Chapter 26 ~drunk night~

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My hair is curled down my back. My shoes heels but luckily after all this time in the capital I've finally learned how to walk in them. Finnick would tell you different but you can't believe a word he says.

My heels match my diamond blue dress perfectly though. One thing about Rowan is that he can transform you into a whole other person in a matter of seconds.

"Rowan I don't even have words how do you do this?" "Well Darling sometimes people are just born with gifts." I giggle and twirl in the mirror. "Alright let's see what your husband says about you?" "Husband?" "Daphne don't even look at me like that you and Finnick are practically married. You live together for crying out loud." "I'm a non married woman Rowan." "For now.", he mumble. I slap his arm playfully as he opens the door for me.

Finnick's in the living area with his stylist Jezebel and Mags. Jezebel gasps when she sees me the rest of them turn around.

"Daphne. You look so grown up.", she tears up. She acts like I just showed up in a wedding gown. What is with everyone and marriage?

Finnick's too worried about Ren to propose plus the capital scares a both so much we can't even make our relationship public. Getting married would worry us so much we'd die from the stress.

Finnick walks over to me his hands in mine. "You are the most gorgeous thing I've ever laid eyes on." I smile at him and kiss his nose leaving a little smear of my lipstick. We both start laughing from it.

"I believe we should be going.", Jezebel says. We nod holding hands still but following her. "Mags you look so pretty!", I smile at the woman. She mouths a thank you to me smiling placing her hand on her chest. I miss hearing Mag's voice. She always had some of the best stories. Now she can't so much as laugh. It scares Finnick and I both knowing she's getting older and weaker. The thought of life without Mags does nothing but bring tears to my eyes.

"Jezebel do you know exactly what this is about?" "Victor's dance. Mainly a gathering focusing strictly on Panem's most famous victors." Something about this doesn't sit right with me. But decline Snow a life is lost. All I have is Mags Finnick and Ren. I don't want to risk losing any of them.

"Alright this will be broadcasted look out for cameras otherwise you two can be together til your hearts content." "Thanks Jez. See you after? She nods. "Have fun!"

Mags Finnick and I enter the party. Just like every capital party. Mags goes over to sit down with some of her old friends. I spot Johanna and wave at her. She walks over to us in a black with a green accent dress.

"This party stinks." "Tell me about it. Capital parties are the worst.", Finnick says. A waiter walks by with a tray of beverages. Johanna takes one off the thing and starts drinking it.

"You gonna tell her to stop Finnick?" "Your boyfriend wont let you have alcohol?", she asks. "He says one I'm underage two I could get crazy addicted like a lot of victors." "Eh I'll take my chances. Not much to live for anyway."

"What do you mean?", Finnick asks. "Oh so it wasn't all over doesn't surprise me. Basically my whole family was burned alive by the time I got home from the capital.", she says. "Jo I'm so sorry.", I say. "Don't worry about it. It's not like life would ever be the same. Don't most victors families give them a hard time after they win?"

I shrug thinking back to when I won. The way my brother and sister looked at me. When Ardin volunteered out of jealousy and spite. The way my brother broke my nose because she died. I haven't seen him since. I lean my head on Finnick's shoulder. He squeezes my hand comfortingly knowing exactly what I was thinking about.

Music begins to play Finnick and I start dancing some. His hands rest on my hips my arms around his neck. "You know you look beautiful tonight." A blush creeps onto my face. I hear him chuckle softly when he sees it. "You know even after this long the way your face blushes when I say something sweet to you always makes me smile."

I lean my head on his chest still dancing. He kisses the top of my head. I almost forget we're in the capital.

"I'm gonna get us some treats okay? You want to get drinks?" I nod as we separate. I go and pour some juice in a champagne glass. I take a sip of mine. This doesn't taste like normal juice but nothing tastes normal in the capital. Finnick comes back with some chocolate truffles.

Johanna walks over to us drunk out of her mind. "This stuff is so good!", she exclaims. "You have to try it." We both laugh. Finnick takes a drink of the juice his glass.

"This tastes weird.", he says. I feel like I'm seeing double of him. Probably from the loud music."It tastes fine to me." I say. I feel so dizzy right now I could pass out.

"I'm getting more.", he says taking our glasses coming back with more in no time the three of us are dancing around like wild animals laughing at everything.

Haymitch walks over laughing at us. "Mitch you have to try this stuff it's amazing!" "Did somebody finally have alcohol?" "What are you talking about Mitch? It's juice!" "I'm gonna get Mags and Blight to take the three of you back to your floors." "No! Don't tell! They will get mad!" "Oh my God you're like a toddler when you're drunk."

Finnick comes over and wraps his arms around my waist burying his face in my neck. I giggle. "Finn that tickles!" "I love you so so so so much." "This is embarrassing to watch." Haymitch walks away.

"BLIGHT AND MAGS!", Johanna yells. "We're in so much trouble!", I yell. "Run!" We take off running out of the building laughing our heads off we run up to District 12's floor where we think they wont be able to find us.

"Shh quiet.", Johanna laughs. "They wont find us here!", Finnick says. After a few minutes nothing happens and no signs of Mags or Blight.

"I challenge you both to a sword fight!", I say taking one of the wooden spoons of the counter. "You are on my lady!", Finnick says putting a bowl on his head taking another spoon. We wack each other with the spoons laughing when Johanna throws a bucket of water on us.

"Lady Mason has joined the battle!", Finnick laughs taking a handful of jam throwing it at the both of us. I take a handful of peanut butter and wipe it on his face.

This continues forever. Taking random food and throwing it on each other. We don't even hear the elevator ding when Haymitch walks through a fistful of yogurt is thrown on him. We stop and stare waiting on a reaction.

He walks out of the room and we continue the fight as if nothing happened. Minutes later he's back with Mags and Blight.

"Uh oh! The king and queen are back hide!", Johanna yells. "There will be no more running or hiding for the king and queen have sentenced you both back to your floors for showers, then straight to bed.", Blight says. "Awww.", we all say in unison.

"Are we in trouble?", I ask. "You had a food fight on my floor!", Haymitch yells. "We're sorry." "Good!"

Mags takes Finnick and I by the ears dragging us back down to our floor. She starts signing to us about how much trouble we're in and how disappointed she is.

Finnick and I both shower before passing out together on the bed. Even with the smell of the weird capital juice Finnick still smells like home.

authors note-
this was fun. for absolutely no reason. probably the drunk scenes they literally cracked me up because they're so cringe. i hope you enjoyed please vote and comment on my story and it's chapters! it means the absolute world to me thanks for reading!

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