Guarding angel

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Matt's P.O.V

"She's gone" I told Tyler

"There's no time to plan anymore we need to end this right now." he said through gritted teeth "This is the last thing they are ever gonna hear about." he finished and turned around drastically. "Let's go." he said and ran off.

Bri's P.O.V

What's that? Once I opened the closet door a box had fell on the floor, was this a sign from Esmi? I picked up the box and opened it without trying to damage it.

Once I opened it there was a note then something else below it. I quickly grabbed the note and opened it so I can see what this was all about.

To Bri, the front of the note said. Me? Again really Esmi, Damn.

Dear Bri,

This is definitely gonna be shocking to you considering I'm doing this behind your back, but believe me when I say this is all good for you and for everyone else. Especially you and Carter. In the box you will find at least 2 million dollars it would have been 3 million but I mean things break, we need food and all that stuff but anyways, you will find 2 million dollars, with that money I want you to take a flight to Miami, once you get there you ask a cab driver to take you to this address "1524 axle St" from there that person will tell you what to do next.

- All my love Esmi ♡

What does this all mean I can't just leave without an explanation and I don't want to explain this to Carter. Esmi doesn't want anyone but me to go and I won't let her down.

Esmi's instructions were clear but the question remained, why did she want me to do this? And what for? All of these questions will be answered if I leave and go to Miami.

How am I gonna do this? If Esmi gave me an excuse that would have been great, wait that's it! I'll start packing things tonight.

**8 am**

Bri's P.O.V

My flight leaves in a little bit I left the house without anyone knowing, I did leave a note in the kitchen just so they won't freak out.

"Flight 231 leaving for Miami in 5 minutes please make your way over"

The girl over the intercom said. I made my way to the plane and sat down in my seat. Here comes 8 hours of flying high in the sky.

Carter's P.O.V

I woke up this morning trying to reach out for Bri but when I did she wasn't there I immediately started freaking out, I got up off of the bed and checked the whole house her car was still here, now I was over thinking.

"Have any of y'all seen Bri today?!" I screamed throughout all of the house. No one responded back with a yes. I walked into the kitchen and saw a note I was afraid to read it. I opened up the letter and saw that it was from Bri!

Dear Carter, or whoever is reading this...
I wanted to let you know I took a flight out to Miami to go tell Esmi's aunts and uncles that she had passed away no one informed them that she passed so I thought I would be the one to break the news.. I will be back in 3 days don't lose control take care of the house make sure we lose no one else. I'll be back before you know it.

- Sincerely Bri

She's all alone in Miami that's not okay I'm going with her. Screw this. "Zach!" I called out he came down into the kitchen "What happened?" he asked "Your in charge, guard the house and take care of everyone I have a flight to catch."

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