Chapter 6 ~the tour begins~

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The next day I hug my siblings and Ren goodbye. "Don't get into any trouble okay?", I tell Ren. She laughs, "I won't I promise."

Mags Finnick and I all board the train. We sit down at the table for dinner. "The first district is district 3." A sigh of relief hits me. I didn't kill anyone from there.

"You guys turn in. Big day tomorrow.", Jezebel says. We nod and head to my train bedroom. I change into a nightgown crawl in bed with Finnick.

"You're cold.", he says when my skin makes contact with his. I snuggle closer to him he rubs my arms to heat them up.

He sits up and puts me in his lap. "You're tense too.", he says. "I'm so nervous Finn. After three is district 2. I've never hated anyone more than Camden what am I supposed to say?"

"Jezebel already has your cards written out you don't have anything to worry about."

"And the capital party he said he doesn't want us to be so close." "He's only saying that because if people see how in love we are they won't want to buy me anymore."

"What if he kills someone?" "He kills a lot of people Daph." "I meant someone like Ren." "He can't kill Ren. He didn't talk to me. You're not supposed to even tell anyone what he says. He can't put Ren on the line for you. It'd be breaking a promise to me."

I kiss him lightly on the lips. "You're so beautiful.", he says. My cheeks heat up. "The blush is back. The capital must make you blush more." "No you're just sweet to me when we're in the capital." "I don't find that to be true considering just two weeks ago I let you take a nap. I call you beautiful all the time and kiss you any chance I get." "Okay maybe you are sweet to me. Maybe I'm just more collected when we're home."

We lay down he has me lay on his chest. He scratches my back softly. I worry what the next few weeks will bring but I know I'll have Finnick and that's what matters.

The next morning I wake up first. I don't move from Finnicks chest afraid if I do he'll wake up. He doesn't sleep without a nightmare often.

I trace the muscles on his shoulder lightly. I wish I could freeze this moment and stay here for ever just him and me.

We stay in this position for a little longer until Finnick places a kiss on my forehead. "Did I wake you?", I ask. He smiles and shakes his head. I start to get up but he pulls me back to him.

"Are you hungry?", he asks. I shake my head, "are you?" He shakes his head again.

A knock on the door causes us both to flinch. "Daphne!! Rise and shine our beautiful victor!", Jezebel beams about to open the door. I practically jump off Finnick so she doesn't think we did anything.

"And Finnick's here.", she says sounding almost disappointed. "Wonderful to see you too Jezebel.", he smirks causing me to laugh at them. he nudges me with his arm.

"Alright out. Rowan has to get to work we'll be in district three in nearly an hour." "Alright. Love you pigeon see you soon.", he kisses my head before leaving the room.

"You two really should make your relationship public then you would truly be all the capital talks about." I just smile at her she truly has no idea.

Rowan and my prep team start on me I'm put in an olive green sweater with a pair of grey jeans. My hairs curled in waves my makeup done natural. "Okay my works done."

I walk out to Finnick and Mags on the couch. "You look beautiful!", Mags smiles. I smile back at her. Finnick places a kiss on my lips. "Gorgeous."

We walk out of the train I shake hands with mayor from three. Jezebel hands me my cards and I walk out on the stage.

"I'm sure all of you know me. Daphne Elsher from district 4. After all the struggles in my life from being an orphan at the age of two to being reaped for games. The capital has done nothing but bless me. I'd like to thank them for their generosity and kindness they've shown me and how they've shaped me into the person I am standing before all of you. I never knew your tributes but I feel for the loss of their lives with all of you. Thank you."

I walk off stage and hand my cards to Jezebel. Finnick walks over to me and tucks a stray piece of hair behind my ear. "you did good pigeon." I smile at him before we're leaded to lunch.

Finnick and I sit together on a bean bag chair in the lounge room eating sandwiches to avoid the chatter from the dining room of the mayors house between the mayor his family my prep team and Jezebel.

Mags comes in for occasional check ins. After our sandwiches we sit there together and talk about anything and everything. "I'm worried for tomorrow.", I say. He kisses my temple, "you'll do perfectly fine. I'll be right there the whole time. After you can cry in my arms for as long as you wish." I smile at him. He scratches my shoulder.

"Do you think Snow will kill my family if he sees us together at the party?" "I have no idea any of that man's intentions. It's hard to say what he'll do regardless of anything that happens at that party." I try to shake off what he said. I know it's true but it still makes me nervous.

"I have a confession to make.." "and that is?" "I don't know how to waltz." "You're kidding." "Not in the slightest. I have to dance with everyone who wants to dance with me what am I supposed to do?" "Well...I suppose I could teach you..", he says. "You'd do that?" A kiss is placed on my lips. "I'd do anything for you Daphne."

Authors note-
District 3 is done. I'm not writing for every single district because that takes far too much time and will make the book a little too boring so I'm just doing the important ones like 2, 11 and 8. Also known as the homes of once Camden (ew) Dariel and Sylvie.

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