Chapter 22 ~sponsor~

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The days go on. 13 tributes remain. It's almost been a week. Bo is still alive as are the careers. My sister's been dead for a week and I still don't know how I feel exactly.

"How are you?", Beetee asks me when Finnick and I walk in. "I'm okay really. It's sad but I'll be okay.", I say. I think that's a truthful as I can put it without breaking down saying I haven't cried once over her and feel terrible I haven't. How her death doesn't even feel real to me.

I snuggle up against Finnick. Mornings in the capital are always chilly. Finnick's always warm so it mixes well. He holds me in his arms like he has for the majority of the week.

"You're so pretty.", he whispers only loud enough for me to hear. A blush creeps onto my face making him chuckle slightly squeezing me tighter in his arms. "You know I really hate walking in here every morning to you two being all lovey dovey.", Haymitch says.

"You don't have to even come both of your tributes are dead.", I say. He shrugs, "I enjoy a good show the socializing with good friends and of course the drinks."

"Don't you get drinks on your own floor?", Finnick asks. "And don't you show up practically drunk every morning?" "These are better, and they can't limit my supply." We both shrug Haymitch sits down next to us.

"Jeez is she always so cold?", he asks. "Mostly yes but she can't be too hot either.", Finnick answers. I roll my eyes thinking back to my victory tour when Jezebel gave me an outfit with heating pads.

Our eyes are glued to the games watching as the careers get closer to some of the other tributes.

I will say Bo is a very smart kid. He's hidden the best. Near any resource he needs. Considering it's a desert there's not many places to hide you'd think there would be more dead after a week.

Four careers nine regular tributes in which five are allied together. That leaves Bo, the girl from 6, boy from 7, and the girl from 3 who don't have any allies.

I think the lack of food and water made the tributes weaker as well. The careers and the pack of tributes who decided to form an alliance are coming close to one another.

Technically the tributes have an upper hand considering they have an extra person but the people they're facing made anywhere from a 9 to an 11 in individual assessments when some of them only made 5's.

After a while of watching I fall asleep. I don't know how long I'm out but I wake up to Finnick nudging my arm. The career and tribute alliance stand off. They fight for longer than I expected.

It ends with the girl from one and the boy from two being eliminated from the career pack along with the boy from five the girl from eleven the girl from eight being dead out of the alliance. Evened out. The remaining the girl from seven and the boy from 8 run off. It's clear they're both injured.

"Who's the mentors for eight and seven?", I ask Finnick. He turns around pointing two an old man and a lady around middle aged talking, "That's Woof and Cecilia. They mentor District 8." He points over to his right at another man, "That's Blight. He's the only alive victor and mentor for District 7."

"There's no others?"

"Did you ever pay attention in school? Anyway right now no, but you never know." I keep my head in the crook of his neck breathing in his home feeling scent. He kisses my eyebrow and scratches my back lightly.

I end up falling asleep again. Only this time a nightmare runs through my mind causing me to jerk awake. I bite my tongue to keep from screaming I've already embarrassed myself enough.

Finnick fell asleep too. I said it before I'll say it again he looks so cute when he's sleeping. So peaceful. I smile at him the nerves from my nightmares instantly going away.

"Morning Sweetheart.", Haymitch says. "Who all's left?", I yawn. "Five more. Two careers. The two that fought the careers. And that kid from you district.

Bo's made it this far?

I kept a notepad of sponsors from all I've had to do since I've got here. Sure one of them have enough for something.

"What does he need?" "Honestly? Nothing but I'm sure some bread or something would do good for him."

I leave the mentors room and walk in another filled with capital citizens drinking. I spot one of the men on the list and walk over to him.

"Daphne it's wonderful to see you again my dear.", he takes my hand and kisses it. I smile flirtatious at him. "Wonderful to see you as well." "What can I do for a lady like yourself?" "I've come to ask you a favor. The tribute boy from my district? I was wondering if you could sponsor him some bread."

He sits down his glass of champagne. "I don't see that being a problem..very well. What kind?" "District 4." He nods. "Of course Miss Elsher. I look forward to your next visit." I kiss his cheek and wink at him before I leave.

"Good job. You're doing great. Win this. - D"

I send the bread with the note attached to it to the arena.

Finnick's awake when I come back to the lounge. "Where were you?", he asks. "Getting a favor from a sponsor.", I reply. I see him look at my neck for any bruises. "It's okay. Not an appointment. A favor from a client. I've only been gone for 10-20 minutes." He nods and wraps his arms around me as I snuggle into his hold.

I watch when Bo gets the gift. He reads the note first looking up into a camera mouthing a 'Thank you.' As he eats one of the slices of bread.

"It's the least I could do. He helped my sister more than I did in training.", I whisper. Finnick kisses the side of my head. "You did good."

Authors note-

What do you all think? Will Bo win? The next chapter will announce the winner along with the homecoming. i hope you all enjoyed this chapter please vote and comment anything you have to say about it! xx

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