Chapter 25 ~mystery party~

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I wake up first. Finnick laying beside me Ren on top of him. He holds both of us in his arms. I don't want to disturb them. They look peaceful. No nightmares last night. Just all three of us.

Honestly we didn't mean to fall asleep. We were all talking and laughing eating even. Then just like that we all fell asleep. I can't say that's the first time it's ever happened because then I'll be lying.

I look over at the clock the train rolls in any minute.

I kiss Finnick's cheek to wake him since he's a light sleeper. He opens his eyes looking over at me as if to ask me what was wrong. "The trains gonna be here in a few minutes."

I see his face drop slightly then looking at his little sister still asleep on his chest. "Braun will keep her safe.", I whisper. He nods slowly kissing the top of her head then shaking her a little.

"Ren. It's almost time peanut." Ren furrows her eyebrows putting a pout on her face. "Don't give me that look you know we don't want to go.", Finnick says. I see tears in his eyes as he talks to her. "We'll be back when the weekends over okay?" She nods hugging him tightly.

"I love you so much peanut." "I love you too Bub. Be back super soon okay?" He lets out a weak laugh. "Okay."

Ren gets off him allowing us all to get up. "I'm going to Grammy's to tell her goodbye.", she says. "Okay Ren. We'll see you before we leave." She gives him thumbs up before running down stairs.

When we hear the front door shut Finnick starts to cry. "I'm sorry Daph. It's nothing I swear I'm good. Just really worried about her." I wrap my arms around him in a hug. "I know. I'm worried too but we can't lose hope." He nods in agreement wiping the rest of his tears then we begin to get ready.

I put on a large pink shirt with some shorts you can't even see and slip on my sandals tying my hair in a ponytail taking down some baby hairs.

Finnick's outfit is just as simple as mine with shorts a grey jacket with a white shirt underneath. His hair slightly messy he starts to gel it down when I come up behind him and tease it. "Hey!", he exclaims. "What? It looks better this way." He shrugs agreeing with me.

I know he also likes it more because he don't have to worry about fly aways as much. "Don't you look beautiful.", he smiles. His smile still weak with worry.

He picks me up I put my legs around his waist to keep him close. He presses a kiss to my lips when we hear the train pull in. We both sigh in unison as he puts me back down. "One last goodbye to Ren I guess.", he says. "Don't think like that. We can't think like that Finn." He nods.

"Let's go squid breath.", I take his hand in mine. "Right back at ya Pigeon." I giggle my head resting on his arm as we walk outside. "Ready and Capital face." He laughs. Genuinely laughs. This makes me smile at him.

"If I didn't have to keep this act right now I would kiss you." I shrug, "We have a whole train ride."

Ren and Mags are already at the station. Ren runs over hugging us both.

"Stay with Braun okay. No going out on your own. No going out at night or when it's dark I don't care who you're with. Just be safe Peanut.", he says. "Gosh you act like you'll never see me again", she laughs. "I just haven't left you with someone who isn't Mags in years. I just want you safe okay?" "Okay bub. Go on you have a train to catch I'll be fine." Finnick nods and goes in the train with Mags and I.

He watches out the window at Ren until you can't see her anymore.

"I haven't seen him so fragile in years.", Mags signs to me. I nod. Sure her cries from nightmares but they haven't been this repetitive.

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