Much needed comfort ( Rafe Cameron x Reader )

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This whole week has been absolute shit, it all started last Friday at a bonfire, some guy who goes to my school tried to come on to me, then because I turned him down he started a rumor that I did both him and his friend, also this guy was my best friend's crush one of the handful of reasons I turned him down, so she took his word over mine and refuses to talk to me, my mom is on my case about my after school job, wanting me to also get one on the weekend, but also be available for SAT prep, and whatever pointless Kook social events she deems mandatory, to which I tried to reason with her that with my after school job the weekend is the only time I have for school projects and whatever little snippet of relaxation I can nab, but she just calls me lazy, ungrateful, and worthless. I could already tell this Friday wasn't going to be any better staring at the word whore scrawled across my locker in lipstick. I sighed and went to the bathroom wetting some paper towels and scrubbing it off. Then at lunch my used to be best friend tripped me and I ended up wearing my lunch instead of eating it. Then at my work, the tropical depession they predicted started earlier than expected meaning I was going to have to walk home in the pouring rain, then my ex bff shows up with one of our other friends, and she pretended to 'accidentally' bump into me while I was carrying three milkshakes for another table, the milkshakes absolutely drenching my uniform, luckily my boss is amazing and super understanding and told me I could leave early even though I had two hours of my shift left. Which leads me to now, walking home soaked to the bone in pouring rain, coated in milkshakes when suddenly an suv speeds past me sending a wave of ice cold mud cascading over me. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!" I shouted in exasperation. I keep walking, shivering from the wind and rain, until a familiar truck pulled over slightly ahead of me the window rolling down to reveal none other than Rafe Cameron, My crush, we used to be closer our families having known each other since we were born, Sarah used to be one of my closest friends but we grew apart. Little did I know Rafe felt the same way about me that I felt about him. "Hey long time, no see, want a lift?" He asked from his window. "On one hand I would Love a ride, but on the other, I'm soaked, coated in mud and milkshakes, I don't want to dirty your truck." I answered with a sigh and chattering teeth. "EH I don't care I can get the seats washed, I've got a towel, it's dangerous weather out there hop in plus your lips are turning blue and you're shaking like a leaf." He countered. "Ok thank you so much." I conceded climbing in and buckling up before rubbing my arms trying to warm up. Rafe noticed this out of the corner of his eye and turned on the heater. "So why were you walking in a tropical depression, covered in mud and milkshakes?" Rafe asked trying not to laugh. "Well It was just the cherry on top of the shit sundae this week has been, y/e/b/f/f/n "accidentally" bumped into me causing me to spill the tray of three milkshakes I was carrying, then some dick in an svu sped past me spraying me with mud which was FREEZING." I sighed. "Wait did you get in a fight with her or something?" Rafe asked. "Not exactly, last Friday at the bonfire, the guy she has a crush on tried to come on to me, I turned him down, because it's her crush and I like someone else, so I guess I bruised his ego, so he spread a rumor that I did him and one of his friends, which I didn't but she took his word over mine, which also led to the oh so lovely decor on my locker this morning." I sarcastically scoffed. "Decor?" Rafe pushed. "Someone wrote whore in red lipstick across my locker."  I breathed. "Aw babe you don't deserve that." Rafe sympathized grabbing my hand and giving it a squeeze. "And that's all in addition to my mom being pissed and on my case." I added. "That sucks." He mumbles. We have reached the bridge connecting the two sides of the island, to the side where our houses were only to find it has been closed off due to the weather. "Fuckin' Fabulous." I sigh. "Well how about we share a hotel room? I've got clothes you can borrow in the back." Rafe offered a hopeful look on his face. "Ok sure, let me just let my mom know what's going on." I smiled slightly. One reluctant call with my mom later and we've pulled into a local hotel. "M'lady" Rafe joked opening the door for me once we checked in and had gotten the key, only to enter the room and find there's only one bed. "Um I-if your uncomfortable I can sleep on the couch." Rafe offered. "Don't be silly I don't mind if you don't, I just need a shower."I sighed with a wave of my hand. "Great that's settled, here's the clothes, you clean up, and I'll order room service?" Rafe asked. "Sounds wonderful, thank you." I thanked him taking the clothes from him. Once in the bathroom I stripped my disgusting clothes and got under the warm spray. I washed and conditioned my hair and noticed an itching sensation across the length of my arm, looking down I notice that I now had a rash on my shoulder and down my arm. "Just insult to injury huh... I wonder if it was the lunch, the milkshakes, or the mud?" I sighed to myself sarcastically laugh-groaning before some of the emotions from this week started to catch up to me, I sniffled letting the tears fall deciding it was better to do it now hidden in the shower then in front of the guy I like. After 15 minutes or so, I finally stopped crying, finished my shower, dried off and got out. I grabbed the clothes a pair of basketball shorts, and an old sports team shirt, which I noted had his last name across the back and for once today luck was on my side a sweatshirt which would cover the rash. Hanging my towel over the rod I exited the bathroom, to find Rafe sitting on the bed with Netflix pulled up and the room service he'd ordered waiting for me. "There she is, fresh and clean once again." He chuckled. "Thanks again for everything." I smiled climbing on the bed and sitting next to him scratching my shoulder. "Of course anything for you." He nodded. "So any movie preferences?" He asked motioning to the tv. "Whatever you want." I answered investigating the food only to find he had ordered me my favorite. "Aww yess! Thank you Rafe." I laughed. "Good I'm glad, is James Bond ok?" Rafe asked. "Totally, always." I nodded digging into my food. After we ate then cleaned up and set the containers out for the pick up, We were half way through the movie, when I really wanted comfort, so before I could chicken out I crawled closer to Rafe and curled into him. He tensed at first caught off guard before he wrapped me in his embrace cuddling me close letting out a sigh of contentment. Laying there wrapped in his embrace, feeling warm, safe, loved, I realized just how touch starved I was, how much I needed this, before I could even comprehend it a sob slipped out of my mouth, followed by another and another until I was full on bawling, all the emotions I had been holding back about everything crashing down on me. Rafe paused the movie holding me tighter concerned. "Hey, Hey, Hey, what's wrong pretty girl, hey shh shh shh, it'll be alright, let it out, let it all out, I've gotcha I've gotcha." He soothed rubbing my back. "I-I-I'm So- s-sorry." I sobbed out. "Hey no none of that, you've nothing to apologize for." Rafe gently chastised wiping some of my tears. "It's just everything, all that I told you about, then when I stripped and got in the shower I saw my arm has a rash from my shoulder down my arm and I don't know what caused it and it's so so itchy and and yesterday my mom called me ungrateful, selfish, and and worthless, and an and what if it's true, y/e/b/f/f/n gave up on me." I sobbed harder. Rafe frowned feeling his heart clench at my words, "No absolutely not, you are beautiful, amazing, wonderful, strong, sweet, and worth everything. You mean so much to so so many people, especially me, god I've been in love with you for so so long now, and to hear you say that hurts me so much..." Rafe trailed off realizing what he just admitted. "Yo-you like me?" I asked in a small voice. "I- ah- uh-, no I love you y/n, so so much, you light up my world, you make me smile, you make it all worth it." Rafe admits. "I love you too Rafe, so much." I spoke my own admittance. "Y-you do?" He gulped. "I do." I said sitting up so we were face to face. "C-can I kiss you?" He whispered already leaning in. "Please." I whispered back, and as our lips met it was instant sparks, fireworks, just how it's described in all those movies, and books. We finally parted the need for air prominent. "So does this mean you're mine?" Rafe asked hopeful our foreheads resting against each other. "Only if I can call you mine." I smiled. "YEAHH!" Rafe cheered sealing our lips in a little kiss again before pulling me back to his chest so we could finish the movie. "Hey Rafe, thank you... for everything, the ride, splitting the room, the food, loving me." I whispered. "I would do anything for you baby." He smiled planting a kiss on my forehead. "I'd do anything for you too, handsome." I said. "This week was so worth it, getting to end up with you Rafe, I'd do it a million times over, as long as I have you by my side." I breathed. "As sweet as that is, I don't like seeing you cry, so, I'm not leaving your side, and I'm going to do whatever I can to make it better." Rafe promised. "You don't have to, just you being here is enough." I smiled up at him. "I want to, you'd do the same for me." He chuckled. "True." I mumbled. "Now about your arm you may be in luck I believe I have some steroid anti itch cream in my gym bag in the truck, let me go look, I'll be right back." Rafe said giving me a sweet kiss on the forehead. "But the weather." I started to protest, but Rafe cut me off. "I'll be outside like 2 minutes tops, plus you don't want the rash to spread do you?" He gave me a slight side eye. "Just... be careful please... and quick." I mumbled my cheeks heating up. "Awe I'll miss you too, I'll be fast." He winked and left the room. I went over to the window to see if I could see him through the rain, but all I could make out was a blurry blob. I sat back down on the end of the bed and tried not to scratch my arm. And true to his word nearly as quick as he'd left he was back smiling victoriously. "Found it! And it's still good!" He presented it to me. "My hero." I pressed a kiss to his cheek then removed the sweatshirt. I applied it to my arm but started to struggle to get the back of my shoulder. Rafe stepped forward and gently took the tube from me, "Here I've gotcha." He cooed and with surprisingly warm hands for someone who was just out in cold rain, carefully and lovingly got the rest that I couldn't reach. "Thank you again, Rafe for everything." I spoke once he was done giving him a kiss. "You're very welcome, and here don't want my girl getting sick." He said rolling up the sweatshirt and holding it up to help me put it back on. I hesitated because of the cream."A-are you sure, with the cream and all...?"I asked. "It's perfectly fine, I'd much rather wash a sweatshirt then have to see you all sick... now arms up please." He chided softly. I chuckled and held my arms up and in one swift motion he pulled the sweatshirt on then scooped me up and brought us back to the bed. And there we laid, happy, in love, warm, wrapped up together, watching movies until we fell asleep. I couldn't have imagined a better ending to a week like this one.

Rafe Cameron x Reader
Rafe Cameron Imagines
Rafe Cameron Imagine
Rafe Cameron x Reader you get hurt
Rafe Cameron x Reader you get sick
Rafe Cameron x Reader fluff
Rafe Cameron x Reader he's worried about you
Rafe Cameron x Reader He takes care of you
Rafe Cameron x Reader Comfort
Rafe Cameron fluff
Rafe Cameron x Reader
Rafe Cameron x Pogue Reader
Rafe Cameron x reader you're upset
Rafe Cameron x Reader you cry
Rafe Cameron x reader you're overwhelmed
Rafe Cameron x Reader you have a bad day
Rafe Cameron x Reader Bad Day

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