Under attack

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Bri's P.O.V

Rob ran through the door and started fighting with Alex. Now Alex is pretty small compared to Rob so you can picture who is winning now. I guess you can say Alex deserves this. He did sort of steal Esmi from Rob.

Amway's back to the fighting. Me, Carter and Esmi are trying to pull rob off of Alex. Esmi decides that it's best for her to try and calm Rob down while he's beating the crap out of Alex. "Rob stop it!" Esmi says he doesn't listen. She tries to push Rob, nothing she starts hitting him on the back he turns around and pushes Esmi.

"OH HELL NAH!" I say and start to run toward Rob I grabbed him by the neck and Carter gets Alex away and pulls him to the restroom. I start to raise my voice "I DON'T KNOW WHO THE HELL YOU THINK YOU ARE RIGHT NOW ROBERT, BUT YOU DO NOT GO THROWING AROUND ESMI OR ANY GIRLS FOR THAT MATTER NO YOU LEAVE US THE FUCK ALONE RIGHT NOW" I finished and he walked out of the room. Ashamed of what he had just done.

*The next day*

Matt's P.O.V

Since we have Carter's new location we're gonna plan a sneak attack this time he will die, and lose people.

*later that day*

Everything should go as planned were taking some of are men back. "let's go" I say this plan is gonna be a success because they now have me, obviously Carter is gonna come for me first instead of anyone else he will get me but I will be the one to win everything back.

We surrounded the house and me and some of my men are now going inside the house. We separate I go by myself though. It's a way me and Carter can fight better.

I make my way to find Carter's room. I peeked in every room and I finally found his room. I texted my men to go ahead and attack and to also have no mercy, cause no one is innocent here.

I hear a window break and shortly after that an explosion. Let's began, shall we. I open his bedroom door and he's covering himself up with his clothes. Ew I walked in on him and his girlfriend...?

**Flashback Earlier that day**

Carter's P.O.V

I walked in my room Bri shortly followed. "Well that was crazy" she said "Yeah" I agree. "Bri I never told you this but I'm grateful for you being here and for helping us" I said she looked shocked that I was being... Nice? Oh yeah I see why now.

"Yeah, you're welcome" she said softly. Well this is crazy we're sounding like Esmi... This is awkward why does she have to make me feel this way . I should say something because this silence is killing me. "I want you" I said well shit way to let that slip out.

"What?" she said. Shit. "Okay I want you right now Bri, it was so hard controlling myself around you when all I wanted to do was, kiss you" I finish. I get closer to her and she's breathing heavy. "I can tell you want me too by the way you're breathing right now" I say and before she could talk I smashed our lips together.

Our kiss was electric. We didn't break apart from this kiss. I could tell she did want me as much as I wanted her. I slammed her against the wall and kiss down her neck. One thing led to another and then we were both fully exposed to each other.

**End of flashback**

I snapped back to what was going on I covered myself up with my clothes, Bri woke up to and quickly did the same.

"Matt get outta here, before I kill you" I snapped at him. "Oh now that's no way to talk to an old friend now is it" he said in mocking tone. Bri changed and so did I. I grabbed my gun and prepared for the worst.

Nash's P.O.V

I heard a window break and then everyone woke up after the explosion. "What was that?!" we all asked we got ready for whatever was coming our way. We all went running up the stairs and headed to where we heard the explosion. As we made our way there we all got ambushed by these guys I'm guessing these guys are with Matt.

Bri's P.O.V

Carter and Matt we're going head to head with each other I was helping Carter as much as I could by trying to kick out Matt's gun from his grasp, but he had such a tight grip on it.

Rob's P.O.V

I went to Esmi's room really quick to see if she was okay but I soon remembered what happened earlier so that made me run back downstairs and help the guys that actually need me.

They were all fighting we were wining and that was good! I quickly went down to help them.

Authors note

Guys I know super short chapter I'm sorry I have been slacking hardcore but as soon as I'm finished taking my staar test I will update more!

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