No one can

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Carter's P.O.V

Things have been strange around the house ever since Esmi and Rob broke up. Now when we're training things are awkward it's like when Rob comes into the room Esmi walks out and so does Alex.... I think he's trying to comfort her.

I walk up to bri who is with Cameron "Guys do you know what's going on between Esmi and Rob?" I ask them. Cam starts talking "There's nothing to tell, there still not together it kinda sucks because Rob is a lot hard on us now" Cam finishes.

"Okay, thanks... Bri can I talk to you for a minute?" I say and Cameron knows that he has to leave.

"What's up?" she said " I think" I start "I think Alex and Esmi have a thing for each other" I finished. Bri looked at me confused "Really you think they have a thing for each other?" she said that in a mocking tone.

"Yep, and you just basically confirmed it" I say now she looks like oh shit I fucked up.

"Come with me now" she demanded I went with her upstairs. "Look you can't say anything to Rob about this.. You got it?" she said I agreed. She brought me upstairs to Alex's room.

"What are we doing here?" I asked and she said in a whisper "To show you that they are together" she opened the door without knocking and bam there it was!

"Holy fuck" I said they looked at me and then at Bri and said "Bri did he find out or did you tell him?" I answered. "I found out, but Bri confirmed it"

"Ac, Bri told me and you couldn't even tell me?" I said Ac walked up to me and said "I was gonna tell you later on today but this happened and well yeah..." he finished.

Esmi comes up to all of us "look we didn't want anyone to know but Bri, but now that Carter knows it's just one less person added to the list of people to tell" she finished.

"True" I said. "I'm kinda grossed out that y'all were kissing in front of me" they laugh "hey you were the one that walked in on us" they say. I mean I guess Esmi and Alex are great for each other but Rob will always be her one and only true love.

Matt's P.O.V

"COME ON NOW PEOPLE HOW HARD IS IT TO FIND ONE STUPID LOCATION!" I yelled out everyone of my workers are stupid they can't find out where Carter lives which pisses me off.

"We've got it!" says Chris one of my trusty guys. I'm finally gonna get what I want.

Robert's P.O.V

I walked upstairs and everyone was in one room. I wanted to see what was going on. I walked in and saw Alex holding Esmi from her waist and I immediately felt betrayed. I got so heated I busted through the door and ran straight to Alex and started beating him half to death. If I can't have her no one can.

Authors note

Oh snap what an ending I'm sorry for the slow updating but here's a small chapter for you're patients.

Don't forget to vote and comment what you think is gonna happen next.

Love you guys!

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