Chapter 20 ~numb~

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I have never seen two weeks go by so fast, but so slow at the same time.

So many appointments. My whole body is bruised and achy from all the abuse. You'd think some of them only book with me to hurt me. They're mad at me and want to hurt me as much as they can.

The interviews are tonight. My sister (who has gained absolutely no skills) is going into the games tomorrow.

I'm still mad at her but I still tried teaching her things she was more star struck by the boy from District 2 to pay any attention to what I was saying.

I'm hoping Rowan's outfits pull through enough to get her sponsors. That is if she even makes it passed the bloodbath. On the individual assessments she got a 2. If anything I think it's because she volunteered.

One of three things could happen tomorrow. One, she dies at the bloodbath. Two, she actually runs away from the cornucopia like I told her. And Three, she just randomly becomes some killing machine and kills every tribute in a matter of seconds. As much as I know the last one isn't true deep down I really hope it is.

Finnick Haymitch and I have been hanging around with each other in any free time. At night Finnick and I hardly sleep. Either we have appointments or one of us has a nightmare waking the other one up. No matter how many times it happens we always feel bad.

"Daph Rowan's done he wants us to see them.", Finnick says walking in our room. I put my book down and follow him.

The dress is gorgeous. A coral colored pink with our mothers pearls.

"You look stunning Ardin.", I smile exhaustedly. "Thanks sis!"

Bo has on a white button up only it's not buttoned at all. Honestly him and Ardin could technically work out. You know if they weren't about to fight to their death.

He's completely different than her. Very sweet and pays close attention to everything you say to him about the games. He wants to go home and if it weren't for my sister going in too I'd hope for him to win.

Finnick and I go to the audience to take our seats. Our hands gripped together. We can't make it seem like we're together to the crowd even though I doubt they're even paying attention.

The only thing I remember districts one and two saying is about how they're gonna win. No surprise they say stuff like this every year. you'd think by now the audience would be sick of the same thing. I know I am and this and my own are the only interviews I've attended in person.

My sister goes on next. She really does look amazing. Rowan did great this year.

"Miss Elsher your sister wasn't kidding when beauty ran through your blood. Because you look absolutely gorgeous!", Caesar says. "Why thank you Caesar my stylist did wonderful on the dress don't you think?", she gets up and twirls around once then sitting back down. "And that he did. So tell me what are your plans for the games?" "I don't exactly have a completely thought up plan just yet. It depends on my arena; however even if I did have a plan I wouldn't tell you anyway. I love secrets!"

I almost laugh. That's the most honest thing I've ever heard her say.

"Now Miss Elsher any lovers back home?" "No Caesar, nobody from home, but I will say there is a boy that's caught my eye since I got here." "Who might that be?" "I think I'm gonna keep this one a secret. But when I win I'll tell you." "You have yourself a deal. I'm afraid that's all the time we have for now. Ardin Elsher everyone!!!"

The whole audience screams and claps for her. At least she's popular in the public.

"She did good.", Finnick whispers to me. I nod smiling lightly at him. I see his eyes flicker down to my lips. He realizes where we are and takes them back to my eyes. Something about this makes my whole body tingle with butterflies.

After the interviews are over we go to wish our tributes luck.

I hug Bo. "Look after her okay? For me. You're such a good kid I believe you could do this. Good luck." He smiles. "Thanks Daphne. You're the best mentor I could've asked for. I'll try my best to look after her as long as possible." I smile at him and go to hug my sister.

"Even though I'm still furious at you for volunteering you did good tonight. I love you so much okay? You have to try to win. Think of everything I tried teaching you. You have to make it back for me. And if not for me for Elias." She nods for a minute I see tears form in her eyes. "We better get going. Try to sleep some tonight okay? There won't be much in the arena."

Finnick and I walk hand and hand back to our room. When we get there I fall to the floor hugging my knees to my chest. This was the last time I'm ever gonna see my sister alive. And there's nothing I can do to save her.

Finnick sits down beside me hugging me close to him. "I lost her Finn.", I hiccup. He kisses my head. "It's okay. It'll all be okay."

Only it won't be. When I go home without my sister my brother will completely disown me. I won't have a family anymore. Things will never be okay again. I should've died in that arena last year. Camden should've won. He deserves this life. Then again I probably do too. That's why I'm here and not him.

Finnick picks me up and lays down next to me in bed combing my hair as I continue to cry. His tantalizing sea green eyes look caringly into my teary ones.

He gently wipes tears off my face and places comforting kisses in different spots. Even with Finnick here I don't think I've ever been so afraid.
Not even when I was in the arena myself. Maybe because I knew I had a lot better of a chance of living than Ardin.

Stop Daphne Stop. Don't think about her. It makes it even worse.

"I'm here love.", Finnick's voice softly says. I focus on him again taking deep breaths until my tears finally stop falling leaving me with a feeling of numbness.

Usually this would be worse. But right now I don't have the strength to cry anymore.

Authors note-

I'm sorry for not uploading i've been so tired these past two days! i hope you all enjoy this chapter! Ardin's going into the games!! Let's see how far she makes it or if she wins. Please comment and vote on this! thank you all for reading what i have so far! xx

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