Chapter 19 ~a drunk victor~

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The fact my sister only told me how our parents died just so I'd help her in the games. Finnick knocks on the door as he walks in.

"We're about to be in the capital.", he says sitting down next to me securing my feet in his lap. "I'm sure Ardin can't wait." "What happened?" "Well she told me how our parents died which was practically toddler me's fault because I was an extra mouth to feed. To keep me alive my name was added to the reaping bowl an extra amount of times. And she only told me to make me want to help her. Of course I want to help her I don't want my sister to die but she makes me so mad." "I'm sorry Daph. I really wish that wasn't the life you had to live. Or really have to. You deserve so much more. What your sister did is wrong on so many levels. The games are in a week you only have to spend meal times with her and before big events like the parade, scores, and interviews."

"You spent every day with me."

He smirks to himself a little. "That was only to make sure you lived and spend time with you." "Aww did someone have a little crush?", I laugh.

"You're the one who blushed at everything I said or did. Remember your knee?", he laughs.

"Finnick! Daphne!", Jezebel calls. "That's our cue pigeon ready?" "As I'll ever be." He grabs my hand helping me off the couch as the two of us walk into the entry car. I recognize some of the men. A chill runs through me. Finnick squeezes my hand tighter.

We walk out with the tributes so the capital don't get a full judge of our clothes. As Finnick and I make our way to the mentors prepping. I'm tackled in a hug from Rowan.

"I missed you super star.", he says. "I missed you too. Do good with the tributes okay?" "It wounds me you would even have to ask such.", he says putting a hand to his heart. I laugh at him. "Okay I should be going I'll see you guys soon okay? We'll have to catch up!" We nod our hands still being intact.

We walk up to the mentors waiting lounge together. People talking all around makes my head hurt. I bring my hands to my ears to try and cancel out the sound. I feel stares from other victors. It's not like their games didn't mess them up.

Finnick holds me in his arms caressing places on my face to calm me down. "We can walk out for a minute if you want.", I hear him say. I need to get used to this I can't leave, but I feel trapped in this room.

He kisses my cheek leading me out into the hallway where I collapse on the floor holding my knees to my chest. "Are you okay?", he asks. No. no. no. no. I'm not okay. I don't answer.

I bite my lip so hard I feel the metal taste of blood on my tongue. Finnick brushes his thumb across my lip to make me stop.

"It's too loud.", I whimper. "I'm sorry love. I know, but I'll be right there you just have to focus on me okay I won't let you go into the arena." I nod wiping tears from my face getting up. He kisses my lips delicately. We walk back in the talking still loud echoing through my head.

Finnick gives my hand an encouraging squeeze.
"Just for a little bit until they're ready for the parade.", he whispers.

A drunken voice enters the room. "Fish stick.", he says to Finnick. "Alcoholic.",Finnick replies. "Haha. Clever. Who's you friend?", he asks pointing to me. "Daphne this is Haymitch. Haymitch this is Daphne."

The man holds his hand out Finnick nudges me to shake it so I do. "You won last year didn't you?", he asks. I nod my head. "I guess congratulations even though it's nothing to celebrate. The capital thinks otherwise." I nod again in agreement. I think I like this guy.

"When did you win?", I ask. "50th games. A quarter quell. The only current victor from District 12 and probably always will be." "You've been a victor for as long as Finnick's been alive.", I say. "Look at you smarty pants doing your math homework. Fish breath keep her around I like this kid."

Finnick rolls his eyes with a grin on his face.

"Attention mentors. Tributes are ready to be loaded onto their chariots.", a voice says over an intercom in the room. "Alright. angel, fish stick I'll see you two later I have two tributes to laugh at.", Haymitch says walking to twelves chariot.

"I like him he's funny.", I say "He is a great guy. Messed up like the rest of us, but overall a good person."

Finnick and I walk to 4's chariot to see my sister dressed as a mermaid and Bo a merman. "You look beautiful.", I say. "Thanks sis.", she smiles back at me.

"District 4 is known for their charm so flirt with the crowd.", Rowan says. They both nod. "We should be going. Good luck out there you two will do great.", Finnick smirks at them.

Finnick and I go back upstairs to the mentors lounge to watch the parade on screen so we don't take any attention off of our tributes.

"That thing you said in your interview last year about your sister being prettier than you?"

I look at him feeling maybe a little hurt.

"You couldn't be any more wrong." A smile graces both of our faces. I kiss his lips that still taste like sugar cubes despite not eating any that I know of. He still smells like the saltwater back home making a warm ball of fire form in my stomach.

"God okay I didn't think I'd walk in on this.", Haymitch's voice says snapping both of us out of our trance.

"So you two?"

A guilty smile is plastered on Finnick's face. I start to see his cheeks turn red. I giggle at him as he snaps his glance towards me. "What's so funny?", he asks.

"You're blushing."

Authors note-

I love Haymitch. he's gonna be hilarious later on right now was just a warm up so a little cringe so I'm sorry. But I kinda think Daphne has similar traits to annie only no where near as extreme. the way she covered her ears in the mentors room cause it was too loud is kinda what makes me think this. she's not going crazy but she's still not where she should be emotionally but I mean can you blame her?

please vote and comment on my story please!! thank you all!! xx

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