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Carter's P.O.V

Never have I ever pictured myself getting married, but I'm glad I'm getting married to the most beautiful girl in the world. Her dress looked so radiant, her hair looking perfect, her makeup on point as always, she's so gorgeous. I'm the luckiest guy in the world.

The music started playing and I suddenly felt myself getting weaker by the moment she looked so gorgeous walking down the aisle towards me..

Once she reached me the priest started talking.

"Now may we have the rings" the priest said, Esmi came up with the rings and gave them to me. She sat back down and me and Bri put them on each other.

"Now I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride" you didn't have to tell me twice to do that I thought to myself. Cameras went off taking many pictures and it was just a wonderful experience.

Bri's P.O.V

He kissed me like there was no tomorrow and I loved it! I feel so happy, it's all thanks to Esmi. We all got into the limo on our way to the hall so we can dance the night away!

And set up the mission me and Carter cooked up! Once we pulled up to the hall I dragged Alex in the limo so we can include him on the secret mission.
Esmi's P.O.V

"Hey Rob, have you seen Alex?" I asked I turn around for two seconds and he's gone.. "No I haven't, why do you ask?" he said "Oh I just thought he would be with you or you've seen him somewhere, I don't really know where he went but I'm sure he's already inside.." I said and walked in.

He's not here yet.. What, where is he?

Carter and Bri came in and walked all the way to there bride and groom table they had to do a toast and thank everyone for coming.

Bri's P.O.V

"Ready?" I say to Carter "Let's do this thing" he said and we both walked in the hall all eyes went on us and we headed to our table here comes the speech for today.

I pick up a glass and a fork like in the movies and say "Excuse me can I have everyone's attention?" everyone gets quiet and pays attention to what I have to say "First of all I want to thank everyone for coming out to mine and Carter's wedding, it means a lot especially after everything we've all been through, the person I must thank for this whole thing is Esmi, Esmi has been there since forever ago and thanks to her I've met Carter, she is the one to thank for everything so I thank you Esmi!" I pause and Alex starts walking in..

And the plan is a go..

"This is why I'm doing this, take it away Alex!" I say and hand the microphone to Alex

Alex's P.O.V

"Thanks Bri, congratulations" I say and continue talking "Well Esmi, Bri and Carter loved their honeymoon present so much to give it up to me and you now they've been planning this for a while so thanks to them were finally get to go to Greece!" I finish and smile big Esmi is doing the same.

She comes and runs to me then engulfs Carter and Bri in a hug. "Thank you!" she says all excited.
"You deserve it Esmi" they say and she once again gives them a big hug, they give her the plane tickets and we go and sit down.

Bri's P.O.V

Once Esmi and Alex sat down I continued with the speech, "So without further a do, let the party begin!" I said they all cheered and everyone made their way to the dance floor, the music started me and Carter were dancing with each other for the first time Carter's got moves!

Esmi came and stole me from Carter for a bit and I started dancing with her it was so much fun!!!

The DJ then decided to play a slow song so all the couples got together and started dancing very passionately it was very romantic especially since Carter was whisper singing in my ear it was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard it literally gave me chills..

Once the song was over everyone clapped and it was now time to cut the wedding cake!

We got the knife and both cut it at the same time we got two pieces and did the whole feeding each other the cake thing we interlocked arms and put the cake right in each others face! I was laughing so hard, I had to take this off of my face.

I left Esmi to cut the rest of the cake.

Once I reached the restroom I grabbed a napkin and started removing the leftover cake that was all over my face. I looked at my reflection and I smiled, I'm legit happy and I owe it all to my family, I love them.

It was now 2 am exactly the guest had started leaving around 1:30ish and the people who owned the hall came and started cleaning up after us. Me and Carter thanked the lady that let us have our wedding here and gave her, her key to lock up.

Esmi and Alex left early too so they can pack and head out to the airport.

"So where are we going for our honeymoon?" I asked Carter he smiled and grabbed my hand while he was driving "We've been there before it's our house now, Mrs. Mahone" I instantly knew what he was talking about I remember wow... I'm Mrs. Mahone now.

Once again don't forget to vote and comment what you think might happen next!

- Love Esmi ♡

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