Chapter 7 ~a dance date~

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Back on the train I change into a pair of fleece pink pajamas. Finnick has on a thin grey jacket with his pajama pants.

"Ready?", he asks. "Ready." He puts his hand on my waist holding my hand in his other one i put one on his shoulder. We sway to the music at first.

"Loosen up. You're too stiff.", he says. I try to keep my mind on just him. I feel my shoulders relax some. "There you go. Focus on me the dancing will come on it's own."

He leads me in the steps that aren't as hard as i thought. He twirls me around. "You're not as bad as you said." "I can dance normally but ballroom dancing I've never learned." "You're a natural at it."

Our faces are inches apart. I feel his breaths against my lips right before they mold together in a sweet passionate kiss.

"We need to get some sleep. Big day tomorrow.", he says after the kiss breaks. I nod and we get in bed holding one another close.

"Did your mother ever sing you lullabies?", I ask. He nods, "every night. I remember she called one the song of the sea. It was always my favorite." "Aww a little fish boy since birth", I tease. He laughs.

"How'd it go?" He hesitates. "I'm an awful singer." "You the Finnick Odair amazing at everything an awful singer?" "Alright fine. I don't remember all of it." He pauses again before starting,

"Hush now, my storen Close your eyes and sleep Waltzing the waves Diving the deep Stars are shining bright The wind is on the rise Whispering words of long lost lullabies Oh, won't you come with me? And in the morning sun We'll be sailing Oh, won't you come with me? Where the ocean meets the sky And as the clouds roll by We'll sing the song of the sea"

I snuggle closer to him. "I knew you could sing.", I mumble sleepily. "Get some sleep love I'll be here when you wake up." And I do for a while. Images of my games begin to flash by.

Owen's slit throat. Dariel's dead body. Sylvie begging me to throw a knife at Camden. Camden slitting Sylvie's throat. I'm trapped in a circle of all of they deaths. "This is what happens when you don't follow my orders Miss Elsher." A bone chilling voice says close to my ear. I whip my head around to see President Snow along with Finnick and Ren. Both of them hung by a Noose. "Daphne help!!", Ren shouts for me. Finnick stares numbly at me. Before I can take a step towards them a sword beheads them both.

I jump awake screaming. Finnick shoots up right after me. "Hey it's okay you're okay.", he says.

Can't breathe. Can't breathe.

"You were dead.", I sob. "I can very much assure you I'm not dead. See look I'm right here. Right in front of you."

Hiccups of sobs continue to escape me. "If I were dead could I do this?" He kisses my cheek. "Or this?" He then kisses my forehead. "How about this." He kisses my nose. "And this." Our lips lock together my tears making it taste salty but neither of us break apart. When we do we look into one another's eyes. The moonlight from the train make his sea green eyes shimmer.

"You have a few hours until you have to get up get some sleep okay?" "I don't think I can.", I say, "Every time I close my eyes I see everyone dead." "Okay so what do you wanna do?" I shrug. "There's gotta be something I know we're on a train and there's limited space but there's still some things we can do." "We could play hide n seek?", I suggest "I didn't know Ren was on the train.", he laughs. I punch his arm lightly.

"Wait can we dance again? Like not practice but actually dance and stuff." He smiles then gets out of bed. I follow him. "Let's see how good these said dancing skills of yours are." He twirls me around as soon as the music starts.

We dance seriously at first. After a few songs we stopped the competitive aspect then began to see who could make the other one laugh the most.

Continuous laughter from the both of us tires us both.

After a while we lay on the floor looking at the ceiling. He looks over and kisses my cheek. "I love you.", he says. "I love you more." He smirks. "Is that so?" I nod.  He kisses my temples this time.

We fall asleep next to each other in the floor. The sun begins to shine through the window waking us both up.

"Your eyes look even more beautiful in the sun.", he says. "You make me love you way too much." "That's impossible."

Another knock at the door makes us both flinch... again.

"Rise and shine!", Jezebel exclaims. "You two have too much fun last night?" Our faces both turn red.

She laughs. "Okay we need our girl Finnick get out." "Jeez calm down Jezebel you act like I'm a bad influence.", he says. "Maybe that's cause you are.", I laugh. "I will be getting you back for that." "Oh I'm so scared now."

He turns around and starts walking towards me, "You know wha-" "FINNICK out!", Jezebel says again. We both burst out laughing.

He places a light kiss on my lips, "Okay I gotta go before she has my head. Even though I'll be getting you back for all of this I love you." "I love you too Finn."

Authors note-
Jezebel is literally that friend we all have that always embarrasses you in some way. I love it. District 2 time. Let's see how Daphne holds up having to see Camden's face in person again instead of in a nightmare

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