Crew meeting

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Robert's P.O.V

We finally arrived at the crews house before we stepped in we took in deep breaths. We make are way to the living room only one that was in there was Bri. “Hey y'all good?" she asks “Yea" we both say in unison.

“EVERYONE DOWNSTAIRS WE HAVE TO HAVE A CREW  MEETING" I yell loud so they can hear me. Seconds later Alex,Zach and Carter come into the living room and Carter sits next to Bri but she moves away and stands next to us.

“So what is this group meeting about?" Alex asks. “Yea so I can get back to doing some important business" Carter says annoyed “Like having sex with some random slut" Bri says Esmi gives her a high five and I chuckle at what bri said. “Okay so this meeting is gonna be about Esmi leaving the gang" I say and everyone directs their attention towards Esmi.

“Why are you leaving?" Zach asks. “The reason that she is leaving is because..." I pause and look at her she's getting nervous I grab her hand and then finish what i was saying “Because she is pregnant with my baby" I say in a fast motion. “What the fuck Robert your a fucking dumb ass for getting her pregnant" Carter snaps at me “Carter you shut the fuck up" Bri says.

Esmi's P.O.V

“Look Carter you can't blame Robert for what he did" I say sounding as calm as possible “YOU KNOW WHAT ESMI?!?!" he gets off the couch gets closer to me and raises his hand I close my eyes waiting for the pain to hit my face but instead of feeling any physical contact I hear someone else get slapped I open my eyes and see Carter holding his cheek.

“WHAT THE FUCK CARTER WERE YOU GONNA HIT ME?!?!" I ask shocked at his sudden actions. “I WAS" he screams. “Thank you bri" I say “No problem that felt so good someone had to do it" she said. “I thought you were smarter than that Esmi" Carter says. “I am smarter" I say back to Carter with an attitude. “Well to me it looks like you already got knocked up at 18 so that doesn't make you smart does it?"

I stay quite knowing that it's true what Carter is saying if I was smart I wouldn't have gotten pregnant but then again it was bound to happen to me sometime but not at this moment. “Well Carter I'll be happy to get out of the way but I need Alex to take care of me because Bri needs to stay with you guy's and Alex needs to protect me" I say coldly.

“Alex could you take care of me please" I ask Alex with hope that he'll say yes. “Yes I can" he says. with that said I got out of the house and made my way to Robert's car.

Bri's P.O.V

“Carter come here" I command him “No I ain't gonna go with you" he says coldly. “Just fucking come here" I say and walk into the kitchen. “What" he says with no expression. “How's the cheek?" I smirk “You know what fuck you" he starts to walk away “I can't believe you would stoop so low to hit a girl especially a pregnant one" I say he stops in his tracks and turns back to me.

“I wasn't gonna hit her!" he says “Okay so if I raise my hand in the air and bring it to your face like so it doesn't look like I'm about to hit you" I show him and he stays there in silence “Exactly". I put my hand down and I walk away from Carter but he grabbed my wrist and turned me around to face him.

“Look I admit I lost my temper but you cannot fucking walk away from me again" he says and pushes me against the cabinet “Get the fuck away from me Carter" I snap at him. “No I think were gonna go upstairs to my room" he says. “What the fuck is wrong with you Carter let me go!" I say trying to get out of his grasp.

“No I fucking told you your not walking away from me this time" his hold on me gets tighter. “Carter let me fucking go!" I say “Or what?" he looks at me and smirks “I'm gonna scream" I threaten “I'll make you scream anyways" he says then winks at me.

He finally reaches his room and opens the door and pushes me in his room. “Open the fucking door and let me out!" I say he smiles creepily and shakes his head oh god Carter is about to make me do something I don't want to do.

He starts to walk closer to me and I back up but I guess I backed up to far and I hit the wall and Carter took that opportunity and blocked my way to leave. He moves my hair away from my neck and start to kiss me oh god not this again.

“Carter stop I don't want to do this" I say to him but he keeps kissing my neck, don't let this happen I have to do something that will give me time to escape,I say to myself. ok what if I pretend to enjoy this and whenever he thinks he's won me over I change up this thing and I kick him in the balls so I can have time to run away.

That's a good plan I say to myself. I move his head from my neck and kiss him on the lips so I can seem like I'm enjoying it. “Mmm" he moans I can't believe he's enjoying himself. “" he says in between kisses. “Just shut up and kiss me" he does as he's told and keeps kissing me.

to be a good actress you have to act all the time I slip out a little moan so he thinks I'm enjoying it. he's completely mesmerized it's my chance.I switch spots to where I'm no longer on the wall and he's on it. I pull away from the kiss and kiss down his neck and whenever I hear him moan in pleasure I move my lips away from his neck and I go for it.

“Bri I love you" he says I immediately stop and process what he just said part of me wants to continue with the plan the other part of me wants to be with him and believe what he just said.I do what I think is right I get away from him and run to open the door I finally make it to the door and unlock it and run downstairs.

I open the door and run outside, I slow down so I can get my car keys out of my pocket. I hear a car screech by the house then the next sound scares me the most oh my god there shooting at me.

Author's note

well this was a sorda long chapter sorry for taking forever to update.

So there is a lot of drama so far.

Who was shooting at Bri???

these are the questions I will write about next chapter.

well yea I love you guys and thanks for reading my book.

Vote for the next chapter

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