Chapter 4 ~daylight terror~

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We only wake up when Ren gets in bed with us. Finnick shifts slightly at the sudden indent which wakes me up.

"Hey Ren.", he says his voice hoarse and groggy. I'm too tired to open my eyes or even speak. I roll over to him and snuggle close to him. His kisses my temple and grazes his thumb on my face.

"Daphne looks sleepy.", Ren says. "She is. Did you work her to death yesterday?", he laughs. I feel a smile form on my face.

She laughs. "No!" He ruffles her hair she tries fighting back by punching him. He doesn't even flinch. They continue wrestling with each other for the next few minutes. "Cut it out you two.", I mumble. "What was that princess?", Finnick smirks at me.

I put my head under the blankets to avoid him. Doesn't work. "It's 9:00.", he says. "Is that supposed to mean something to me?" "If you want breakfast...yeah."

I roll out of bed not even bothering to change or fix my hair. I slip on a pair of sandals picking a blanket from the bench at the foot of the bed. "I'm ready let's go."

He laughs and picks up Ren. "Someone's grumpy this morning.", he says. I shoot him a glare which makes him laugh and nudge my shoulder.

Mags greets us with a kiss again. Breakfast today is omelets and smoothies. "Someone's tired today.", Mags giggles handing me a plate. I smile at her.

"She's been a nightmare all morning.", Finnick adds. "I have not!", I exclaim. "Have to!", Ren chimes in. "Hey!" She giggles. After breakfast Mags takes my plate. "I can help you with that Mags." "You need some sleep I'll do this and take Ren outside. Finnick can stay with you so he can scare off any night terrors."

Finnick comes up behind me and picks me up. I gasp at first then relax into his arms. He kisses my neck then lips. He sits down on the couch keeping me in his arms.

Ren and Mags go out back and make crafts.

"You're grumpy when you're tired.", he says. "Maybe you're just annoying.", i reply. "Hey!" "In a good way. sometimes.." "I'll throw you in the ocean if you don't stop." I start laughing. mainly out of exhaustion.

I lean up and kiss his lips before laying back down in his lap. He rubs his thumb on my hairline and traces my eyebrows.

"Get some sleep love. I'll be here when you wake up." I smile before drifting off to sleep. Not for long when a nightmare begins.

Owen holds me down to the ground. His hands all over me. I try to scream but no sound leaves. When I open my eyes I don't see Owen. Instead I see Finnick grinning as he slits my neck with a knife.

I jolt up screaming. "DAPHNE ITS OKAY CALM DOWN!", Finnick exclaims to try to calm me down. The dreams fake Daphne Finnicks not gonna hurt you. Tears stream down my face.

Finnick pulls me into his arms. "You're safe love." Hiccups of sobs still escape me. "What was it?" "The Owen dream. Only you were Owen."

His stare softens. He kisses me softly on my forehead. "I know it was fake. You're the one person I know would never hurt me.", I whisper. "You're right love. I'd never hurt you. It was just a dream." I snuggle closer to him as he holds me tighter.

"We heard a scream are you guys okay?! Why is Daphne crying?", Ren exclaims running in the house. "She's okay just a bad dream.", Finnick says still holding me tight. Ren places a kiss on my head. I smile softly at her.

"Wanna give Bubby his gift?", she asks. "Oh you're right! Wanna go over and get it?" She smiles and runs across the street to get Finnicks gift. I get up and fold the blanket I've been using all day.

"Gift?", Finnick asks. I smile at him. "It's nothing big but I really think you'll like it." Ren comes back and gives Finnick the little box we put it in.

He opens it with a big smile on his face. "It's beautiful.", he says hugging Ren then kissing me on the cheek. "Daphne found it i suggested it should be a necklace.", she says. "Well I love it. Thank you ladies." Ren giggles then runs back outside with Mags.

"Thank you Daph." I smile and put it on him. "It suits you well." He places a kiss on my lips. "Wanna go out to the beach?", I ask. He smiles. "I'll race you."

Authors note-

This was just a little fluff chapter but this also shows why Finnick is often seen with a necklace on. All gifts from Daphne or Ren (sometimes even the both of them)

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