Chapter 30 ~the announcement~

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It's been nearly a year since the 74th games. The victory tour for the "star-crossed lovers from District 12" just ended. I don't think I've ever been so annoyed by a victor.

I'd be happy for Haymitch. He finally got a victor; well two victors. But could they be ever so annoying?

Riots are happening everywhere so more and more capital events for famous victors like Finnick and I are more needed to distract the public. A lot of pressure has been taken off of us when Peeta proposed to Katniss on their victory tour. Since then everything's been about the wedding. I should thank them but they also caused the rules for each district to be more strict.

We have CURFEWS now. Peacekeepers are ALWAYS out. It's so annoying. All because some stupid kids pulled out some poison berries.

The announcement for the upcoming quarter quell is today. If I'm being honest I've never been so stressed out about something like this. Those kids from 12 may have caused a rewrite who knows what it could be.

I look out the window watching the ocean waves overlap one another when I feel a pair of strong arms snake around my waist.

"May I help you?", I ask smiling. "I have a surprise for you.", Finnick says. "A surprise? What kind?" "You'll have to see come on!" He grabs my hand and pulls me up. Actually he pulls me all the way to the boat docks. "Okay climb aboard m'lady!", he smirks holding his hand out to help me on the boat. I sit down beside him as he hits the gas.

Finnick and I go on boat rides often. We've been to so many places in four because of this. One time we found a mini island.

"Almost there!", he says. "Good the suspense is killing me. "Wait tie this around your eyes.", he hands me a blindfold. "Why?" "Just do it." And I do. "Happy?" "Yes thank you didn't want to spoil the surprise."

I hear water splashing from all around as the boat comes to a stop. Finnick carries me off the boat. When my feet touch the rough and hard ground Finnick tells me to take off the blind fold. All around are pieces of coral and crystal rocks.

"Finnick this is beautiful!", I exclaim. "I thought you'd like it. I have something for you." He hands me a small box rapped with a ribbon. I open it as it reveals a locket. The charm on my current necklace is engraved into it. A heart-shaped bird. I open it to see a picture of Finnick and I dancing on the beach during a recent sunset.

"Finnick this is.. Oh my gosh!", I jump up and hug him wrapping my arms tightly around his neck as his wrap tightly around my sides. I tear up a little. "How did you get this picture?", I ask wiping one of my tears laughing a little. "Mags got it for me. She knew I wanted to get you this for a long time now." "It's so beautiful Finnick! And this cove! What did I do to deserve you?" "Everything my love everything.", he places a kiss on the side of my head then my lips.

"You make me whole. You are the only reason I'm still here today. I owe you my entire life and you have my whole heart pigeon. For now, forever, and for always."

Being speechless is something that rarely happens with me. Finnick always has a way of managing to pull a certain string to make my ability of speaking disappear.

"I love you Finnick Odair." "And I love you Daphne Elsher." After a while of enjoying the cove and each others company we know what time it is.

"we should be heading back you know. Big announcement from President Snow.", Finnick says. "Don't get me started I'm so nervous. Watch it be like only people from a certain district can be reaped." He chuckles. "Imagine if it's capital kids. Oh how wonderful that would be.", I sarcastically smile. He laughs again as he helps me up on the boat.

"Wanna drive?", he asks. "I'll sink us before we could even hear that announcement.", I say then sit down beside him. Clearly this answer didn't sit well with him so he lifts me onto his lap.

"Ready?", he asks. "No." "Alright lets go." He presses the gas holding onto my stomach. "Turn right!", he says.

My heart pounds this entire time.

"Finnick take over please I can't do this!" "You're doing great! Just keep going!" Not like I have much of a choice he's controlling the gas not me. Up ahead I see the boat docks and sigh of relief.

Finnick slows the boat down and helps me park it. We walk back to our house and turn the television on just to listen for when the announcement starts as we make some lunch.

"I can take it from here. It's kinda chilly I have a sweatshirt upstairs you can put on.", Finnick says as the tea tries to finish brewing. I nod and run upstairs to change.

Finnick was right there was in face a navy blue zip-up sweatshirt. I put it on over my top keeping the shorts I have on then walk back downstairs. Finnick's already on the couch with our food tying knots.

I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned this, but Finnick has a habit of knot tying. It keeps his mind focused on something other than fear. He can't hold still either so this also helps him a lot. He's made me some beautiful things out of his ropes before. one time he made me a pigeon.

"Thank you.", I say. "Of course my love." I snuggle up against Finnick as we eat lunch waiting on this announcement. The clock impatiently ticking the background makes me lose my appetite. Finnick stops eating too as he picks me up onto his lap allowing my to rest my head on his shoulder.

Then we hear the familiar capital music. Followed by his bone-chilling self walking into view.

"Ladies and gentlemen. This is the 75th year of the hunger games. It was written in the charter of the games that every twenty-five years there will be a Quarter Quell. Now, On the 75th anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that even the strongest among them cannot overcome the power of the capital, the male and female tributes will be reaped from their existing pool of victors."

End Of Book two

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