Who's that?

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Bri's P.O.V

It's Thursday morning and I don't want to go to school if only I could just stay at home and forget school,But I can't I have to go because if I don't I violate my probation. I know it sucks.

Okay I'm sorry where are my manners I'm Bri fabela, well I got locked up because I assaulted some guy that was threatening some little girl,Little did I know that,That little girl would turn out to be my best friend. She was the first to visit me in jail sure she seemed fragile and all that but she was strong in her own way.

That's how we met and became best friends,But I told her that if she wanted to hang out with me she would have to become strong and be in my so called gang she calls it are crew but you know it's whatever. Me and Esmi trained everyday to become strong.

The bad thing was that my dad was a cop and he could easily turn me in but he thinks that family comes first so I get off with a warning sord of, that's all that you need to know about me. Okay now I have to get ready for school.

I get out of my room and get ready for school,Just this year and that's it I'm out of here for good. I get out of the house and get in my car and start to drive to school.Once I get there I get out my backpack and look around for Esmi or Jaylnn.

I see Esmi pull in the school parking lot and she gets out of the car. “Hey Bri" she greets me I simply nod my head up indicating sup. “Hey Robert wanted us to come over to his house today he says he has something important to tell us" she says “Well alright well meet him up there did he at least tell you what it was gonna be about?" I ask still wanting to know more about this “Meet up".

“Um no he just said it was important and told me to tell you" she said. “Well alright". I guess I had nothing better to do anyways. Later on Jaylnn pulls into the parking lot but as soon as she got out the stupid bell rang.Time to suffer.

Later that afternoon

Me and Esmi pull in to Robert's house and I knock on the door,Robert opens the front door and pulls us in “Well nice to see you too Robert" Esmi says sarcastically. “Sorry but you guy's have to meet someone" he said. He takes us to the living room and in there we see Alex,Zach and some other guy all tatted up with a black beanie and in all in black.

“Who's that?" Esmi asks Robert,“Okay guy's this is who I wanted you to meet" he calls the guy over and he comes towards us “Okay Carter meet Esmi and Bri" Robert introduces us to Carter. “Um who are they?" he asks with an attitude. “I was getting to that" Robert snaps at Carter. “Carter,Bri is are member and so is Esmi" Robert says.

Carter scoffs at us and says “These are the new members?" he asked in a cocky little tone. “Yea" Robert says “They don't look tough especially the little one" he talks about Esmi but Esmi just mad dog's him. “Well Carter I'll let you know that the little one is my girlfriend" Robert tells Carter.

“Well you could do so much better Robert" Carter says “Okay well it's not your decision you fucktard!" Esmi says oh god the inner beast is waking up. “What the fuck did you just call me?!?!" Carter screams at Esmi. “You heard me Mother fucker I didn't stutter" Oh good one Esmi I taught her well I say to myself.

Carter just stands there in shock of what she just said, I mean come on just because Esmi is short doesn't mean that she can't talk shit.“That's what I thought bitch" Esmi ended the argument. “Okay I may have been wrong about you Esmi I'm sorry." Carter says to Esmi. “Yea don't judge a book by it's cover", he nods his head.

“Okay so can we sit down now that the problem is fixed" I say, we start to walk towards Alex and Zach and I sit down on the couch Carter sits next to me and Robert and Esmi sit on the couch in front of us. Alex and Zach soon join us then that's where it all starts.

Carter's P.O.V

I sit down right next to Bri and start to talk about why were all here today.“Okay guys we have to get something straight here today." I tell them “I as of right now I'm on the most wanted list so if you see my picture on the window of a gas station or anywhere for that fact tell me and will leave as soon as we can...Alright" I say, Everyone nods there heads.

“What did you get locked up for?" Bri asked “Well I got locked up for murdering two  people." I tell her “Well I got locked up for assaulting this guy that was threatening that little girl over there" she points to Esmi. “You got locked up for protecting Esmi?" I ask “Yea that's exactly why"

“Well that could come in handy some day" I tell her “Hey could you go upstairs with me" I tell her. “sure" she says. “We'll be back" I tell everyone,and we head up the stairs. “Okay so what did you want to talk about?" she asks “I wanted to tell you that we have a lot of things in common for starters we did get locked up and were both in a gang" I tell her.

“Your point is?" she asks “Well I think that we have more experience together than they do." I say kinda coldly.“Well Carter I think we both know thats the truth." she says, I sit closer to her on the bed and I start to tell her more about me. “Okay so I'm not really an open book but you should know I have anger issues" I tell her with a little bit of an attitude. “Yea well your not the only one" she points to herself.

In a way Bri is kinda like me we may not be the exact same but we have similarities between us too that just makes me interested in her. I start to lean in she starts to lean back against the headboard of the bed and when I get to close to her face I kiss her there we are in my room kissing on my bed and no interruption.

I start deepening the kiss by slipping my tongue into her mouth she lets me in, I start to tug on her shirt she pulls my hand away and breaks the little make out session we were just having. “What did I bite you?" I ask kind of worried because that's happened to me before and it hurts like hell.

“No you didn't,but you don't even know me and your already wanting to take my clothes off?" she tells me “Yea it's wrong but that was one hell of a make out session see you around Carter" she walks out of my room and leaves me shocked at her sudden actions. Usually I'm supposed to leave the girl wanting more but this one left me wanting more.

Bri's P.O.V

“Come on Esmi were leaving" I tell her and she stops making out with Robert and says bye to him and we walk out the front door without saying another word to anybody.

“Hey what did you guy's do up there y'all were up there for quite a while" she asks “We were just talking" I say trying to hold in everything that happened. “Okay yea and me and Robert were just talking to seriously what happened?" she asked really wanting to know “We just talked about the whole prison thing nothing else." I tell her “So No tongue action?" she asked “Maybe I don't kiss and tell" her expression changes to shock and excitement within seconds.

I tell her what he did and what I did after that and she was just like “Damn Bri get some" I just laughed at that statement. I drop Esmi off at her house and drive back to mine.

I get home take a shower and go to sleep like if nothing ever happened.

Author's note

Okay so this is the first real chapter and if you guy's liked it then go ahead and vote for the next chapter.

And if you Haven't read my first book go to my profile and click on it if you would like to read it.

Vote for the next chapter.

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