Chapter 15 ~home again~

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Hours go by Finnick and I remain in the same spot. I took my ponytail out hours ago to make laying down more comfortable.

My head lays in his lap as he brushes different areas on my face. "You're so beautiful.", he says. I smile tiredly at him.

"If you're tired you should sleep." I shake my head. "You didn't sleep last night." I reach up putting my hand in his hair as his rests on my stomach.

"I can't sleep Finn. I can't get the games or last night out of my head." He kisses my nose. "Just try. I'll be here to fight off any bad dreams."

He begins to hum the melody of the song of the sea. I smile at him. My eyelids growing heavy watching him.

I don't realize I ever fell asleep until I feel Finnick nudge me awake. "I'm sorry Jezebel told me to wake you we'll be home in 5 minutes."

I sit up leaning my head on his shoulder. "Thank you.", I say. He takes his hand in mine and kisses the side of my head. "You needed it Pigeon."

He's right. I really did need that sleep. Without him I probably wouldn't have got it either.

I pull my hair back up in the same ponytail I put it in before we left.

"Can you see anything.", I ask him motioning towards my neck. He shakes his head. "You're fine love I promise. You can't tell anything happened to you." I nod.

"I was gonna wait and give this to you this evening but I think right now would be a good time. I give him a questioning look. He hands me a small baby blue box with silver ribbon around it. I open it up to see a gorgeous necklace with a bird on it. The birds body is the shape of a heart.

I look back up at him with a smile. "You have my heart Pigeon.", he says back to me with the same smile on his face.

I turn around handing him the necklace for him to put on me.

"It's so beautiful Finnick thank you!", I exclaim hugging him tightly. He chuckles hugging me back just as tight.

I hear ocean waves and cheers from outside. We're home. I grab Finnick's hand running to the doors. When they open I smile at my district waving at them.

Usually when I wave to the public my smile is fake. But right now I'm genuinely happy. Happy to be home. Happy to be with Finnick. Happy to hear the ocean waves again.

I break out in a run when I see Ren and my siblings. They give soft but tense smiles at me. They love me but are still afraid of me.

Ren is bouncing on the tips of her toes wanting to run to Finnick and me. And she does. She runs into my arms first and Finnick's shortly after. "I was good I promise. I did my school work. I stayed out of trouble. And helped Ardin and Elias around your house.", she says to me. I smile and scratch her head lightly. "Thank you Ren." She kisses Finnick's cheek before running to Mags.

"I have never seen her love someone with barley knowing them like she does you.", Finnick says to me. I laugh then hug my siblings. I feel them flinch so I pull away shortly after.

"How was the capital?", Elias asks. "It was the capital.", I say. "Any charming men?", Ardin asks. I feel as if I've been punched in the stomach even though I know she really has no idea on what Snow made me do. "There were definitely men.", I say through gritted teeth. "We'll see you later okay? I'm going to Brynns." "I have work." I nod letting them go off on their own.

My wave of happiness I had when we got home replaced by guilt instantly. "Hey it's okay. She didn't know.", Finnick says taking his hand in mine rubbing my knuckles soothingly.

"It's not that Finn." He knows what I mean pulling me closer to him. "I'm not afraid of you."

Ren decides to go home with Mags which isn't surprising. This leaves Finnick and I alone once again. I take my hair out of the ponytail once again. I plan on leaving it down this time.

"Wanna go out to the docks?", he asks. I nod getting up to follow him outside. We sit down on the docks our feet in the water watching the waves crash on rocks clapping over one another.

The wind blows my hair in my face. Finnick chuckles when he sees my nose scrunch up from it.

"What?", I ask. "You." "What about me?" "You're just the prettiest girl I've ever seen." "Oh come on. We just got back from the capital where it's said the most beautiful people resign?" "You mean the people who all look like aliens? With the hair, skin outfits?" I laugh.

"None of those fancy string of capital women even come close to comparing to you." He pulls me close to him as our lips meet in a sweet and passionate kiss.

I know one thing. Finnick Odair is my safety. My home. I know anything Snow throws at me Finnick will be there to protect me. To shield me from the dangers. Finnick Odair loves me. And I love him.

Authors note-
do I have butterflies? Yes, yes I have butterflies. I mean can you really blame me this is Finnick we're talking about. Ardin and Elias are confusing characters. They care for Daphne but don't at the same time. Doesn't help they're scared of her. I don't just keep Ren with Mags to give Finnick and Daphne alone time I simply just think those two are so cute together. Ren was too young to remember her parents that well Mags is really all she knows. But Finnick and Daphne getting alone time always ends with an 'aww' moment. the next bit is like where it gets kinda sad for them because Snow's terrible, but here's another chapter I hope you all like it!

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