Chapter 13 ~the most powerful form of payment~

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"On the bright side after today we go home.", Finnick says as I get ready for my first client. I don't respond finishing up my hair.

He comes up behind me wrapping his arms around me kissing my neck. "I'm sorry love.", he whispers. I turn my head to kiss his cheek.  "Don't be. I'll be okay. It's not like it's the first time.", I say.

I shiver slightly thinking of the Owen memory in the arena.

"Remember you don't have to have sex with anyone you're too young they can't make you." I nod.

"Don't take their money. "What?" "Secrets. Ask for secrets. They are the most powerful form of payment." I give him a questionable look. "Trust me on this okay?" I nod again.

He turns me and places a kiss on my lips. "I love you so much okay? We'll get through it together." "I love you too Finn. I'll see you soon I promise."

He lets me go and I walk to meet my first client.

I open a note that was pinned to my outfit before I changed to give me the name and place to meet these people.

I knock on the door of a room in an apartment building. A man with slick black hair answers it. "Daphne Elsher.", he smirks. "It's a pleasure." I smile back at him and place a hand on his shoulder. "Pleasure is all mine." He closes the door behind me and leads me to the living room. "I hope you're ready for tonight."

At 8:30 I leave to clean myself up before making my way to my next client at a bar. My minds a blur replaying the events from my first client and Owen.

I leave at midnight feeling completely grossed out.

Hand print whelps on my thighs bruises on my neck. I make my way back to my room and shower.

The warm water burns my skin so I turn it down some letting it fall down my back. Tears falling down my face mixing with it. I can never do this again. The whole time I felt as if I was back in the arena.

Owen flashes through my mind again. Why is it always him? Why can I never escape him?

I change into a hoodie and sweats after. Finnick can't see what they did to me.

When I walk out Finnick's in the living room on the couch. He looks like he's asleep. I walk over to him and snuggle up to him. He wakes up and wraps his arm around me.

"Are you okay?", Finnick asks. I'm not okay. I'll never be okay. I don't respond. I snuggle into his side more as his arms hold me tighter kissing the top of my head.

I feel tears sting my eyes again. I try to blink them back but they end up falling. And once they start they don't stop.

Finnick picks me up and takes me into my room. "Deep breaths. Focus on me okay? In an out." I try but hiccups of sobs make it impossible for me to breathe.

He blows lightly on my face like you would a crying toddler. This helps me enough to steady my breathing with occasional hiccups but the tears still fall down my face.

"I'm sorry.", are the only words I can manage. "Don't. You have nothing to be sorry for. Nothing at all love. I just want you to try and calm down."

He takes his hands in mine. They're soft but calloused in some spots. Mainly where he grips his trident.

"I'm right here.", he says. I'm hot but I can't change. Finnick will see what they did. "Love you're burning up." I nod saying nothing.

"Change.", he says leading me to my bedroom. He hands me a romper pajama set. I change into it taking my hair down to hide the bruises better.

I sit beside Finnick on my bed laying my head on his shoulder as he has his arm around me.

"Why is he so evil?", I ask. "I wish I knew Daph."

His hand grazes over a spot on my leg that's tender from one of my customers. I wince slightly. Finnick notices this then my leg."Oh my gosh.", I can barely hear him whisper.

Tears fall from my eyes again. "I'm sorry.", I choke. "Daphne stop apologizing. You can't help it."

We stay silent again holding one another. "I wish we could go home." "We can soon. Then we'll spend right now at the docks. Watching the moonlight glisten on the ocean."

He kissed my cheek still holding my hand in his. My tears stop falling leaving me feeling numb. At least I have Finnick. Even in all of this he still makes me feel like I'll be okay.

Authors note-
Lowkey kindaaa hate this chapter I didnt exactly want to write daphne literally being assaulted for obvious reasons so it was mainly summarized I'll have better chapters coming I swear. In the mean time feel free to tell me your thoughts on everything so far. I'm open fro criticism!

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