Chapter 29 ~nightlock~

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The end of the 74th games is coming up soon. We're down to the top five.

Katniss Everdeen the girl from twelve. The boy from her district too. The girl from five the boy from 11 and the boy from 2.

The guy from eleven just killed the girl from 2. It was a brutal kill honestly. He saved the girl from 12 just because she allied with the little girl from his district.

The little girl reminded me a lot of Dariel. They could almost be related. Of course they're not at least that any of us know of. Finnick and I's tributes died early in the games, so did Johanna and Blight's. Usually if this happens we don't pay much attention to the games. But now that there's a rule switch that two people can be crowned victor if they're from the same district we have to find out what happens.

It was originally just two and twelve that qualified and now it's down to twelve. The boy from twelve isn't in the best shape either. He got in a fight with the boy from two and it left his leg slit open. He's slowly dying from blood poisoning this Katniss girl is doing everything she can to keep him alive. They claim to be star cross lovers but all of us are smart enough to know it's just an act to keep them alive.

"Think he'll make it?", I ask Finnick. "Hard to say. He's really sick." "I know. I'm worried for him." He nods in agreement.

"Drinks?", Johanna offers. "Absolutely not.", Finnick and I laugh in unison remembering the night of the victors party. Believe it or not Finnick and I haven't had a drink since. The hangover not to mention it's a reminder of Ren. Just not something we want to relive.

After so long I can barley keep my eyes open, but I don't want to miss anything. "Go to sleep love. I'll wake you if anything happens.", he whispers. I hesitate but end up laying down with my head in his lap curled up on the couch. He plays with my hair making me even more sleepy before I fall asleep.

Nightmare hit but they're not bad enough to wake me. Just slideshows of the people I've lost playing over and over again. It just makes me hold on to Finnick's hand or what I think is his hand could be his arm or torso but whatever it is I hold tighter.

He ends up shaking me awake a little after. Turns out I'm holding onto his arm.

"District 5 girls dead and Peeta is able to move again." "Who's Peeta?", I ask. "The boy from 12." "Oh." Katniss and Peeta. I must say the names don't look terrible together if they were ACTUALLY in love.

"How'd five die?" "Nightlock." Ew even the name makes me shiver. "I thought no weapons could match a brain." "Could be suicide.", he says.

"My bets on Katniss.", I say. "Mine too. Something about that girl screams victor but you're gonna hate me." I laugh. "She seems like the type to only get along with kids and elder people just because she knows she's stronger than them and could kill them easily." "Thats why she allied with that girl from eleven she knows she's stronger than her."

I don't say anything my mind instantly going back to Dariel. "Its okay love. Thats not you. You allied with Sylvie and Dariel because you trusted them." "I would've killed them if I had to if my pre-game mindset was the same as my end game."

He tucks some hair behind my ear. "But you didn't. You're a much better person than her." "You're only saying that cause you're in love with me." "I'm not in love with her, so look you're doing something right." I laugh. "Shut up Finnick." "Yes miss Elshair."

Elshair is a combination of our last names he came up with one day. We were both insanely exhausted and found everything funny. This was one of the many jokes from that night the still carries on to this day. I can't lie I still find it adorable. Even his face when he says it he always fights back a laugh by biting his cheek.

The games go on and the boy from eleven died in a fight with the boy from 2. The top three are twelve and two.

"How much you want to bet that the gamemakers are gonna throw some big thing at the end?", Finnick asks. "Not a fair competition look they already sent mutts.", I reply. We watch as all the tributes run to the cornucopia. The boy from two gets there first. I wonder how l wonder how long twelve would stand a chance against him. Katniss is strong, but Peeta is practically crippled.

The boy from two is covered in blood. A part of me thinks it's that boy from 11's. Finnick squeezes my hand. "It's okay.", he whispers.

Katniss shoots the boy making him release Peeta as he pushes him into the mutts. They watch hours listening to his screams and cries.

"Why don't they just kill him?", Johanna asks. "Beats me they look insane. Remember that boy from the 69th?" "Don't even get me started that was by far the creepiest victor to date. I've never been so glad to hear of a victor being executed.", Finnick adds.

After so long Katniss finally shoots the boy. "Thank God these games are finally over.", I say. "Wait they haven't announced them as the winners yet.", Finnick says.

"Greetings to the final contestants of the seventy-fourth hunger games. The earlier revisions have been revoked. Closer examination of the rule book has disclosed that only one winner may be allowed. good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor!", Claudius announces.

"Holy sh!t.", Johanna whispers.

Katniss immediately pulls her bow out. Some star-crossed lovers.

Peeta is begging for her to shoot, but she doesn't. She walks up to him holding out nightlock berries. Nobody in the mentors room moves or even makes a sound as the two lift the berries to their mouths.

"STOP STOP! Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to present the victors of the 74th Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen, and Peeta Mellark! I give you - the tributes of District 12!"

And just like that they're lifted out of the arena.

"These kids just pulled the most stupid act in Hunger Games history.", I hear Brutus say in the background.

"Snow's not gonna be happy.", Johanna says. "Haymitch is in for a lot of work.", I say.

We haven't seen much of Haymitch throughout these entire games. His tributes never make it, and he stayed sober for the whole thing. I don't think these kids know it yet, but by pulling that stunt in the arena is gonna get them killed.

Authors note-
And this is how a revolution begins. who knew how fragile the system is if it can be brought down by just a few berries. the next chapter is gonna be the last one for the in between book. will i probably make one shots after everything's over though? yeah for sure. but i hope you enjoy this chapter please vote and comment on my story! have a wonderful day thanks for reading!

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