Chapter 10 ~heatwave~

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I wake up to Finnick shaking me awake. I flinch back and fight back a scream. "You're okay. Just me.", he says.

I snuggle close to him already feeling the chill from the district we begin to enter.

"I don't think I can do it Finn.", I whisper. "You're Daphne Elsher one day Odair. The girl who got an entire district to clap for her after a speech. The girl who got my sister to warm up to you in a matter of seconds. You can do this. It's just a little speech." "A little speech in front of the little girl who saved my life in the same kind of climate she died in." "Daph. Just like all the other districts I'll be right there. After we can do exactly what we're doing right now laying here together just me and you."

"I wanna go home Finn." Tears begin to form in my eyes. "I know. We'll be home soon. Just three more after today." "And a capital party that could potentially get me killed." "Snow won't kill the most famous victor in all of Panem right now." "Right now." "Or ever. I made a deal to keep you safe and I intend to keep it okay?" "Finn." "Daphne."

Before I can speak Jezebel knocks on the door. "Good morning my victors. Fi-" "I know."

I don't want to let go of him. I can't decide if it's because I love him too much or I'm freezing. Maybe a little bit of both. He places a kiss on my temple. "I love you Pigeon." "Love you shark bait." "That's a new one!", he laughs walking out of the room.

"Don't worry Daphne despite the weather of the district your outfit will keep you warm we've made sure of it." "We?"

"She designed it I brought it to life.", Rowan walks in. "Jezebel designed my clothes? What color wig am I wearing?"

I hear Finnick laugh from outside.

"There is no wig actually. And the outfit isn't hideous." "She's got a point I wouldn't put my beautiful girl in anything terrible." I begin to bring up the parade outfit but he shushes me before I can even open my mouth.

"The outfit has built in heating pads so you won't get cold. You can't even tell." "Clever.", I say.

"Alright she's done she needs to be on the justice building stage before you can say 'May the odds be ever in your favor'.", Jezebel rushes me outside the cool breeze instantly hitting my face.

Luckily the heating pads in my outfit help the cold. I look up at the families of the fallen.

The boy from 8 has a mother and father. There's a toddler in the mothers arms no more than 2.

I look over at Sylvie's family that's just an older brother and sister. Just like my family.

"District 8. There's a lot I can say but there's so little time for me to say it all. I never spoke to the boy from your district. He must've died early on. I knew Sylvie. I considered her my friend. Near the end she saved me from being eaten by wolves. My regret is letting the boy from two kill her. I never wanted us to be the final two. I didn't want either of us to feel like we had to sacrifice ourselves for the other and I especially didn't want us to fight. But the fact she's dead and in ways I feel as if it was my fault. I'll always feel the guilt from the games."

I want to say more. There's so much left I could say. I begin to feel lightheaded and sweaty. I can't tell if it's from the outfit to the Instead I nod my head and walk inside.

Everything around me is a blur. I can barley make out anyone in the room.

"You okay?", Finnick's voice echos through me.

My knees buckle from underneath me and what little of my vision I have left is gone. "She's unconscious!!", Finnick screams. How can I still hear everything? Or can I?

My eyes open and see Finnick running his thumb across my hairline softly. "Are you okay?", he asks. I nod. "What happened?" "You overheated from the heat pads in your outfit." "At least I wasn't cold.", I manage a laugh. He smiles at me.

"She's awake!", he calls. The room floods with nearly anyone I can imagine. The mayor of eight, Mags, Jezebel, Rowan, and my entire prep team. "How long was I out?", I ask. "Roughly two hours.", Jezebel says, "Are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine I promise. You guys really don't have to worry." "Well at least you're okay. It's almost time for the dinner are you sure you're up for it?" I nod. "Positive really I'm okay."
They nod almost all of them leave the room minus Mags Finnick and me.

"Are you sure you're okay flower?", Mags asks tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. "I promise. I would've said no if I wasn't." She nods placing a kiss on my cheek leaving the room like the others.

"You really had me worried.", Finnick says. "Aww it's good to know you actually love me."

"I'm serious Daph I really thought there was something really wrong. Your knees buckled and you fell into my arms. You were drenched with sweat. You've never been like that not even after a nightmare."

I kiss his cheek then lips. "You can't get rid of me that easily. You're just stuck with me.", I say. he smiles and plants another kiss to my lips, "I wouldn't have it any other way."

Authors note~
idk where i was going with this but uh it got another cute finnick and daphne moment which I'm all here for

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