Chapter 18 ~truth~

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The next morning Finnick wakes me up placing small kisses on my cheek. If I were anywhere else besides this train I probably would've slept through them.

This year I really don't want to mentor. I'm so mad at my sister but I don't want to train someone to kill her.

Maybe he'd do it for me.

No Daphne. You can't think like that your sister has to live.

"Are you okay love?", Finnick asks me playing with a strand of my hair. "I just don't know what I'm gonna do. I'm too mad to even look at my sister but I don't want to train someone to kill her." "Do you love your sister?", he asks. "Yeah what kind of question is that of course I love my sister." "Then that's who you choose. Even though you're mad at her doesn't mean you can let that get in the way of helping her."

He's right. I know he's right. She's my sister. Even if she was never there for me doesn't mean I have to make the same mistake she did.

"What if I mess up?" He kisses the side of my forehead. "You won't." "Do you think I should give her the necklace you gave me for my games?" He hesitates. "Does it feel right?" "No not really but what if it really is lucky and would help her win. If I don't give it to her what if she dies."

"Daph. There are 6 living victors in four. Only three of them used that necklace. If it really is lucky and it'll only work if the person you give it to feels right." "How will I know if it feels right?" "You'll know in your heart. I don't know how to describe the feeling but it's a feeling you'll recognize."

I nod and lean over onto his shoulder. "Maybe you should be the mentors mentor and I'll do the tributes." He laughs wrapping his arm around my stomach. "Well I would however you have enough stress on you right now I'm just taking a tribute off your hands."

I smile then we hear a knock at the door followed by Jezebel's voice. "Are you two awake?", she asks bubbly and cheerfully. How someone can be this awake in the mornings is far beyond me.

"Yeah we'll be out in a minute!", Finnick calls. I look down at my outfit. I'm still in the same clothes as yesterday. "I should change.", I say. "What's wrong with what you have on?", he asks. I don't answer this question. My confused glance is enough. I change into a hoodie and black leggings. I look nearly dead in the mirror. If I put on any makeup I'll probably just cry it off today. Besides my prep team can fix me up when we get to the capital.

When I walk outside Finnick and the tributes are eating breakfast. "Someone looks tired.", Jezebel says from another table. I look over at her and sit next to Finnick picking at fruits off his plate I know he won't eat. Honestly I wonder why he even gets them, or why he doesn't like them.

"So when do we arrive in the capital?", Ardin asks cheerfully. I glare up at her Finnick nudges me with his elbow. I roll my eyes and continue eating.

"We'll be there soon miss." "EEK! I'm so excited!", she exclaims. "You're excited to die in an arena?", I find myself accidentally saying. "Daphne.", Finnick mumbles to me.

"I probably won't even die. It looks easy." "Definitely easy. Not eating for nearly a week breaking my ankle and having scars all over my body from wounds!" I want to mention Owen but I genuinely don't think I can.

Finnick grabs my hand rubbing soothing circles. "You know you're acting as if you could kill everyone in the bloodbath. Have you ever even picked up a weapon?" "Daph.", Finnick whispers again.

"You're just being a baby. You only got so hurt cause we've protected you your whole life." "You protected me? You all did nothing but keep secrets from me. I don't even know how my own parents died, but I'm perfectly fine to be sent to the games involuntarily, work my whole life, and move out at the age of 15."

"Moving out and working were your choice." "Because I actually felt safe with Finnick. Forget felt I still feel safe with him. He's shown me more love and comfort than you all ever have. I worked to get closer to Elias. To build a relationship with my own brother and he pushed me away. You're too caught up in your social life you don't even realize I exist. But you know what I still do things I don't want to do to keep you both safe even though you've done nothing but hurt me."

I leave the room again and go to the back of the train this time. I've got to stop doing that. I need to get over myself. But my sisters overly confident attitude is enough to drain every last bit of patience out of me.

"I'm not apologizing.", I say when the door opens. "Did you really mean everything you said?", Ardin's voice is heard. I don't turn around but I nod my head.

"You really want to know why they're dead?" I don't move of course I want to know, but she says it as if it's my fault. I nod again. She sits down next to me.

"When you were born money became tight. Mom and dad had to do illegal things to get extra food for us. They would steal food from work. Hunt past curfew. Eventually they got caught. And were executed on the spot."

So basically my parents became criminals because of me. That never needed to be kept from me. Do they think I'd blame myself?

"They um threatened to kill you too. Instead we made a deal. When you were of age your name had to be in the bowl an extra amount of times."

There it is.

"You could've told me. "We didn't want to scare you more for the reaping. I guess I came to say I'm sorry for never being there for you, I guess it was just a painful reminder for the both of us." "You don't even remember it Ardin you were four years old." She doesn't respond.

"Will you at least try to help me get out of the games alive. I want to live the life of a victor. I want to be the most famous person in all of four. I can't do that without you."

That's what this is about? I can't even say I'm surprised. Even though it still kind of hurts.

"I'll try Ardin but once your in the arena there's nothing I can do."

Authors note-
this is the first time since God knows when i ended a chapter without a finnick and daphne moment. kinda sad tbh but i feel as if this was needed. the parents death was pathetic tbh but it was last minute so whatever. Ardin's attitude reminds me of anybody who has convinced themselves they could win the hunger games after watching (or reading) the books. she drives me crazy tbh. but you know she's going to the hunger games. still haven't decided if she's gonna die or not yet only time will tell. you can leave any criticism in the comments that i can do to make these stories better! i wont care i promise HA! but i hope you enjoy this chapter. please vote for my story !

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