Chapter 17 ~the 69th games~

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I wake up to Finnick shaking me awake. I jolt up but he calms me down.

Today's the reaping day. The day I go back to the capital. I nestle close to him. He holds me with an arm around my back. "It'll be okay. I promise.", he says tracing my fingers lightly. I smile softly at the gesture.

We get up Finnick puts on a white sweater with a pair of shorts. My outfits a pink tube top with a thin white jacket and jeans.

"You look beautiful.", he says placing a soft kiss on my lips. "And you look very handsome.", I ruffle his hair lightly making him chuckle.

We get Ren up and go over to Mag's for a quick breakfast.

"I'm gonna miss you guys.", Ren says sadly. I take her small hand in mine. "We'll be back before you know it." "She's right. And you'll have Grammy to keep you company this time.", Finnick says taking her other hand. "You two better get going the reaping's soon.", Mags says. We get up and hug the both them before heading to the justice building.

"There are my favorite victors!", a familiar voice exclaims trapping us both in a hug. "We missed you Jezebel. Just wish we could see you without having to go to the capital.", I say. "I understand I do. I wish this was under different circumstances too... Alright well we should get going."

Finnick and I follow her onto the Justice Buildings stage we stand on the right corner of it hand in hand. I spot my sister in the crowd.

"Welcome Welcome. To the 69th Hunger Games. Before we begin I have a video coming straight from the capital." The video begins Finnick squeezes my hand tighter.

"Isn't that wonderful. Now let's begin the drawling for our tributes. Without further ado ladies first." Jezebel walks over to the bowl of female names. I hold my breath hoping it's not my sisters name.

"Eve Nightfall." I sigh of relief. That's a career top of her class.

"I volunteer as tribute!", a hand shoots up from the 18 year olds. I recognize the voice and snap my gaze up to the crowd to see my sister walking towards the stage with a huge smile on her face. I feel my heart drop.

"What's your name dear?", Jezebel asks. "Ardin Elsher." Jezebel's glance snaps over at me then back to her cards.

"Now the males.", her voice is shaky this time. "Bo Tamron."I don't recognize that name or the 16 year old boy walking onto the stage.

I can't believe my sister would volunteer. I could kill her but the tributes in that arena will do that for me.

They go to say their goodbye. I rush into the train before anyone else can even look at me. I pace the floor of the dining hall waiting on the tributes.

Finnick walks in. "There you are.", he sighs of relief. "I'm gonna kill her.", I choke. "Shh. Daph it'll be okay." "No it won't. My sister has no survival instincts the only reason she even has decent grades in school is because she's popular enough to get people to do her work. She's always relied on my brother and I's income on everything. She's doing nothing but getting herself killed."

The two tributes walk in. Bo looks scared to death. My sister still has a smile on her face.

"What the h*** is wrong with you? You just signed yourself up for death!", I yell. "What? I can win! I want to go to the capital sis! Besides if you can survive it can't be that hard." "Do you have any idea how much I've done to keep you and Elias safe? The deals I've had to make? I've spent my entire life working trying to help my family. I got sent to the Hunger Games with instincts and skill that I learned from working. All you've ever done is frolic with your stupid friends and take everything that was worked for. Just when I thought you couldn't get any more selfish you volunteer in place of a career.", I storm off to my room not even bothering to look at anyone on my way there.

I lay down in my bed and cry until I hear a knock at the door.

"Go away.", I weakly reply.

Instead the door opens. "I'm afraid I'm not allowed to by order of Jezebel.", Finnick says sitting down on the edge of the bed placing his hand on my knee.

"Who cares what Jezebel says." "When it involves you I do." I don't respond.

I play with the fur on one of the pillows. "I'm sorry Daph.", he says. I shake my head. "Don't apologize. It's her fault not yours. There's no taking anything back. After all of those capital trips to keep them safe she still volunteers. I know she didn't know what I had to do but it's really a selfish act. That career had a better chance of living than she would even living on her own in four."

Finnick lays beside me putting his arm around my torso. His warm breath makes the skin on the back of my neck tingle but as long as he's here I don't care.

"If she don't make it home. Elias will kill me. They've been best friends forever. If she doesn't live he'll hate me." "What happens in that arena is out of your control Daph."

"You don't know my family."

"Daphne as much as I adore you your family is awful." I give a weak laugh. "They aren't great but I still love them." He kisses the side of my head. "I know"

Authors note-
dun dun dun. okay yeah this was probably expected the sister going to the games not the volunteer part. but let's see how long Ardin lasts in the 'beautiful' capital.

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