Chapter 14 ~no more secrets~

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I don't sleep. I can't. I'm exhausted but every time I close my eyes I'm faced with yet another flashback of the games or even tonight.

When morning comes Jezebel knocks on the door. "I got it!", I call back quietly. I hear her heels click away.

I shake Finnick awake. "Finn we're about to leave are you ready?", I ask.

His sea green eyes open staring into mine.

"You're the worst fake sleeper I've ever seen.", he smirks. I roll my eyes. "Let's go.", I say. He pulls me back down to him.

"I just opened my eyes give me a chance to wake up love.", he laughs. I snuggle close to his warm chest his armed wrapped around me.

"I'm so excited to see Ren.", I say. "Me too. I miss her every time I come back." "Why don't one of the other victors mentor in your place?", I ask. "The capital requests my presence." Without asking I already know what he means.

"The bright side of mentoring though is being able to mentor you. Now we can spend more time together." I feel myself smiling snuggling deeper into his chest.

"You know I even miss my sisters stupid friends." He laughs knowing I'm being sarcastic. That's the one thing about district 4 I don't miss in any way.

Jezebel knocks again. "We're coming!", I yell this time. "This is the second time she's knocked in five minutes you'd think she wants us gone." He chuckles.

"Or maybe she just wants you gone." I have to hide my smile. "I wouldn't go there if I were you.", he says I giggle along with him. 

   "Alright Pigeon let's go. Our humble home awaits.", Finnick says putting his shirt from last night back on.

"You're both not going home in those clothes.", Jezebel groans.

She hands me an spaghetti strapped orange romper and some gold jewelry. "I want your hair in a high ponytail.", she says.

Of course the one time I have bruises all over my neck is the time I have to wear an outfit like this.

Then hands Finnick his outfit. I go to change.

As I'm pulling my hair up is when I notice how visible my hickeys are. Finnick walks in as soon as I tie off my ponytail giving me no time to hide them. He notices them instantly. I avoid his gaze as I can feel him looking at me fiddling with the bracelets on my wrist.

He walks over to me gently caressing one of them I wince from the contact. "I can get some ice okay? We'll take care of them." I feel tears stinging my eyes when I nod still avoiding his eyes.

I feel ashamed and dirty. Most of all I feel disloyal to Finnick. I know he has to do it too, but it still doesn't make me feel any less guilty.

Finnick comes back with a glass of ice and makes me sit on the bathroom counter top.

"I'll be as gentle as I can okay." I wouldn't care if he hurt me. I don't even flinch when the ice cube makes contact with my skin.

The tears I held back in my eyes fall. He kisses my forehead. "You're doing so good Pigeon."

When he finishes the bruises are visibly unnoticeable. I still feel them but it's better than being able to see them.

"Are you ready?", he asks. I nod. He kisses my lips gingerly before helping me down from the counter top.

"It took you both long enough.", Jezebel complains before her Mags Finnick and I leave the building. Finnick and I keep flirting smiles on our face waving at the crowd as we enter the train.

"I'm so happy this is over.", I say. "Me too.", he replies.

We sit on the couch in the back of the training watching the capital we leave behind.

"I'm sorry about earlier.", I say. "Daph you have no reason to apologize." "I feel so disloyal to you." "You shouldn't be. I have to do the exact same thing, but I do you want you to promise me something."

I look at him waiting on his words.

"Promise me you'll tell me when you're hurt. Don't try to keep things like this from me. I'm gonna be here to help you every step of the way you just have to tell me when somethings bothering you not keep it a secret for me to find out on my own. No more secrets between us okay?" I nod and move closer to hug him. "I promise.", I whisper in his ear. I feel him gently kiss my collarbone making sure it wasn't a tender spot before kissing me again.

Authors note-

The way he took care of her in the bathroom scene literally makes my heart flutter. I love him so much. I'm sorry I didn't upload anything yesterday it was a very chaotic day, but I'm back now and ready to post more chapters for you guys!

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