Chapter 5 ~things just a whole lot harder~

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Two weeks go by. I'm about to leave for my victory tour.

I walk down stairs of Finnick's house when he pulls me aside. "You have company at your house." My heart drops. The only visitor he could mean is Snow.

"I'll come over after okay? You'll be okay just be good." "Be good?" He smirks placing a kiss on my cheek before I head over to my house.

Inside Elias and Ardin are both there they hug me tight. "How was your walk?", he asks. At first I'm confused then it dawns on me that he's trying to cover for me. "It was good thank you." "You have company.", Ardin says. I nod and go into the study where the blood odor hits me instantly. I curl my nose at the scent but play it off like an itch.

"Miss Elsher it's lovely to see you again.", he says. "You too sir.", I sit down in front of him.

"Your victory tour begins this week which I'm sure you're aware of." I nod. "Here's what I'm expecting from you. Keep the same face you use during your interviews. And I don't want you and Mr. Odair being so close during the capital party." "What do you mean?"

"You really think I don't know Miss Elsher?" He pulls up a clip of my victory interview zooming in on Finnick's face. The smudge from my lipstick on his cheek. I feel the color in my face drain.

"Don't lie. Let's make a deal to not ever lie to one another. Answer me honestly. Do you have a thing for Finnick Odair?" I feel sick.

What's he gonna do if I say yes? "He's a lovely person sir." He nods. "Very well. I look forward to the future Miss Elsher. I think we'll be good friends."

Friend's that's the last thing we'll be.

He hands me a rose before leaving. What did I just get myself into.

I walk back over to Finnick's. "Daph what happened? You're so pale.", he puts his hand on my forehead to check my temperature. "He knows."

Tears begin to fall down my face. "It'll be okay Daphne. It'll be okay." Finnick wipes my tears as I hug him and he hugs me back.

Finnick walks me back over to my house where we're greeted by Jezebel and my prep team. My heart sinks when I see them. I thought Rowan fired them.

Rowan walks in and hugs me. "Snow hired them back I'm so sorry.", he whispers. I smile at him anyway.

"Okay Finnick out we gotta get our girl readied up!", Jezebel shoos him out of the room. I giggle at the two of them.

My prep team applies my makeup talking about everything. I'm not paying attention. The more I block them out the better.

Rowan hands me a blue sundress with a pearl belt. A small white sweater is slid onto my arms with matching white ankle boots.

"We need the Finnick approval!", he says. Finnick walks back in. "You look beautiful.", he says. I give him a smile. "Thank you Finn."

  "Okay we need her out there now!", Jezebel exclaims ushering me out the door where the camera rolls.

"There's our girl!! How are things in four?!", Caesar asks. "Everything's amazing Caesar. The generosity of the capital is something I'm forever thankful for."

That's a complete lie.

"How have all the victors been?" "They're all wonderful Caesar. I'm always entertained!" "We can't wait to see you soon!" I keep smiling waving at the camera until it shuts off.

My smiles fades.

"We leave in the morning so make sure to get lots of sleep!", Jezebel kisses my cheek before leaving along with Rowan and my prep team. I walk over to Finnick and hug him. "You okay?", he asks hugging me back. I nod.

"You look beautiful sis!", Ardin smiles at me. "Thanks sis." "She's right. You looked great. We'll see you when you get back.", Elias says. I smile at them and lead Finnick out of the house.

We pick up Ren from Mags and go back home. We both put Ren to bed before heading back to our room.

I wipe off the makeup before changing into a hoodie and shorts. Finnick comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist and placing a kiss on my neck. I giggle, "what are you doing?" "Just giving some love to my girl."

The two of us lay down in bed. I snuggle close to him. "Are you gonna tell me whats bothering you?", he asks scratching my back. "The victory tour is messing with me I guess. Snow's visit didn't help much." "I know love but I promise everything will be okay. I'll be here the whole time."

"What would I do without you?", I ask placing a kiss on his lips. "Oh sweetheart we both know neither of us would have made it this far without each other."

Authors note-
So I'm trying to redeem Daphne's siblings kinda. Like I want them to still be scared of her (i sound insane omg) but I want them to still try and look out for her kinda

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