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Bri's P.O.V

Can't say this wasn't expected because Esmi saw it coming from miles away. "Wow I didn't think you could do this Esmi, I underestimated you!" I was currently at the hall that Esmi reserved for mine and Carter's wedding. Oh my god that sounds weird to say, uh I just got the chills...

"So is there a need for security to be here?" the lady asked "Oh no that's not necessary" Esmi said which is true since we all know how to defend ourselves. "Alright then the wedding will start at what time exactly?" Esmi looks at me "The wedding will start at 6:30, don't really know when it should end" I say looking at the lady that owned the hall. "Hmm, well it could end at 2 am, if you feel comfortable ending it at that time?" she looked at me "Uh, yeah that's fine" alright we got a time.

Me and Carter aren't getting married by the court considering all the legal issues we've had in the past, and the church wasn't really an option for me since I haven't really been in a while but it's happening..

"Now the food is gonna be set up over here, the drinks too, along with the seating arrangements that Esmi sent me" I looked at the lady "Seating arrangements?" I questioned. "Yeah, you need to have a seating chart, we don't want anyone getting into a fight right" she laughed, I went a long with it even though I didn't know what she meant by a seating chart.

"Alright here's the key, I hope your wedding is one for the books!" she said and drove away. I figured now would be the time to ask Esmi what she meant by a seating chart..

"So what does she mean by seating chart?" I looked at Esmi "Oh don't worry about that, it's just a list of people in a certain order to where they can sit because of like 'who they don't like' or 'cause of a problem they once had' it's a list that prevents fights basically" she finishes. "Ah okay I thought it meant something else"

"Nah your fine." Esmi said sitting in the passenger seat. Esmi literally planned everything did I tell you for the honeymoon she is sending us to Greece, and you have no idea how excited I am.

Even though I don't show it, I'm excited. Believe me I am.

I really want everything to come out perfect. Oh god I'm starting to sound like Esmi.

"Greece is gonna be so amazing for you Bri, oh my god you have no idea how badly I want to skip town and just go with you guys and be a third wheel" she laughed "Greece is so beautiful, I'm glad you picked it out, I would've been fine celebrating somewhere close though", she looks at me and I stay focusing on the road.

"shit," she says "What?" I ask "Don't tell me you don't like Greece?" she said covering her face "No, Esmi it's not that I don't like it I was just saying that I would have been happy even if you rented us out a hotel room here, don't take it offensively" I laughed "Oh I thought for a second there, you didn't like my gift for you" she pretended to wipe sweat off of her forehead.

"Nah, your fine" I say and she goes back to listening to the radio. Hmm I wonder...

Once we got home I went straight inside I quickly looked for Carter. "Carter" I called for him in his room "Hey, Ms. Soon to be Mahone" I laughed "Hey, I have a question and an idea to go along with that question" I say. "Well go for it.." he said and I started talking.

Alex's P.O.V

"Hey babe, I'm hommmmee" Esmi chimed in "Hey babe" I smile, "Hey Alex, I think it's time.." I look at Esmi confused "Time for what?" I question.. "You know" she looked at me then back to the bed, oh I think I know what she means... "Oh" I say standing up "You want me to clean up the room" I say trying not to laugh her facial expression changes "Um, no" she said.

I liked taunting her, made me laugh. "Alex don't play games with me" she said "I'm not if you want me to clean the room you could of just told me" I say, she laughs then walks out of the room. Awe I made her mad, I chuckled to myself.

Looks like someone's sexually frustrated.

Carter's P.O.V

"Hmm I like it, I like that idea very much" I said to Bri she had came up with a clever plan that would not take place till after the wedding and we were going to have to be sneaky about it till the day came.

This is why I love Bri.


Short chapter but the next chapter will be longer!

Vote and comment on what you think might happen next!

- Love Esmi 😊

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