Chapter 1 ~the send off~

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It's been three months since my games. It hasn't been easy in the least. I have Finnick. That's all that matters to me.

My siblings and I rarely speak. It's not exactly their fault it's mine. I spend every day with Finnick and Ren. Ren is by far the cutest kid I've ever met. She's such a genuine sweet soul and very mature for her age. Her and Finnick's relationship is enough to make anyone weak in the knees. I've never seen anyone care so much about their little sister more than he does. You can genuinely tell he loves her.

You can tell who Finnick loves just based on how protective he is of them. I'm happy I'm one of those people. He listens to anything I'm talking about. always tries to cheer me up when I'm thinking about the games while also listening to what I'm saying at the same time.

I'm asleep with Ren in her room when Finnick gets home from Mags's. I don't notice him until he moves some hair out of my face. I open my eyes and meet his.

"Shh. It's okay. Go back to sleep.", he whispers.

He looks nervous. Why is he nervous? Is he okay? I gently get up so I don't wake Ren, and lead Finnick out of her room into ours.

We lay down and get under the covers. He has a thin jacket he put around me before pulling me close to him.

"Are you okay?", I ask.

He nods. "I have to go to the capital tomorrow.", he says.

"Why?" "Just some mentor business. It's uh for your victory tour."

I snuggle into him more. "How long will you be gone." "I leave at 11:00am I'll be back before you go to sleep." I nod.

I don't feel like he's telling me the whole truth. But I know he will just on his own time.

"Will you take care of Ren?", he asks sitting up. I sit up too. "You don't have to ask Finn you know I will." He nods.

He's fiddling with his hands. Another nervous habit. I place mine over top of his. He looks over at me and places a kiss on my cheek.

I still look at him almost begging him to tell me what's going on. He sighs, "It's just capital stuff." I hug him. He hugs me back. Our hug lasts longer than usual. Neither of us want to let go.

"On the bright side you can spend some time with your siblings.", he says into my hair. I squeeze him tighter. We lay back down still in each other's arms. Neither of us say a word. His arms are so warm and comforting but I'm supposed to be comforting him right now. I just wish he'd tell me what's wrong

I don't think neither of us sleep. Every time i open my eyes he kisses the side of my head to close them.

A little after sunrise Ren gets in bed with us. She has an arm over Finnicks neck combing her fingers through my hair.

"Can we go to the beach?", she asks softly. Finnick nods. We all get up keeping the clothes we already had on.

Finnick and I sit on the dock our feet barley in the water while Ren plays in the ocean. We don't say a word to one another. Our fingers interlocked. Both of us dreading saying goodbye even if it's only for a few hours. Since my games we've been inseparable.

"Mags will want us for breakfast.", he says. Then calling for Ren while I dust the sand off me.

We walk back to the house letting Ren change out of her wet clothes before heading to Mags. She greets us all with a kiss on the cheek.

"What are you fixing Mags? It smells amazing.", I say. She smiles leading us to the kitchen. On the table are piles of French toast.

Breakfast is quiet. A little small talk between Mags and me. Even Ren's quiet. Time starts to tick down to when Finnick has to leave.

Ren stays with Mags as I walk Finnick to the train station.

"I'll be back before you go to sleep I promise." I hug him before he leaves instead of kissing him. Snow can't know we're together it'll just mean worse things for the two of us.

"I love you.", I whisper. "I love you more Pigeon." he lets go then boards the train smiling at me through the window.

I wish I knew what was wrong. I just hope this day goes by fast.

Authors note-

Yeah this whole beginning is kinda cringe but once we get to the deep stuff (uh oh like what) it wont be as bad...I hope. I hope you all enjoy the first chapter

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