Chapter 28 ~a step~

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I never realized how much a person can break in a week.

A full week since Ren's death Finnick hardly leaves her room. He looks at photographs showing me the same ones over and over telling the story behind them even if I was there.

He'd sleep in her bed if I let him. He hasn't been to the beach once. He watches the waves from Ren's window seat. He barley eats, barley sleeps, he hasn't even showered. Something about Finnick is he has a crazy obsession with needing to be clean. When he doesn't shower at least once a day he feels dirty and can feel the hands of capital women all over him.

In ways I think he believes she's still alive. That she's just gone for a swim. As much as all of us wish that were true it's not.

When I wake up Finnick's not in bed. I smell something downstairs. He's no doubt cooking. Finnick can't cook. I rush down there to see him placing burnt eggs in three plates.

"I thought I'd make us a little light breakfast before we go to Mag's. Is Ren awake?", he asks. "Finnick? Are you feeling okay?" I try to say this as nicely as possible.

"Of course! Just making breakfast for my girls."

"The eggs are burnt."

"Just a little hint of flavor. Come on sit down. Ren!", he calls for his sister. "Finnick.." "No it's fine she's probably still asleep." He starts to get up when I grab his arm and make him look me in the eyes.

That's when he starts crying.

"I'm going insane okay? I can't believe my sisters gone and I can't help but think this is all a big nightmare." "You're not going insane Finnick. Losing a loved one makes us think and do things that make no sense."

"I'm making breakfast for my dead sister." "It's better than drinking your problems away, it's better than getting hooked on medications, it's better than a lot of things." "I try to tell myself if I pretend she's still here I won't be so broken. But we both know how true that is." "It's okay to be upset Finn. Your sister died."

"I remember how you were when Ardin died. I try to be like you." "You don't need to be like me. Ardin didn't mean as much to me as Ren did to you. I love you Finn and you don't have to be like me."

"It just seemed easier."

I laugh resting my head on his shoulder. "Nah. Plus I'd much rather be Finnick Odair the prettiest guy in all of Panem." He smiles chuckling a little. For the first time in a week.

"How about after breakfast we go to the beach.", he says. "I think that would be a good idea."

After actual breakfast at Mags we do just that. I turn on the music box on the deck and we do our favorite thing. Dance.

"You've gotten rusty Odair.", I smirk at him. "As if. I never get rusty at anything." "We'll see about that.. RACE YOU TO THE OCEAN!!!", I take off running towards the ocean Finnick on my heels. I almost trip into the water but I still win.

"Hm. I think I won that race Finnick. How does it feel to be beaten by your precious girlfriend Odair?"

He responds by picking me up and running to the docks. "NO DONT!", I scream holding onto him as tight as I can. He releases himself from my grip and throws me into the water. "DARN YOU ODAIR!" He laughs and cannon balls into the water splashing water directly in my face. "You are in for it.", I say. A splash battle occurs between the two of us. And it goes on and on for the rest of the day.

I can't make this up because by the time we surrender its sunset. And by we I mean him.

We watch the sunset on the docks holding one another close. "Ren looks beautiful tonight.", I whisper. "She always does.", he smiles at me then back at the sky.

We wish Mags goodnight and go back to the house for the night. I know things will never be the same now. But what I do know is that we'll be okay. We have each other and Mags. And every night and morning in the sky we have Ren.

That night Finnick and I lay side by side talking about anything and everything. I've never seen him so vocal since Ren's death.

In ways I was worried that I would be a reminder to Finnick of Ren and he's shut me out when we both needed each other. I know I'm not as hurt as he is, or I can't act like I'm that hurt. Finnick needs someone to be strong and be there for him and that person gonna be me. He was there for me for everything. From my games, Ardin's death, everything with Elias. It's my turn to be there for him. I know I'll do the best I can to make him Finnick again. Not just because he'd do the same for me. But because I love him.

"I love you so much Daphne. I haven't told you as much recently and I feel like now was a good time. I'm sorry I haven't been there for you too." "I'm stopping you right there. Don't apologize for "not being there" for me. This isn't about me in the slightest."

"I know it hurt you too." "You're right but that's different. Finnick you have taken care of Ren for nearly a decade. It's been you two for years. After your parents you put it up on yourself to protect her for the rest of your life. You think you failed her. Even though you didn't. Don't feel like you need to look after me when this was completely between you and Ren."

He smiles putting his face in the crook of my neck. I giggle and massage his scalp. "And I love you so much Finn. I always will." He looks up and presses a kiss to my lips. "Thank you my love." He takes my hand in his and kisses it.

In time he falls asleep holding me in his strong arms. He finally took a shower too. Considering everything I consider this whole day a step. He smiled, he laughed, he showered, he danced, he even spoke. I know it'll take more time, but this is a start. And a good one at that.

Authors note-

this stories almost over and it actually makes me so sad but we have catching fire mockingjay and who knows i may post some one shots between finnick and daphne. this chapter reminds me of that song that's "AND NOW YOURE IN THE STARS" or something like that and i'm all here for it tbh. anyway please vote and comment on my story it would mean the world to me! thanks for reading!

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