and work through it because???" He asked gently massaging the base of my skull for a moment. "Parents." I croaked out. "Ok, I'mma tell the manager you've got a migraine and I'm- well John B and me are taking you home, and You missy are going to rest okay?" He instructed. "Fine." I whispered weakly lifting my head from his shoulder in no mood to fight. "Go grab your stuff while I tell Matty the manager meet me with John B at the door." He lightly chuckled patting my shoulder. I walked as quick as I could grabbing my stuff and walking to the door where JB stood waiting. "Heya all good? JJ told me." He said giving me a sympathetic smile. I gave a slight grimace and a so so hand motion. "I gotcha." John B said nodding.  We leaned against the wall as we waited for JJ, John B patted his shoulder for me to lean my head on. "Take the weight off a minute, while we wait." I gently leaned my head onto his shoulder whispering a thank you. Jb just quietly hummed and gently massaged my head. Finally after what seemed like forever JJ finally made his way to us. "Alright you're cleared let's get you home so you can rest.  But I'm only dropping you at home if you promise me you'll call your boy toy so you're not alone. It's either me or him." JJ gave a hushed ultimatum as we got in the Twinkie and John B pulled away and in the direction of my house. Not wanting to burden either boy or for my boyfriend to get wound up and worried, and though I know I shouldn't have I decided to lie to JJ, just a little white one. I typed up a message in Rafe and I's chat and showed it to him my thumb over the send button flopping back into my seat acting as if I sent it. "Alright then." JJ said. John B finally pulled into my driveway and I slid open the door of the Twinkie and climbed out. "You need me to walk you in?" JJ offered. "No thanks, but Thanks for bringing me home guys." I rasped directing the thanks to both boys. I heard no problem and you're welcome before I walked up my front steps managing to unlock the door. I turned in the doorway and waved before closing and locking the door behind me, going to my room.

JJ's POV: "YEAaahh she didn't actually send that text message, I know her and I didn't hear the little send sound, I'm texting him." I groaned to JB who just laughed. "I didn't hear it either." He confirmed. So I shot off a text:

JJ: Hey just fyi, just dropped your girl at her house, she's got a migraine and tried to hide it, she shouldn't be alone, told her to text you but she just tried to fake me out so for her own good I'm letting you know myself.

Rafe: Thx, Heading there now.

Y/N POV: I didn't bother getting water, or more meds, or an ice pack. I just trudged straight to my room, closing all the blinds and curling onto my left side and burying my face in a pillow not even bothering to change out of my uniform. I just wanted to sleep so that's what I did.

Rafe POV: I grabbed my keys and jogged to my truck climbing in and tearing out of the driveway. I sped my way over to y/n's hoping I didn't get pulled over. My girl's in pain and trying to hide it nothing mattered but her right now. I pulled into her driveway, shutting off the truck and running to the door. Knowing Y/n like I do I can safely assume she went to sleep so I quickly and quietly unlocked the front door with the spare key she had given me for times like these. I slipped in, slipped off my shoes and locked the door behind me. I silently stole across her house and up the stairs to her room poking my head in the door, I was relieved to see her fast asleep, I glanced over to her nightstand and noted she didn't grab water for herself and upon glancing back at her I noticed she was still in her work uniform. So I went back downstairs and into the kitchen grabbing her reusable water bottle filling it with ice and water, and grabbing the excedrin she keeps for her migraines and made my way back to her room. After placing the water and pill bottles on her nightstand. I turned to her and placed a soft kiss on her forehead, gently moving some of her hair out of her face and quietly whispering, "What am I gonna do with you, my sweet stubborn girl." Softly shaking my head. I went over to her dresser grabbing a pair of sweats and one of my T shirts she had, going back over to her and gently changing her out of her uniform without waking her. I then settled down on the bed beside her wrapping an arm around her waist pulling her close and scrolling through my phone, knowing for now there was nothing to do but wait for her to wake up.

Y/n POV: After who knows how many hours I awoke, rolling over and stretching. Becoming confused when I felt a weight across my waist and bumped into something solid next to me. I jumped in surprise letting out an involuntary yelp before wincing in pain and grabbing my head. "Oh Baby I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you sweetheart." a familiar voice whispered, soft kisses being placed on my shoulder. "Rafe?" I rasped. "Yeah baby it's me." He whispered in response pulling me to his chest and offering me water and medicine, he'd apparently gotten for me. "Thanks." I muttered downing the meds before asking my next question. "What are you doing here? not that I'm not happy to see you... but I didnt want to worry you, and I know I didn't actually send that message." I whispered. "JJ." I came to the realization. "Yep JJ texted me, he said he knew you faked him out after he told you to text me so now here I am to take care of you, lovely." Rafe confirmed for me while reaching up and massaging my head. "Well sorry for wasting your day but I'm glad you're here." I whispered snuggling closer enjoying the massage. "You didn't waste my day, I love taking care of you, like you take care of me, we're in this together remember baby?" Rafe chided softly. "Well thank you then." I thanked him. "You're welcome." He whispered back planting a kiss on the top of my head. "Now you get some more rest and when you wake again we'll figure out dinner, okay? but you cooking is not an option, I'm taking care of you for the evening don't forget." Rafe teased softly seeing me ready to protest. "Okay fine. just remind me to thank JJ later please." I said. "Of course pretty girl now rest I've got ya, and I'm not going anywhere, sweet dreams." he whispered kissing my forehead. "Always when I'm with you." I whispered back kissing his chest. "Me too baby me too." He chuckled softly his breathing evening out with mine as we both drifted off for a nap.

Rafe Cameron x Reader 
Rafe Cameron Imagines
Rafe Cameron Imagine
Rafe Cameron x Reader you get hurt
Rafe Cameron x Reader you get sick
Rafe Cameron x Reader fluff
Rafe Cameron x Reader he's worried about you
Rafe Cameron x Reader He takes care of you
Rafe Cameron x Reader Comfort
Rafe Cameron fluff
Rafe Cameron x Reader
Rafe Cameron x Pogue Reader
Rafe Cameron x reader you're upset
Rafe Cameron x Reader you cry
Rafe Cameron x reader you're overwhelmed
Rafe Cameron x Reader you have a migraine
Rafe Cameron Migrane

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