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Carter's P.O.V

Chaos. Complete chaos. Is all I could say.

I regret everything I've done. I've lost everyone, I hate everything.

*3 days earlier*

Carter's P.O.V

"You know the plan now Nick." I ask. Nick is the "fake Matt". He has to get this plan down to the last detail because if he screws this up he's dead. Literally.

I leave him and before I leave I give him the money that I owe him for this plan.

When I got home Bri was outside sitting on the stairs by herself. "Hey Bri" I say she says what's up back with her head. "What are you doing out here?" I ask. "It's to crowded inside" she said blankly. "Oh, you wanna go somewhere?" I ask she thanks for a while. Then she finally says yes.

We go back into my Range Rover and start driving. I think I know where to take her.

Bri's P.O.V

Me and Carter are having a date night? I guess you could say.. Either way he's taking me to I don't even know where he's taking me to think about it. He said its a surprise. So hopefully it'll be awesome.

We finally pull up to a place that looks like its been abandoned for years. I thought to myself.. How romantic note my sarcasm.

Carter must've noticed my face because what he said made me smile he said "Oh don't worry baby, this isn't the place" my heart melted whenever he said baby.

Behind the creepy abandoned place there was such a beautiful house. We go inside the house. "Welcome home" he said I give him a confused look and he said "Yeah home you heard right" he took me on a tour of the house and I was amazed it was so beautiful I think even better than Esmi's house..

"This is where I've been going to for the past weeks" Carter said to me "I've hired the best men to help me make this house for me and you.. Us" he said the last part with a shy smile.

I walked closer to him and gave him a big kiss. I really couldn't believe what he just did this was literally the best thing I could ever ask for.

"What do you think?" he said after we pulled out of the kiss. "It's beautiful, I'm excited to move in, when it's completely ready" I said. He gets happy.

"I knew you'd like it" Carter said you wanna try out the bedroom he winked and grabbed me and kissed me as he did that he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his torso and he started to make his way into the bedroom.

Esmi's P.O.V

I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. I was gonna watch TV because I haven't seen it in forever plus the guys are all down in the basement playing with the new games I bought online.

I turned on the TV and flipped through the channels to see what's on. I stopped at ABC family because pll was on lord that was my favorite show so I stayed on that channel it was the Halloween episode I had already seen it but it's been a while.

I heard someone coming downstairs I shrug it off because I'm really into the show now. "Don't go in there" I say and next thing you know someone jumps out and scares me!

"AHHH!" I yelled out and that person started laughing that person was Robert. Did this mean he was okay with me?

"YOU FUCKER WHY'D YOU DO THAT?!" I said but that honestly slipped out. He ignored my question and sat next to me "What are you watching?" he asked looking at the TV. "I'm watching Pretty Little Liars" I said he looked at me and then back at the TV.

Gang Related (Foolish 4 fan fic ft Magcon boy's)Where stories live. Discover now