Chapter 11 ~the night we met~

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The part I'm dreading the most has finally came. The capital party. I can't make it look like I'm in love with Finnick. Have to dance with strange capital men. And see President Snow as if it couldn't get any worse.

Rowan and my prep team get started on me right after lunch.

My hair curled with a braid crowning my head. My makeup is done heavily with dark blue sparkly winged eyes in all honestly I don't feel like me. My dress matches my dark blue eye makeup and goes just above my knees. The heels are silver and sparkly I'm lucky they're only 3-inches or tonight would be even worse than I already feel it's gonna be.

When Rowan finishes with me I'm shown off to Mags Jezebel and Finnick.

"She's perfect!!", Jezebel exclaims applauding us. Mags smiles, "You look beautiful flower." I smile and kiss her cheek lightly she holds my hand in her old and delicate one.

I turn to Finnick who is still trying to find the right words to say. "I don't know how you manage to be so beautiful in everything. You look gorgeous.", he kisses my lips quickly so Rowan and Jezebel don't yell at the two of us for messing up my makeup even though you can't even tell.

"We better start getting out of here we only have 20 minutes until the party begins."

Finnick Jezebel Mags and I all walk side by side. "Chins up smiles on. Do not refuse a dance with anyone. No snarky comments...Daphne. And please do not spill anything on your dress.", Jezebel instructs.

I see Finnick smiling at the snarky comment part.

When we walk in there's people everywhere. I feel my heart pounding out of my chest already. The loud music echoing through my head.

"Ready?", Finnick asks. I nod unsurely but continue walking inside. We stop at the snack table and eat some chocolate covered strawberries.

"May I have this dance?", A tall blonde muscular man holds his hand out. I hesitate at first but then remember what Jezebel said to not refuse a dance to anyone. I grab his hand as he leads me to the dance floor.

"Gloss District one. Winner of the 63rd Hunger Games." "It's an honor to meet you.", I say with a smile on my face. In all honesty I'm terrified. I don't have Finnick and Mags I feel almost as if I'm about to lose control of my composer and find myself back in the games. I try to keep my breath steady and just keep dancing attempting to keep my mind on Finnick and District 4.

"You're a wonderful dancer Miss Elsher.", Gloss says. "Thank you. You're not so bad yourself." "I hope to see more of you in the capital.", he says before I'm passed on to another man. And a recognizable one at that.

Head Gamemaker Affron Chorne.

"It's an honor to finally meet you Miss Elsher.", he says. "The honors all mine thank you." "I hope you liked the arena." "It was definitely a different climate from what I'm used to." "I had a feeling you'd win. Especially during the games when you never hesitated to kill another tribute. I assumed you wouldn't have an issue with killing those kids from 8 and 11. Luckily the boy from 2 did it for you." As much as I want to quit smiling I don't; However I don't reply to this comment.

"Mind if I step in?", a familiar voice says.
The next thing I know Finnick and I are dancing.

"Thank you so much.", I whisper. "I couldn't just sit by and watch one of the most sick people of the capital make you uncomfortable." "I owe you....again." "You owe me nothing Pigeon. My job is to love and protect you." I smile wanting to hug him more than anything. I'm only scared what Snow will do.

The Panem anthem starts to play when I see President Snow. Everyone stops dancing to look up at him.

"Welcome! We are gathered to celebrate a young lady who put up a long fight through her games. Her hard work and determination allows her to stand before us today. A toast. To Daphne Elsher."

Everyone raises their glasses. I look at him fearfully holding mine. He does nothing but smile. Either I got myself killed or I did good.

I sit with Mags at the bar unable to find Finnick again.

"How are you doing?", she asks me. "This is awful Mags. I'm terrified Snow's gonna kill me. He told me not to make it look like Finnick and I were a couple and we danced together and Snow smiled at me during the toast and now everyones gonna die."

She places her hand on mine.

"Calm down flower. Snow won't kill you. You hold too much power to him. He wont kill Finnick either for the same reason." "I guess you're right Mags." "I'm always right." "I see where Finnick gets it from." I earn a chuckle from the elderly lady. "Certainly not. Finnick was confident way before I even met him." I laugh too.

Something catches my eye.

Finnick and another girl. She's sitting on his lap laughing he keeps a smile on his face and his hand on her thigh. I know he can't help having to do this and he only does it to protect Ren and I, but along with that pity and guilt a hint of jealousy runs through me.

"You know why he does it right?", Mags asks. I nod. "I wish he didn't have to. It's awful Mags. How can a man be so cruel to make such an innocent person be used like this?" "I'll never understand that either but he really loves you." I smile sadly keeping my gaze on Finnick.

Tears form in my eyes. Not even from jealousy anymore. Guilty I'm part of the reason he even does this. And confused on why anyone could allow this to happen. Finnick's eyes meet my teary ones.

"I should go.", I tell Mags. She nods understandingly. "I'll tell Jezebel and come with you."

I walk out of the party tears falling down my face lightly as I wipe them away.

"Daphne!!", Finnick's voice yells from behind me. I turn around. "I'm so sorry.", he says. "Don't apologize Finn. I'm not mad at you in any way. I know you can't help this." "I wish I could Daph. You just seen another woman all over me. That's not okay." "Finn you can't help it. Don't apologize." "You're crying." "Not because I'm upset with you because of how awful Snow is."

He wraps his arms around me in a bone crushing hug. "I love you Pigeon." "I love you more Shark Bait."

I feel him laugh. "I like that one." I smile at him and place a kiss on his cheek. "Me too."

"I have an idea.", he smirks. I give him a questioning look before he sweeps me off my feet. (Literally) He carries me until we reach the roof.

"Remember this?", he asks. "The night we first kissed.", I reply. He nods. "I thought you hated me.", I laugh, "After the confession in the interview." "I could never hate you."

We stand there in silence for a few minutes.

"You know how I said back then Daphne Elsher I think I really like you." I nod. "Well I was wrong because Daphne Elsher I'm completely in love with you."

Authors Note-
AHHH I'm screaming. the last line. EEK

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