Chapter 12 ~broken promises

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I wake up the day after the party in Finnick's arms when I notice a letter slid under my door. I carefully wriggle out of his arms so I don't wake him and see what it is.

"Dear Miss Elsher, your presence has been required to meet with me as soon as you receive this letter. - President Snow"

Of course. I knew it. I change out of my night clothes into some professional yet comfortable clothes.

I kiss Finnick on the cheek in case it's the last time I'll ever see him. My heart pounds out of my chest as I walk through the halls of the capital. My hands sweaty tears already stinging my eyes.

Peacekeepers guard the door. "Daphne Elsher. President Snow wished to see me." I show them the letter they nod letting me pass.

I open the door and see Snow sitting at his study his rose bloody scent making my nose scrunch again in disgust.

"Miss Elsher." "President Snow.", I curtsey slightly before sitting down in front of his desk.

"I asked something quite easy of you Miss Elsher. That was to keep your act on point which you succeeded in. And to keep your distance from Finnick Odair." "He offered a dance and I can't say no to anyone who wishes to dance.", I say.

"I'm aware of this, but that isn't quite what I meant."

He motions to a projection of Finnick running after me when I leave the party. How he hugs me. How I kiss his cheek. And how he carries me onto the roof.

"He left a customer to be with you. Now that citizen believes the two of you are together which wasn't the deal. I am completely okay with your relationship outside the capital, but while you're here the two of you cannot be lovers."

I nod.

"And see that Finnick broke his deal to never turn down a customer he will also be punished." "He didn't know. You can't blame him for something that was my fault.", I shoot back quickly. He nods. "I'm aware of that as well which is why you will do the same thing as Finnick now. You are a very disrable person of the capital. Many men have placed offers on you but I made a promise to Finnick that I kept until he broke his end."

"And if I refuse?" "Your brother and sister are eligible of danger."

The color drains from me. I nod.

"So do we have a deal?" "Yes sir." "Very well. You're free to go Miss Elsher. Your first customer is tonight at 6. Then you have another one at 9."

So soon?

I nod and exit the room. Maybe a death penalty wouldn't have been so bad after all.

I don't know if I should tell Finnick or not. He'll completely blame himself when it's one hundred percent my fault. But I don't want Snow to continue their deal for Finnick to have more customers just to keep me safe when now I have to do the same thing.

I look in my room to see Finnick still asleep. I sigh a small breath of relief before going to Mags's room.

"Mags?", I ask as I open the door slightly already knowing the woman's awake. She sits in bed reading a book then looks up at me. "Yes flower? Is something wrong?" I nod and close the door behind me before making my way over to sit with her.

"I broke the rules Snow gave me. Well not on purpose. It was when I left the party Finnick followed me and we spent the rest of the night together. He didn't finish with his client and now I have to do the same things as him."

I start to cry as Mags takes my hand in hers. "I'm so sorry.", she says.

"I don't know if I can tell Finnick. He'll tear himself up." "You two don't need to keep secrets from each other Finnick's smart he'll know what's happening when you have to go to the capital." "I know. But I don't know how I'm even supposed to tell him." "Exactly what you told me. Honesty is what keeps relationships strong you two don't have secrets that doesn't need to change now."

"Thank you Mags, I'll see you at lunch?" She nods and kisses my cheek.

I go back to my room and crawl back in bed with Finnick.

"Where have you been?", he asks sleepily. "Just around.", I say back kissing in between his eyes. "Go back to sleep." "You've been awake a while.", he says.

I don't respond.

I gently massage his scalp trying to get him back to sleep. "I love you.", I whisper blinking back tears. "What's wrong?", he asks sitting up. I shake my head.

"Daphne." "Nothing." "Daphne."

"Snow's selling me." His eyes grow wide as tears form in them I feel him tense.

"This is my fault." "No. No Finn. It's not your fault. He told me it was my fault." "I made a deal with him and I broke it. My punishment was you." "It's better than Ren. You need to worry about keeping her safe rather than me." "Daphne my job is to protect you too." "Just because you're my boyfriend doesn't mean you have to do so much to protect me." "I love you so much Finn I don't want you having to go through the worst." "And I love you which is why I have to protect you. I can't risk losing you."

"You won't Finnick. Ever. You can't get rid of me this easy whether you want to or not."

He kisses my lips. "I'd never want to."

Authors note- should I stop ending like every chapter with a Finnick and Daphne moment? probably....but idc

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