Chapter 16 ~you're mine~

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It's been nearly a year since my games. The 69th games is less than a week away. Finnick and I are both mentoring this year. Not a surprising thing since we're both heavily wanted by the capital.

The only person that could be reaped that concerns me is my sister. And in all honesty someone would volunteer for her. So I'm not too worried about the reaping.

However, going back to the capital again and watching the games isn't something I'm looking forward to. Especially the appointments I have and the ones Finnick has.

I wake up trembling in his arms from another nightmare. With the games coming up it's like they've gotten worse. "I'm right here love. You're safe.", he says kiss the top of my head.

"I don't wanna go back.", I manage to say. "I know. I don't either. We won't be there forever." "They'll touch me again." He hesitates. "I'll take good care of you okay? You'll be perfectly fine."

Ren stayed the night with Mags. It was Finnick and I's idea considering for the past week I've woken up screaming in the middle of the night.

"We have a few hours til breakfast how about we go to the beach.", Finnick says. I nod letting him get up before I follow. I change into a green swimsuit putting my pajama shirt over top of it.

Finnick and I walk hand in hand to the beach. When we get there I take off the shirt and run to the ocean Finnick following close behind.

The water is a perfect temperature.

I look back at Finnick with a smirk on my face before splashing water in his face. He laughs before splashing water back at me. This goes on for a minute before he starts chasing me after the biggest splash yet.

I giggle swimming away from him as fast as I can hiding behind the dock poles. He catches up to me quickly picking me up in his arms and dunking me in the water continuously.

"FINNICK!", I squeal fighting against his grasp. He laughs at my failed attempts before kissing my cheek. I manage to turn around and place a kiss on his lips. "You're a pain but gosh I love you.", I say before kissing him again.

We start to get out of the ocean and make our way to Mag's. When we walk in Ren runs up and hugs us both. "Why are you all wet?", she asks us. "Morning swim." "Why didn't I get to go?", she pouts. "We would've came and got you but you were still asleep.", I say. "Take that frown off your face cause we're going back right after breakfast.", Finnick says poking at her cheeks. She giggles before hugging him.

"I love you bubby.", she says. "I also love grammy and I love Daphne." "And we all love you too.", Finnick pulls me close to them placing a kiss on my cheek. "Gross!", Ren snickers. He smirks at her then moves my chin towards him placing a kiss on my lips making the young girl gag.

We can't finish without laughing at her. He puts her down allowing her to run to the table before tucking a stray hair behind my ear and kissing me again. "God I love you.", he whispers. "I love you more."

"Bubby Daphne! Grammy says breakfast is ready." We walk into the kitchen as Mags hands us plates of food kissing our cheeks. "How'd you sleep?", she asks. "A little better. The thought of the games coming back up just makes the memories flood in." "They do me too. After all of these years they don't phase me as much. Finnick used to get the most awful ones until you both started to sleep together. Where your games were so recent and more gory I would say yours are worse than all of us."

She was probably right. My games were described as the most gory yet. They even call me a golden killer. That makes me feel so great. I suppose I should've expected a nickname sooner or later.

Finnick's was the golden boy mine was A golden killer. I'd much rather just be a golden girl, but capital nicknames must all be unique I guess

"I think Finnick really helps me with mine I couldn't imagine how bad they'd be without him." He leans over kissing my cheek.

"Why do you guys get nightmares so much?", Ren asks. "They're just scary memories.", Finnick says. She nods continuing to eat her breakfast. I pick at the rest of my breakfast losing the rest of my appetite.

After breakfast I help Mags by doing the dishes for her. Finnick comes up behind me snaking his arms around my waist. I turn my head to kiss him the continue the dishes.

"Are you okay?", he asks. I nod.

When I finish the dishes Finnick and I meet Mags and Ren outside on the beach. I notice my sister and her friends in the distance but try my best to ignore them.

"How about some music?", Finnick asks with a smirk on his face. I nod and turn on the box we have on the back deck.

He takes my hand in his twirling me around making me laugh. I hear Mags clapping and Ren giggling at us. I can't help but keep a smile on my face as we continue dancing.

We take a break to walk down to the ocean. "That was fun.", I say. He squeezes my hand. "I agree. We need to do that more often. I like how big your smile is when we dance together."

"Finnick Odair?", a voice says. We both turn around to see my sister and her friends. I shift uncomfortably. I know he notices because he pulls me closer to him.

"May I help you ladies?", he asks. "You know Daphne?", one of them asks. "Of course I do. Didn't Ren tell you that one day that she's my girlfriend?" "Well you know it's hard to believe everything a little one says they get confused sometimes.", one laughs. "I can't believe out of all of the girls in the world you'd choose our Daphne!" "Of course I would. I love her more than words can describe." He pulls me into a kiss. I almost laugh when I see their faces.

"Well we're gonna go. You're welcome to come with us Finn!" "It's Finnick and I'll think about it thank you."

When they leave I let out a breath of relief. "Our Daphne. I'm not their Daphne.", I mumble kicking sand off my foot.

"Exactly you're my Daphne. My love. My everything." I smile at him placing a kiss on his lips. He pulls me back to him his hand going to my hair and down my back while my arms are wrapped around his neck. "I love you Daphne." "I love you Finnick Odair"

Authors note-

Okay basically this was a little recap chapter. The 69th Hunger Game reaping is coming up so let's see how Daphne's first year as a mentor goes.

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