Chapter 24 ~Ren Odair~

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It's been a few years since my sisters death. My brother hasn't left the house. In all honesty I think he's dead and nobody will tell me, or they don't even know themselves.

Ren's growing up so fast. She's ten now. She's still the little girl I grew to love in a matter of seconds. However, I'm really worried about her.

It's now the 71st games and Johanna Mason was just crowned victor so Finnick and I go back home to Ren and Mags. Only a few days before Finnick forgot a client. I've never seen him so worried in my entire life. He keeps waking up in tears saying he lost her. I'm there for him the best I can be. But if I'm being honest I'm a little worried.

It's really not Finnick's fault. The client before the one he forgot about got him so drunk he blacked out getting ready for the one he ended up forgetting about.

Tonight makes another night Finnick wakes up screaming. I shoot up right after he does. Finnick tries not to cry often. He lets his guard down for me. As much as I hate when he cries I'm happy he's comfortable enough to open up to me. He should be by now I mean we've been together for four years.

He sobs into his hands. I lean my head against him putting my arms around him. "She's gonna die Daph. She's gonna die and it's all my fault." "Finn it's not your fault. That lady drugged you. You blacked out." "Snow doesn't care. He's still gonna kill her." "Either way none of this is your fault."

His sobs turn into whimpers. I take his hands away from his face. Tears running down his cheeks continuously. I rub soothing circles on his palms with my thumb using my other hand to wipe a few of the tears.

I convince him to lay back down. He snuggles close to my chest. He told me once he likes to hear my heart beat. I don't mind no matter the reason. I massage his scalp to get him back to sleep. "I don't want to sleep D." "You need to." "I'll wake up like this again. I'd rather have no sleep then cry again." "Just relax the best you can Finn. I'm here okay?" He nods softly.

I place soft kisses against his head. "I'm sorry.", he whispers. "Don't you dare apologize. You do the same for me." I feel him smile a little. "Thank you Pigeon." "I'm always here."

The next day we arrive in District 4. He frantically looks for Ren and Mags when he spots them he grabs my hand and we run towards them. He traps Ren in a hug. "What's your deal bub?", she asks hugging him back. "Nothing I just missed you."

"Finn you go to the capital all the time. What's so different." "He just seen a little girl in the capital with her older brother and you're all he's thought about." She laughs, "Aww. I missed you too Bub."

When he lets go of her she goes to hug me. "I missed you D." "I missed you too." I hug Mags who kisses my cheek. A year ago Mags suffered a stroke causing her to lose her voice the three of us learned how to communicate through sign language with her.

The four of us enter the victors village. I stop looking over at my house that looks practically abandoned. Ren stops with me.

"He can't hurt you anymore.", she says taking my hand in hers. I wanted to question how she knew but I remember when I last seen him he broke my nose. Ren's smart she definitely put the pieces together. I look down at the young girl and smile. She smiles back at me.

"Let's catch up with your brother okay?" "Race ya!" She takes off running I follow behind then end up passing her. We run into Mags house laughing. "I win.", I say. "No fair your legs are longer." "Oh I'm sorry do I hear a sore loser?"

She crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow. "Never." I stick my tongue out at her and she does the same. "How old are you two?", Finnick asks. We both break out in giggles.

I sit down on the couch next to Finnick snuggling close to him since Ren and Mags are surprising us with dinner again.

"See told you she'd be okay.", I whisper squeezing his hand. "You didn't say anything.", he smiles. "Well I thought it." "Did you?" We try to keep a serious face staring into each others eyes. I notice a smile tug at his lips and we both start laughing when we hear a knock at the door. We freeze trying to think of anyone it could be.

"Are you two just gonna sit there?", Ren walks in wiping her hands off to answer the door. The visitor is a peacekeeper. "A letter from President Snow." Ren looks back at the both of us. Finnick hesitantly gets up to get the letter giving a nod to the peacekeeper. "I think Mags needs help in there Ren.", Finnick says. She nods and goes back in the kitchen.

Finnick walks back over to the couch opening the letter. I rest my head on his shoulder to read it with him.

To whom it make concern. The presence of Daphne Elsher, Mags Flanagan, and Finnick Odair is required this weekend in the Capital. I apologize for the short notice; however it's urgent. I expect to see you. - President Snow

Finnick doesn't move minus the shaking of his hands. "He's gonna kill her.", he mumbles his voice weak to keep from crying. I can't say anything to him. We both know why we're needed in the capital. He hugs me tightly in his arms.

"Who did she stay with before I won?" "Braun usually." "We can put in a special request. For him to keep her extra safe." He nods.

"Bub, D, dinners ready!", Ren calls from the dining room. Finnick flinches at her voice. "You heard the boss. Dinner's ready.", I say patting his leg walking into the kitchen. We sit down and start eating.

"What was the letter about Bub?", Ren asked. "Uh just a meeting with the president he wants Daphne me and grammy." Her face drops. "When?", she asks. "This weekend." "But you just got back!" Tears set in her eyes before she runs outside.

finnicks pov

Ren runs out of the room after I told her about the capital. I run after her seconds later having a feeling where she was. I walk out and see her hugging one knee to her chest the other leg dangling off the dock. Her shoulders shaking as sobs escape her body. I walk out to her and sit down beside her. "Careful you don't want a shark to bite you.", I pinch her knee that she has off the dock. She scoots up to where she can lean on me. I wrap my arm around her. "Do you have to go?", her soft voice whimpers. "I wish I didn't have to" "It's not fair. You won the games you should be able to live your life how you want. I hate that stupid president." "Careful what you say Ren. I know it's not fair. None of this is fair." "Why don't you just not do what he asks?" "To protect you. You grammy and Daph are all I have. He can't threaten me with them because they're also victors. The last thing I want is for him to hurt you." "Is that why mommy and daddy are dead?" I nod. "I'm so sorry Ren. It's my fault they're dead." "Bubby it's not your fault. You were 16. It's not like you stabbed them with a trident." I don't answer. I don't need to tell her how they were killed. "I love you bubby.", she whispers. "I love you too Ren more than you know."

Authors note-
I'm sorry it's been a few days i've been crazy busy lol. but i hope you enjoy this chapter. Ren has a new face claim considering she's older now

Im gonna be honest it took me forever to pick but i eventually went with her for Ren

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Im gonna be honest it took me forever to pick but i eventually went with her for Ren. I hope you all enjoy the chapter please comment and vote for this story !!

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