Chapter 9 ~no escape~

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District 1 and 12 weren't as hard as I expected.

I killed tributes from both but I didn't get murderous looks. Especially from 12. They almost looked at me with pity as if they understand what I'm going through.

Eleven is not a district I'm looking forward to. I don't want to see Dariel's family. The look I know they'll give me because I let their little boy die.

Before we step of the train Finnick places a kiss against my lips. "I'm here okay?", he says. I nod tears already stinging my eyes.

"Here are your cards.", Jezebel says. Her voice sounds sad too. I walk out onto the justice building and look out into the audience then up at the fallen.

I never knew the girls name. In fact I don't remember her at all. She has no family under her picture. It almost makes me wonder if this was a suicide mission.

I look over at Dariel's his family of young kids and two parents look back at me. The kids are anywhere between 2 and 7. Even the parents still have youth to them.

"I um. I never knew the girl of your district. In fact I feel guilty I never even knew her name."

I look over at Dariel and put down my cards.

"Dariel Evans was a young little boy who lost his life way too early. I didn't see Dariel as an ally. Maybe at first but two weeks of training and a few days in the games together changed my mind to see him as a friend. I'm guilty for his death even though I never killed him. If anything I sung him to sleep."

I feel tears begin to fall down my face.

"The song I sung to him rang truth to it. As soon as morning light from the following day shined through our base despite the feeling of numbness I also felt security. It was as if he was telling me he was safe and sound."

Instead of silence like every other district minus 2 they begin to clap. I'm ushered off stage by peacekeepers. As soon as the door closes I immediately hug Finnick.

"You did so good Pigeon.", he says, "Districts never clap." "DAPHNE ROSE ELSHER!!", a voice yells mixed with heel clicks. "Someones in trouble.", he whispers poking my ribs. I flinch as I whip my head to see Jezebel angrily walking or maybe running towards us.

"HOW COULD YOU PUT DOWN THE CARDS?! YOU'RE MAKING FINNICK MY NEW FAVORITE VICTOR!"  Finnick tries his hardest to keep from laughing but fails.

I elbow him light enough so I don't hurt him but hard enough to get him to shut up.

"Jezebel I'm really sorry. I had to say something for Dariel." "You gotta admit Jez she did amazing despite not using the cards the whole time. I mean come on the entire district clapped for her." "I guess you have a point Finnick. Alright Daphne please just use the cards I don't want you getting in trouble."

Little does she know this capital party is gonna put me in more trouble than just adding some sentences to some speech cards.

"I owe you.", I whisper to Finnick as Jezebel walks away. He turns my chin to face him and places a kiss on my lips. "That will do plenty." 

I smile at him.

During the 11 dinner there is some small talk between nearly everyone. Not enough to stress me out thankfully. I mainly talk to Finnick.

"I really though Jez was gonna rip your head off.", he chuckles. "I did too. She even made up a middle name for me. I didn't think I said anything that could get me in trouble. Victory speeches are to honor the fallen it's not like gave them all my winnings." "I thought you did good. For a district to clap for a victor is rare. It's supposed to be considered a good thing."

I smile and lean on his shoulder slightly. he holds my hand in his gently gliding his thumb over my knuckles.

Back on the train Finnick and I are are sitting on the couch at the end of the train looking at the sights we leave behind when Jezebel walks in.

"Daphne um I'm so sorry." My stomach drops fearing the worst. "For what?", I ask nervously as I begin to bite my lip. Finnick notices and grazes his thumb across my bottom lip and mouthing the 'stop' to me.

"There's a bit of a hold up for District 8. A snowstorm is striking the night before we arrive."

Images of the games instantly flood through my mind. The blood stained snow. The cold wind through the cave after Dariel died. The wind burning my face every night after I left the cave. The snow crunching every footstep I took hoping a tribute wasn't around to kill me. All of it comes flooding back drowning me.

"Daphne.", I can barley make out Finnick's voice. I feel him shaking me and talking to me but I can't see him. I can't see Jezebel. Just the games. I'm trapped. Trapped in a never ending circle of the 68th hunger games. And I know I'll never escape it.

Authors note-

This is the whole reason I thought Daphne's arena should be snow. Maybe I shouldn't do things to hurt my characters as much. But uh it adds character and pizzazz

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