He walked away

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Carter's P.O.V

I swear Bri needs to stop being fucking pissed at me I didn't do shit. Just because I had sex with some other girl doesn't mean that I don't care for her. Shit makes me so mad “Robert have you heard from Esmi or Bri yet?" I ask wanting to know the answer “Um no why?" he asks me “Man can I not know were are gang members are" I scream at him “Damn calm down Carter" he tells me.

“Don't tell me to fucking calm down!" I yell once again. “You know what why don't you look for Bri and I'll go be with my girlfriend" he says “Yes Fucking thank you." I tell him with an attitude. “Go I'll leave later" he tells me I leave with no hesitation.


At Bri's house

I get out of the car and make my way to her doorstep. “Bri open the damn door!" I yell banging on the door. She hasn't came to the door “BRI OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" I still yell. I think she's coming finally. “What the fuck do you want Carter!" She asks me blocking the way in her house.

“Can I fucking come in!" I yell straight to her face. “No you fucking can't come in" she tells me but I make my way inside anyways. “Carter get the fuck out of my house!" she screams. I walk into the living room and see some guy sitting down on her couch.

“Who the fuck are you?!?" I ask. “My name is Nash Grier" He says. Bri comes in the room and says “Nash you don't have to tell him anything he's a dick" she says “I could tell" he says “What the fuck you don't even know me!" I say with an aggravated tone. “I don't need to know you to understand how you are." he says.

“No but you don't know me and I don't know you so you should fucking leave" I say with a harsh tone in my voice. “Only if Bri says I can" he says I look at Bri and she looks at me then at Nash. “Nash I'll text you later I need to calm his ass down" she says with a sassy tone.

He leaves the house. “So what the fuck were you guys doing in here?" I ask her “Can I not fucking have a friend over" she says with a bitchy attitude. “Not really" I say trying to sound smart with her. “What were you guys doing?" I ask her again wanting to know the real answer. “Not having sex, if that's what you think" she says in a smart tone.

“Well if not that then why was he in your hous-" she interrupts me and says “look I have to go to Esmi's house so if you don't mind you have to leave" she says trying to get me to leave. “Okay I'll see you later" I tell her in a seductive tone. she rolls her eyes and shuts the door in my face. well that went well I mentally face Palm myself.


at Esmi's house

Bri's P.O.V

“Hey Esmi could you help me get the rest of the stuff out the car." I ask her “Um actually I can't" she says “And why the hell not?" I ask her “I'm pregnant" she says “That's not an excuse the baby is barely the size of a pea" I explain to her “Fine what do I have to carry" she asks pretending to be exhausted.

“You can help with those two boxes" I tell her she picks up the boxes and puts them in my new room. “You see that wasn't that hard" I tell her being sarcastic. “Yea, yea whatever" she says aggravated. “So what are we-" I get interrupted by someone knocking on the door. “I'll get it" Esmi says.

She runs to the door and opens it. “Who is it?" I yell from upstairs. I hear no response I go downstairs and I see Esmi still at the door with a shocked look on her face. “Babe are you ok?" I hear the person from outside say I immediately know it's Robert. I run towards the door to and quickly tell Robert to come in. Looks like Esmi is gonna have to tell him today.

“Hey Babe are you alright you look like you just saw someone die" he says trying to be funny.

Esmi's P.O.V

oh my god what am I supposed to tell him how I'm I supposed to tell him I'm pregnant with his baby. “I'm-" I get interrupted by this nasty feeling coming up my throat oh god I think I'm about to start throwing up. I run into the bathroom and throw up as much as my body wants me too.

Robert's P.O.V

I look towards Bri and ask “Should I be worried?" she shakes her head nervously. I run towards the bathroom and try to open the door but I guess Esmi locked it. “Babe open the door" I tell her “Babe please come out" she opens the door and I see that she is crying.

“Babe what's wro-" she interrupts me by saying “Robert I'm pregnant" I stand there in shock with a loss of words. At this point I don't know what to do I'm kinda happy yet nervous and scared also shocked all at the same time. I get away from Esmi and leave the house.

I need some time to process this whole thing. She can't be prego she's smarter than that I know she is but then again it's equally my fault to. I finally arrive back to our crews house and make my way in my room without saying a word to anybody.

Esmi's P.O.V

I can't believe he walked away from me I knew he wasn't gonna be happy about it. “You see Bri I told you he wouldn't be happy about it" I tell her with tears starting to stream down my face. “Esmi your gonna be ok" she tries to comfort me but it just makes me want to cry even more.

“How do you know?" I ask her still sobbing “I just know, how about I go talk to Robert see who he's taking it" she offers. I nod my head agreeing with her offer. “Okay I'll be back" she tells me “I'll be here" I say and with that said she walked out of our house.

Bri's P.O.V

I'm currently driving to the crew's house right now so I can talk to Robert I say talk but I'm gonna beat his sorry ass. I finally arrive the crew's house and barge in once again but this time I'm not looking for Carter. “WHERE THE FUCK IS ROBERT" Alex comes walking in and says “Not this again" I ignore his side comment and make my way to Robert's room.

I walk in and see he is just laying down on his bed “Dude what the fuck happened back there you left your girlfriend and that's fucked up."I said “I know I just didn't know how to react, I love her and all but a kid is too much to handle especially when your living a life like ours" he said I admit he did make since but he didn't have to leave Esmi all by herself.

“Well if you love her like you say you do you would get your mother fucking ass up and go pick up Esmi and tell her your happy about being a dad, also you are gonna call a group meeting so you could tell everyone in the house that she is pregnant" I explain to him. “And" he waves his hand in a circular motion indicating to move on.

“And one of us is gonna have to take care of her and it's not gonna be me your gonna have to get Alex or Zach to do it." I say he agrees with the plan.

Robert's P.O.V

Okay right now I have to apologize to Esmi because it was a pretty stupid thing to do what I did I walked out on her that is something I don't want to do ever again.

“Babe could you open the door" I tell her through the door “,Why so you can just leave again" she says in a heartbroken tone. “No I wanted to apologize to you and I love you" I hear footsteps come towards the door she opens it and she is still sobbing. “Babe don't cry I love you I'm sorry" I tell her trying to sound apologetic.

“I don't believe you prove it to me" she tells me I walk into her house, “I didn't say you could come I-" I shut her up by kissing her on the lips. I pull away “Do you believe me know?" she smiles and kisses me again.

Bri's P.O.V

I am now just waiting for Esmi and Robert to come and confess there secret. Carter doesn't know I'm here so that's good. I wonder what Alex and Zach are gonna say I could careless what Carter has to say.

But if he says something stupid I'm gonna punch him in the Fucking face.

Author's note

Omg Esmi finally told Robert she was pregnant.

Carter kinda jelly with Bri and Nash

Oh and there gonna have to tell everyone that Esmi is pregnant I wonder how that's gonna go?

So yea make sure you VOTE for the next chapter

Love you guy's.

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