Chapter 27 ~gone~

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I wake up with a terrible headache. I don't think I've ever felt so sick in my entire life.

I snuggle closer to Finnick's body only hoping it would go away when a knock at the door makes my head pound even more. I wince. I hear Finnick mumble a little bit, but I can't make out words.

"Daphne! Finnick!", Jezebel calls. "Stop yelling.", I mumble. The door opens and Jezebel walks over to us shaking us. I open my eyes the light making my head hurt worse. I hide my face in Finnick's chest.

"You two have to get up." "Can't move.", I groan. "Did two little victors get into the alcohol last night?" "Three actually.", Haymitch's voice echos in the room. "Finnick, Daphne, and Johanna had some fun last night." "I thought it was punch." Jezebel rolls her eyes. "Breakfast then we leave. Up!" Finnick flinches at the volume of her voice he still hasn't woken up fully.

"Finn.", I whisper slightly. His eyes open weakly. "See why I don't let you drink?", he smirks. "Get up we have to go." He nods letting me out of his grasp.

I get dressed in an orange sweatshirt and shorts. Finnick in a white sweatshirt. "I feel awful.", I say. "Same, I'm sorry you said you thought it was punch?" "Yes Finnick my 'wishes' of drinking are just for the games."

We walk down to breakfast with the rest of the victors. Johanna has her head down on the table.

"How do you manage this everyday Haymitch?", I ask. "Never stop drinking.", he answers simply. "I threw up more than I slept.", Johanna says. "Ew really trying to eat here."

I lean my head on Finnick's shoulder picking at the fruits on his plate. "Alright well we'll see all of you next year or next weekend.", I laugh. Haymitch hugs me. "Stay out of trouble kid." "You too Mitch." "Bye Jo, Call us okay? Come visit maybe?" She nods. "See you guys good luck on the way home don't get sick." "Don't put that thought into my head.", Finnick says holding his stomach as if he'll throw up. We start laughing as Jezebel calls us to the train. "Alright, see you guys.", Johanna says. We nod walking to our train waving at fans around us.

Once we get in the train a breath of relief leaves both of us. Leaving the capital is always relieving even if it means saying goodbye to our friends. District 4 has family, our homes, and the ocean. We don't have to watch our every move or sleep with every person under the sun.

Finnick and watch the sights out the window hands intertwined. He kisses my knuckles ever so often. This makes me blush a little but I keep looking out the window hoping he doesn't notice.

Jezebel walks in.

"Finnick.", Jezebel starts. He looks over at her. "I'm so sorry, but there was just word from District 4...and um Ren's gone."

I feel my heart sink. Finnick's skin pales. Jezebel wipes a tear running down her face. "I'll um go tell Mags and leave the three of you be." "Wait.", Finnick says his voice breaking slightly. "How'd she die?" "Drowned. They couldn't save her." He nods. When the door shuts he wraps me in his arms and sobs into my hair.

"She's gone Daph. She's gone." I'm crying too but his sobs are so strong and heartbreaking. "She's gone because of me.", he chokes. "No Fin she's not gone because of you.", I say trying to sound as strong as I can.

He nestles his head close to me. His tears making my shirt wet. Mags walks in teary eyed. "Mags.", he says weakly. She shakes her head giving him a smile then sitting down beside him rubbing his arm comfortingly.

I've never seen Finnick so broken. He's like a small child in my arms. Mags gives me a look asking if I'm okay. I nod as another tear goes down my face. She reaches a hand up to wipe it.

I kiss Finnick's head lightly as he continues sobbing in my arms.

"Hush now, my storen Close your eyes and sleep Waltzing the waves Diving the deep Stars are shining bright The wind is on the rise Whispering words of long lost lullabies Oh, won't you come with me? And in the morning sun We'll be sailing Oh, won't you come with me? Where the ocean meets the sky And as the clouds roll by We'll sing the song of the sea", I sing softly to him.

"My mother's lullaby.", he whispers. I nod massaging his scalp lightly. His eyes eventually fall shut.

That's when I finally cry. Ren the little girl who let me into the family with open arms. The little girl who grew up in a second. The little girl I made jewelry with. The little girl who I'd sing lullabies to is gone.

Whats worse is Finnick blames himself as if he can help she's dead. I wish I could hold both of them in my arms and never let them go it's like my worst nightmare come to life. Everyone I love is dying. What if Finnick or Mags dies next? No Daphne don't think like that. You have them now don't worry about the future.

"Mags I feel awful.", I say. "Its not your fault flower.", she signs. "I know but it's sad enough she's gone but he blames himself." "We all blame ourselves for our loved ones deaths all we can do is be there for him okay?" "Okay."

I smell the salty air of District 4. I never thought I'd say this, but I wish we were back in the capital. Being here just has memories of Ren. Memories none of us are ready to relive.

Authors note-
the time has come. Sweet little Ren is gone. I'm actually so sad i loved her little character she was too cute. but we all know how the hunger games story goes. i hope you all enjoyed this chapter even though it's sad. please vote and comment on my story!! thanks for reading so far!

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