Final Goodbye Thoughts

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Alex's P.O.V

"She's in a better place now" someone whispered to me, I turned to see who it was and it was Robert he definitely handled everything worse. Surprisingly he was okay right now. "Are you in a better place right now?" I asked although I regretted asking him that question. "Not really in a better place but somewhat in a better mood knowing that she's safe and sound with her parents is something I'm happy to think about." Rob finished.

**The priest walks in**

"Everyone take a seat please", everyone automatically sat down it was just most of our gang members and some of Esmi's old nurse friends.

Bri's P.O.V

"We are gathered here today to morn the loss of our beloved friend Esmi" The priest said I almost broke down at his sudden choice of words, I don't want to believe Esmi is dead. I know she's coming back and this is all some sick joke. At least I hoped for it to be a joke.

Carter's P.O.V

I can't help to think that this is all my fault I honestly think if I didn't come in Bri's life she'd be a lot safer than she was now, Esmi would still be alive and I wouldn't feel as bad as I do right now.

Zach's P.O.V

Little one you were definitely strong I don't know how we could've lost you, I for some reason pictured you out living all of us having kids with Robert, I pictured you starting out a whole new life you were definitely gonna be something else.

Robert's P.O.V

Hey Esmi, I believe I'm the one that should be laying down in the casket, not you. If only I would've stayed... You would be alive and well.

Bri's P.O.V

"Now Esmi before she passed she left a note in case this ever did happen, the note is meant for Bri" the priest said I looked up at him and slowly walked my way towards him. "Now read what Esmi left for you" the priest finished and let me step up to the podium.

I opened the note and started reading out loud "Okay so this is awkward" I chuckled softly "If you're reading this it most likely means I'm dead and the one who's reading this is Bri, hey Bri :), I really want to thank you for being a really big part in my life, you've definitely changed me for the better ever since I met you. Now let's get down to business, I am giving you my house I'm pretty sure since I'm kind of dead the house will be a mess always so put Zach and Alex on it they can handle it." I look up and I see them crying tears of joy. "Another thing I would want is for you to try and get Jaylnn back into your life it's been forever and since I'm gone your gonna need someone to talk too."

I look up to see Jaylnn smiling and crying at the same time "One last thing this is recent you and Carter" I look up to see him, "I want you guys to last hardcore I really believe you guys will be together forever you guys are so right for each other it's unreal!" I look up to see him smile which made me smile, "This note better have made an impact on y'all today because no matter what I will watch over you guys and be taking care of y'all whether you know it or not."

- Sincerely Esmi

I look up and the priest comes up and starts to say what we have to do next. "Follow me and may the guys come and carry the casket so we can say goodbye one last time."

Alex and Rob got one side of the casket while Carter and Zach got the other and all together we followed where Esmi was gonna be buried.

Once we got there they set the casket on a mini elevator that takes you down in to the ditch. Once the casket hit the bottom it was time to grab a handful of dirt and throw some in there to officially start the digging process.

I grabbed a handful of dirt and dropped into the bottom of the casket. Soon the rest of the guys followed and did the same.

Once we were all done it was now time to go and let the funeral workers finish the job and say our last goodbye to Esmi.

Carter and I went our separate ways from everyone else we went to our "private home" and just stayed the night there grieving.

"Bri?" Carter said "Yeah?" I answered "Do you think if I didn't come into your life none of this would've happened?" I stop and process his question..

"Yeah I do believe none of this wouldn't have happened" I said he looked at me with sad eyes "But it's not your fault and you shouldn't blame yourself" I said "I know that you think I'm all hard and shit but it kills me knowing I've killed so many people and that I have their blood on my hands. I just wanted to make things right and with you I felt as if everything was right..."

I kissed his lips "What was that for?" he questioned "That was for opening up to me" he laughed "I should do this more often just so I can kiss you", "Or you can just kiss me whenever you want" I said which took Carter and me by surprise.

Carter's P.O.V

"Bri, I've been meaning to ask you this question for a while now and this might not be the right time but I feel it's right and it's like Esmi would say 'live in the now' so I guess what I'm trying to say is" I stumbled on my words I was nervous as fuck I don't know why. "What I'm trying to say is, I would like for you to be my girlfriend." I finished. I was scared of her answer. I know she likes me and I know for sure I like maybe even love her so I hope she says yes.

"Carter I would love to be your girlfriend" Bri said and I got so excited and kissed her like if there was no tomorrow.

She's finally mine, and I intend to keep it that way. No one in their right mind will take her from me.

Zach's P.O.V

I went into Esmi's room to go look at all of her stuff sooner or later were gonna have to get rid of all this stuff. I know Robert has been sleeping here for the past couple of days and Alex has been coming in and out of here too. This is my first time coming in here since she's passed.

I guess Robert was showering because Esmi's shower was on, Alex walked in "Hey Zach", "Hey man how you holding up?" I asked "I've been better, is Robert showering?" Alex questioned "Yeah I guess so" I finish. "We should stop doing this" Alex says taking me by surprise "Doing what?" I questioned "Stop coming in and out of here hoping to see if she's here" he said "I feel ya" I said no tone in my voice whatsoever.

Robert finally came out of the shower and looked at us, "what are you guys doing in here?" he looked confused "We could ask you the same question" we said in unison "I don't wanna be anywhere else but here" Robert said drying his hair. "This isn't healthy Robert she's gone and you have to accept that".

"No." was all he said and he pushed us out of the room.

Carter's P.O.V

"Do you think things are gonna get worse for us?" Bri asked. "Yeah, but we'll figure it out as we go... We always do" I said finishing my statement.

Bri's P.O.V

Once me and Carter got home I went into Esmi's room. I haven't been the only one doing this. Maybe if I come in here Esmi's aura will show up again and tell me what to do.

I prayed for something like that to happen. Just so I can see her again. Robert wasn't in here which surprised me I guess he's in his room for the first time in forever.

Something suddenly fell in Esmi's closet I walked slowly towards it (which is totally bad considering things that happen in scary movies and all that crap but I still went for it.) I pulled out my pepper spray just in case.

I opened the closest door and get ready for what's to come next.

Authors note

Hello loves it's been a long time since I've updated or at least according to my friends it had **cough cough** impatient **cough cough**

Anyway, What do you think is gonna happen next?, what fell?

Don't forget to vote and comment share with your friends, neighbors, your dog lol I'm kidding see y'all next time guys! 😇

- Love Esmi ♡

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