Chapter 8 ~Mad girl~

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Once again my hair is curled this time I have a blue cardigan on with similar jeans as yesterday. I have on a pair of white sneakers.

"Okay I'm finished here.", Rowan says. All I can think about is seeing Camden again. His family.

Finnick kisses my cheek snapping me back into the present. His sea green eyes stare into mine, "You'll be okay." I hug him close to me desperate for his comfort. He hugs me too rubbing my back.

"Alright we're here you two break it up!", Jezebel says breaking us apart.

We walk out into District 2. We're greeted by the mayor once again. He seems stuck up. It makes sense considering he's from two.

"Here's your cards. Knock them dead my favorite victor!", Jezebel says. "HEY!", Finnick exclaims. "Oh hush don't act surprised!" I manage to smile at both of them then walk outside on the stage of the justice building.

I look up at the family of the fallen.

Elise's family consists of an older brother and younger one and both of her parents. They look wealthy.

I switch my glance to Camden's family. He just has an older brother. His older brother stares into my eyes with a look a murder in his eyes.

I can already feel my hands sweating and I haven't even started yet.

"I'm Daphne Elsher victor of the 68th Hunger Games. I never knew Elise but I knew she was strong. I'm guilty for ending her life so early in the games but it wasn't because I hated her it was because I knew she would be a tough competitor in the end. I knew Camden. Not in the way I wish. I always had a fear of him. He was a tough competitor. Every night I still see him in night terrors. But because of their deaths is why I'm standing before you today. The capital has shown me nothing but kindness since then. Thank you."

"MURDERER!", someone screams.

The rest of them join in yelling profanities at me such as psycho, mad girl, heartless, and some not so kind things I don't want to repeat. I bite my lip. The taste of blood in my mouth from it when I'm ushered off the stage.

"Hey you're okay.", Finnick says running his thumb on my face to calm me down. The bite on my lip remains until Finnick forces me to stop.

"I seen his face.", I whimper. "I know." "He tried to kill me. He killed Sylvie. He killed Dariel." "I know."

He hugs me tight in his arms letting me cry.

We stay like this until Jezebel makes us come to dinner with mayor.

"I'd like to apologize for the actions of the people of my district miss Elsher. We are truly honored to be in your presence." I almost hear him say "alive" under his breath.

I mainly pick at my food separating it as much as I can to make it look like I'm actually eating. "If you're gonna fake eating at least bring the food to your mouth.", Finnick whispers to me. And I do. The food lingers in my mouth for a while before I swallow it.

Chatter at the table is light. Which I'm kind of thankful for. A loud situation would just stress me out even more. Finnick keeps his hand on my lap rubbing my leg with his thumb gently.

Back on the train again Finnick and I sit on the couch in my room neither one of us speaking just looking out the window. My knees to my chest.

"9 more districts and a capital party and we can go back to watching sunsets on the beach.", Finnick says breaking the silence. I don't respond.

He puts his hand on mine and interlocks our fingers.

"You're not what they say you know. You're not psycho, you're not a mad girl, and certainly not heartless." "They were right about one thing. I am a murderer." "You act like you had a choice." "I did have a choice. I didn't have to kill anyone instead I killed seven." "You would've died if you didn't kill them." "Would that really be such a bad thing?"

He tucks a stray piece of hair behind my ear. "You really don't realize how much you mean to people do you?" "Please Finnick. Ren didn't know of me until I won. My siblings are scared of me no matter how much they try to cover it up, you would've been fine then too we were practically strangers who just so happened to have a crush on each other." "Daphne Lynn Elsher stop it. District 2 is the worst district ego wise. They are the most stuck up people other than the people of the capital. They're just upset that they didn't win for once. They did the same to me and even Mags. Clayton, Braun, all of them. You mean the absolute world to me. I've been in love with you since the day those girls tripped you in the hall. You blushed back then too." He caress's my cheek lightly which causes me to smile a little.

He holds his arms out for me to crawl into. I snuggle into his chest as strokes my hair.

"I love you so much.", he says. "I love you even more Finnick. Thank you for everything."

Authors note-

Just recently realized that every day on that train during the tour they always wake up in a different spot. Bed. Floor. And now couch. I love them so much little spoiler for later books I'm not killing off Finnick or Daphne. I love them too much to kill them off.

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