It's over.

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Carter's P.O.V

"You let her escape! Why did you follow me, I clearly left a note, I didn't even leave an address how did you find me, I don't care, you made Esmi leave." Bri stormed off. "What are you talking about I was worried about you the whole time you could have gotten taken away from me and I wouldn't have known! That was Esmi? What the hell she's alive?!"

I finished "Yes, she is and she trusted me enough to come out of hiding that is till you busted in!" she kept walking "Bri, I'm sorry I was just worried come on let me take you back home" I said calming down "Ugh now I have to deal with you in the car ride and plane ride back home" she stomped

"Stop acting like a baby and get in the car" I smirked and she struggled at first but gave in.

** Plane lands**

Carter's P.O.V

"Are you still mad at me?" I ask Bri "No. Let's just go home" she said, I know she's still mad. I have to fix this. I think I have to bring Esmi back and by back I mean back home. But how? I ask myself mentally.

Once we got home Bri went straight into her room and didn't come out for 3 hours, it's already nine o'clock I think she's gonna sleep in her room tonight.

**Later that night**

Zach's P.O.V

I heard a window break downstairs and shortly after two more so I quietly made my way to my closet to go get my gun, did anybody else here that? I thought to myself.

Cameron's P.O.V

I heard something break upstairs and I woke up Nash, Jack and Jack so we can go check out what's going on. "Do you think it's Matt again?" Jack G asked "I have no idea" I answered. We headed upstairs.

Once we made it upstairs we saw that there was indeed something broken, it was the front window it was broken by a rock, we heard some movement from the kitchen so we headed towards the noise to see what it was.

We made it to the kitchen only to find Zach going through the fridge. "Oh god Zach, you scared us." I said. "Sorry I guess, I heard something downstairs being broken so I went to check it out, saw it was the two front windows and I made my way to the kitchen to eat." he finishes. "Yeah, we heard that too so we went to check it out, I guess some stupid kids decided to play with rocks and see what they can break and run, huh?", "I guess so" he said taking a bite out of his sandwich.

Shortly after that we all went back to our rooms and went back to sleep.

Alex's P.O.V

"Hey Bri, can I come in?" I knocked on her door she hasn't came out in a whole day. "No go away. " she yelled through the door, "What did Carter do to make you like this" I laughed. She stayed quiet. "Well if you feel like talking about it I'm always downstairs" I walked off and made my way towards Carter. He'll tell me what happened.

"Carter! Can you open the door?" I say he opens the door, "What's up?" he asks "What happened with you and Bri" I ask he stays quiet then brings me in his room. "what I'm about to say needs to stay between me and you." he says with a serious face. "Yeah sure, Just tell me what happened" I say he continues.

"When I went to Miami to go find Bri, I found her but she was with-"

**Alarm system goes off**

"Were under attack!" I hear Cameron yell, we all start gathering what we can to fight and get ready to face off yet again.

Carter's P.O.V

"Alex go check on Bri I'll go for Matt and Tyler" This ends now. I say and run downstairs.

Alex's P.O.V

I went into Bri's room but didn't find her! Did they take her again?! I run out of her room and see that she's already fighting downstairs. Classic. Everyone is fighting Matt and Tyler walk in they separate to find Carter and end him oh no they don't.

Someone else burst through the door and my jaw drops. Oh my god.

She's alive

I can't get caught up in the moment she started killing people left and right soon after her back up came in, including Bri's dad?

Carter's P.O.V

They cornered me like a cockroach but I knew I could take them. "Well, well, well, look who's stuck now" Tyler said smirking. "Let's stop talking and skip to the part where I kill both of you and end everything." I say and they both charged at me.

I didn't go down so easily I stood my ground, I punched Matt so hard I knocked him out so now I only had to deal with Tyler. "If you want something done right you have to do it yourself" Tyler said he pulled out his gun before he pulled the trigger Bri came right behind him and smashed a big vase on his head.

I ran for his gun and pointed it at Tyler. "Carter don't. You'll go to jail again and I don't want you in there for the rest of your life." Bri said my heart was racing I wanted to finish everything... I picked up the gun and threw it right across the hall away from us. Bri started breathing normal again. Police and ambulances started arriving.

"Step away from the bodies sir" one of the cops said, I did as I was told the paramedic told me to go to the front of the house so he can examine me later.

I did it, it's finally over.

Rob's P.O.V

"Esmi?" I called her tears coming out of my eyes. She turns around scared "look I know what your gonna say, and I know what I did was wrong I shouldn't have done this it was reckless of me" I start walking towards her.. "Rob I did this for everyone's safety I even brought Bri's dad into this-" I cut her off by embracing her in a hug..

"You're as beautiful as the day that I lost you" I say she starts crying, Alex comes in and he starts crying too. I leave them alone.

Alex's P.O.V

"Esmi I can't I, you, I thought," I couldn't talk. She cuts me off by kissing me "Hey I'm still here" she said with a soft smile. I missed her so much.

Bri's P.O.V

"I didn't think you were coming back" I say to Esmi, "A house is just a place, but a home is where you guys are" she said she engulfed me in a hug and I almost broke her by squeezing so hard. "You might want to talk to your dad... " she said I started walking towards him.

"Bri, everything is all clear Carter is not charged with anything because it was self defense, all charges have been dropped" he finished "Thank you dad for everything I know I never really thanked you for anything but I thank you for this and all that you've done. " I say and he hugs me I hug back "I can see your happy here I understand if you want to stay, I mean who's gonna look out for Esmi" he said I laughed "I HEARD THAT!" Esmi yelled out which made me laugh even more.

"Well I have to go back to work Bri, goodbye, be safe" he said before he walked out with all of the paramedics and police officers.

"Good riddance, hope you both rot in prison" Carter said as Matt and Tyler got escorted out of Esmi's house.

"Were done there's nothing to prepare for Bri, well maybe one thing... " Carter said I looked at him confused "Bri" he got down on one knee "Will you marry me?" he asked tears were coming to my eyes and I couldn't find the words to say yes so I shook my head up and down then pushed out a "Yes!"

"Were getting married baby!" he said and everyone started celebrating.

Author's note

Keep voting for the book guys!! It's almost finished!

-Love Esmi

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